Re: Intended meaning

From: Michael Hanus <>
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 08:10:02 +0200

Sergio Antoy wrote:
> Given the following program:
> test = 1+x ? zero x where x free
> zero 0 = 0
> what should the evaluation of test produce?

>From the current language definition,
the evaluation has two nondeterministic branches,
one (1+x) suspends and one (zero x) evaluates to 0.
In a fair implementation, you good a suspended evaluation
and 0, in an unfair (based on backtracking like PAKCS),
it suspends. If you switch the order of expressions,
you'd first get 0 and then a suspension.

Best regards,

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Received on Do Okt 25 2007 - 09:33:13 CEST

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