[curry] Haskell-related summer internship in Germany

From: Finn Teegen <fte_at_informatik.uni-kiel.de>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2018 17:04:31 +0100

Our department (PL and compiler construction) again offers a summer
internship in 2019 sponsored by DAAD Rise Germany [1]. Undergraduate
students enrolled at North American, British and Irish universities are
eligible to make an application. We'd be very happy to host a motivated
student, who is keen to improve our compiler for the functional logic
programming language Curry in terms of performance. For more information
you may have a look at our project poster [2]. If you have any
questions, feel free to mail any of the contact persons.

Please also spread the news to your students and classmates.

Sandra and Finn

[1]: https://www.daad.de/rise/en/rise-germany/
[2]: https://www-ps.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~sad/DAADRise.pdf
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