DESMA'07 2nd call for papers

From: Juan Carlos González Moreno <>
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 13:35:06 +0200

EXTENDED Abstract Deadline: April,31

> *** Apologise for cross-posting ***
> Submissions of abstracts: April, 31
> Submissions of papers: May, 7
> ======================================================================
> Third Edition of “Taller en
> DEsarrollo de Sistemas Multi-Agente (DESMA'07)”
> <>
> Promoted by: AgentCities.ES
> DESMA'07 is a workshop included in
> II Congreso Español de Informática
> <>
> Zaragoza, 11 a 14 de Septiembre 2007
> In the latest years, Agent Oriented Development has become a new
> Software Engineering paradigm. Agent concept provides a powerful
> abstraction tool in complex distributed systems construction. The
> Multiagent Software Development is achieving industrial
> reconnaissance thanks to the advances in supporting tools and
> methodologies.
> The main aim of this workshop is to debate ideas and opinions,
> share experience and make public results related with practical
> experiences in Multiagent Systems (MAS) development.
> In this edition, those papers related with MAS development will be
> specially valuated. So, if your investigation team has developed
> one of those systems, this can be a good forum to make people known.
> In addition to software applications, Workshop Topics include, but
> are not limited to:
> • Agent Oriented Methodologies for Analysis and Design.
> • Requirements specification and Analysis in Multiagent Systems (MAS).
> • MAS-based Methods and development processes.
> • MAS metamodelling.
> • Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) for MAS.
> • Verification and proof techniques for MAS.
> • Formal methods for Agent Oriented systems.
> • Reutilization issues in MAS.
> • MAS application in industrial environments.
> • Real Case studies.
> • Problems in MAS applications. Proposed solutions.
> • Experiences in MAS application.
> • CASE tools for MAS support.
> • MAS application to specific domains.
> • Automatic code generation in MAS.
> • Programming techniques in agent oriented languages.
> • Technologies and notation related to MAS (MOF, UML, OCL, XMI).
> Important dates:
> • Abstract Submission deadline : Apr, 16 (Monday)
> • Paper Submission deadline : May, 7 (Monday)
> • Acceptance notification : Jun, 1 (Friday)
> • Camera-ready due : Jun, 12
> • Workshop date : September, 11
> Paper submission guidelines:
> Papers, written in English or Spanish, must follow the CEDI
> conference rules for sending and presentation.
> The communication can be written in Word or Latex processors.
> Templates for both systems will be provided. Use instructions as
> well as an example file with all the presentation rules will be
> also available. Following all the rules is extremely important, in
> order to achieve homogeneity in Workshop Proceedings and in the
> Conference CD. This CD will contain all the works accepted in the
> main Conference: CEDI 2007.
> Once the paper is finished, it must be transform to PDF format and
> sent to Program Committee using the Workshop web site: <http://
> Accepted papers will be published in CEDI’07 Proceedings. Each
> Workshop will have its own proceedings published by Thomson-
> Paraninfo, with ISBN. In addition, a CD or DVD with all the
> accepted papers will be published.
> Latin-American participation in CEDI:
> In order to encourage Latin-American participation in CEDI’07,
> organising committee is trying to manage grants for Latin-American
> professors who have an accepted communication. The amount of the
> grant will be around 350€, which will finance the registration and
> the lodging (in a Resident for students in the Universidad de
> Zaragoza).
> In addition, special discounts (30% or 25 %) from Iberia and Renfe
> for conference participants have been achieved.
> Program Committee:
> • Amparo Alonso - Universidad de La Coruña
> • Josep Ll. Arcos - IIIA (CSIC)
> • Juan A. Botía - Universidad de Murcia
> • Juan C. Burguillo - Universidad de Vigo
> • Javier Carbó - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
> • Juan M. Corchado - Universidad de Salamanca
> • Rafael Corchuelo - Universidad de Sevilla
> • Ulises Cortés - Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
> • Antonio Fernández-Caballero - Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
> • Rubén Fuentes - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
> • Luis A. García-Fernández - Universidad Jaume I
> • Ana García-Serrano - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
> • Alma Gómez - Universidad de vigo
> • Sergio Ilarri - Universidad de Zaragoza
> • Vicente J. Julian - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
> • Nicolas Kemper Valverde - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
> • Rosalía Laza - Universidad de Vigo
> • Beatriz López - Universidad de Girona
> • José M. Molina - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
> • Antonio Moreno - Universidad Rovira i Virgili
> • Juan Pavón Mestras - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
> • Joaquín Peña - Universidad de Sevilla
> • Viviane Torres Da Silva - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
> • Aurora Vizcaino - Universidad de Castilla la Mancha
> Organizing Committee:
> Juan Carlos González Moreno - Universidade de Vigo
> Jorge Gómez Sanz - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
> Pedro Cuesta Morales - Universidade de Vigo
> Dr. Juan Carlos González Moreno
> Main researcher of
> Grupo Web de Agentes Inteligentes (GWAI)

Dr. Juan Carlos González Moreno
Coordinador del Programa de Doctorado
Tecnologías avanzadas para el desarrollo de software inteligente
Dpto. Informática
Universidad de Vigo

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Received on Mo Apr 16 2007 - 15:10:41 CEST

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