Bug in PAKCS data inspection ¿?

From: Juan Carlos González Moreno <jcmoreno_at_uvigo.es>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 11:32:14 +0200

Hi everybody,
        this week an student report me de following code:

infixr 5 :<
data Seq a = a | a :< Seq a

crear :: Seq Int
crear = 1 :< (2 :< 3)

--Devolver primer elemento
devolPrimero :: Seq Int -> Int
devolPrimero (a :< _) = a

goal :: Int
goal = devolPrimero crear

i know it is clear the problem with it but the error that PAKCS shows

Parsing 'local.curry'...
generating local.fcy ...
"local.curry", line 6.9: Type error in infix application
2 :< 3
Term: 3
Inferred type: Prelude.Int
Expected type: Seq Prelude.Int
Types Seq Prelude.Int and Prelude.Int are incompatible
ERROR occurred during parsing!

The question is why PAKCS no detect that the problem is with data
definition ¿?

data Seq a = a | a :< Seq a

Thanks to every body

Juan Carlos González Moreno

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