[curry] pakcs installation gave "inappropriate ioctl" error; I tried to rebuild `pakcs`; now I can't even build `pakcs`

From: Jeffrey Brown <jeffbrown.the_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2018 17:34:07 -0500

[This email is duplicated in markdown form here

`pakcs` started giving me this error, no matter where I ran it from:

    jeff_at_jeff-inspiron-2017:~/logic/curry/rslt$ pakcs
    [FATAL ERROR: at Sun Dec 2 17:07:26 2018
            Could not open resource database
"/home/jeff/logic/curry/install/pakcs-2.0.2/bin/cypm": Inappropriate ioctl
for device]

    jeff_at_jeff-inspiron-2017:~/logic/curry/rslt$ cd ..

After installing `pakcs` (from `pakcs-2.0.2-amd64-Linux.tar.gz`), I had
made a copy of the folder. I figured the original must have got corrupted,
so I deleted it and replaced it with the copy that I made after first
installing. I still got the same "inappropriate ioctl" error. So I tried
running `make` again, without first running `make clean`. I got this error

Then I ran `make clean`, and got no apparent errors

But I still can't `make` the project





Jeff Brown | Jeffrey Benjamin Brown
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