Last CFP: WRS 2007 (Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming)

From: Juergen Giesl <>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 16:39:26 +0200

[Apologies if you receive this more than once]

Deadline for abstract & title: April 19, 2007
Deadline for papers: April 23, 2007


                              WRS 2007

                  7th International Workshop on
        Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming

                  Paris, France, June 25, 2007

                    held in conjunction with the
4th Federated Conference on Rewriting, Deduction, and Programming (RDP 2007)


     The workshop intends to promote and stimulate international
     research and collaboration in the area of strategies.
     It encourages the presentation of new directions, developments,
     and results as well as surveys and tutorials on existing knowledge
     in this area.

     Reduction strategies study which subexpression(s) of an expression should be
     selected for evaluation and which rule(s) should be applied. These
     choices affect fundamental properties of a computation such as
     laziness, strictness, completeness, and need, to name a few. For this
     reason some programming languages, e.g., Elan, Maude, *OBJ*, and
     Stratego, allow the explicit definition of the evaluation
     strategy, whereas other languages, e.g., Clean, Curry, and Haskell,
     allow its modification.

     In addition to evaluation strategies, WRS 07 also covers the use of
     strategies and tactics in other areas such as theorem proving and
     termination proving.

     Thus, strategies pose challenging theoretical problems and
     play an important role in practical tools such as
     theorem provers, model checkers, and programming languages. In
     implementations of languages, strategies bridge the gap between
     operational principles, e.g., graph and term rewriting, narrowing
     and lambda-calculus, and semantics, e.g., normalization,
     computation of values and head-normalization.

     The previous editions of the workshop were: WRS 2001 (Utrecht, The
     Netherlands), WRS 2002 (Copenhagen, Denmark), WRS 2003 (Valencia,
     Spain), WRS 2004 (Aachen, Germany), WRS 2005 (Nara, Japan), and
     WRS 2006 (Seattle, USA). See also the WRS permanent page at


     Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

     * theoretical foundations for the definition and semantic
       description of reduction strategies

     * strategies in different frameworks such as term rewriting, graph
       rewriting, infinitary rewriting, lambda calculi, higher order
       rewriting, conditional rewriting, rewriting with built-ins,
       narrowing, constraint solving, etc.

     * application of strategies to equational, functional,
       functional-logic, and any other kind of programming language

     * strategies and tactics in theorem proving, termination proving, etc.

     * properties of reduction strategies and corresponding computations,
       e.g., completeness, computability, decidability, complexity,
       optimality, normalization, cofinality, fairness, perpetuality,
       context-freedom, need, laziness, eagerness, strictness

     * interrelations, combinations and applications of reduction under
       different strategies, e.g., evaluation mechanisms in programming
       languages, equivalence conditions for fundamental properties like
       termination and confluence, applications in modularity analysis,
       connections between strategies of different frameworks, etc.

     * program analysis and other semantics-based optimization
       techniques dealing with reduction strategies

     * rewrite systems, tools, implementations with flexible or
       programmable strategies

     * specification of reduction strategies in real languages

     * strategies suitable to software engineering problems and

     * tutorials and systems related to strategies

Program Committee

     * Sergio Antoy (Portland State U, USA)
     * Horatiu Cirstea (LORIA Nancy, France)
     * Manuel Clavel (U Madrid, Spain)
     * Francisco Duran (U Malaga, Spain)
     * Maribel Fernandez (KC London, UK)
     * Juergen Giesl (RWTH Aachen, Germany), chair
     * Bernhard Gramlich (TU Vienna, Austria)
     * Salvador Lucas (U Valencia, Spain)
     * Aart Middeldorp (U Innsbruck, Austria)
     * Mizuhito Ogawa (JAIST Ishikawa, Japan)
     * Vincent van Oostrom (U Utrecht, The Netherlands)
     * Jaco van de Pol (CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
     * Masahiko Sakai (U Nagoya, Japan)

Invited Speakers

     * Rachid Echahed (IMAG Grenoble, France)
     * Pierre-Etienne Moreau (LORIA Nancy, France)

Important Dates

      April 19, 2007 Deadline for electronic submission of title and abstract
      April 23, 2007 Deadline for electronic submission of papers
      May 18, 2007 Notification of acceptance of papers
      June 8, 2007 Deadline for final versions of accepted papers
      June 25, 2007 Workshop


     The workshop will have both informal and formal proceedings:

     * The informal proceedings contain all accepted submissions
       (of both category (A) and (B), see below).
       They will be distributed at the workshop and will also be available

     * The formal proceedings contain all accepted submissions
       of category (A), see below. The formal proceedings will be published
       by Elsevier as a volume of ENTCS.


     There are two categories of submissions:

      (A) Submissions to the formal proceedings

          These submissions must describe unpublished work.
          All accepted submissions of this category will
          be published both in the informal and in the formal proceedings.

      (B) Submissions to the informal proceedings

          Accepted submissions of this category will be published
          in the informal proceedings, but not in the formal proceedings.
          These submissions may also describe work that

          * may already have been submitted or published elsewhere or
          * will be submitted or published elsewhere or
          * is still in progress

     Accepted submissions of both categories will be presented at
     the workshop (where the talks for papers of both categories
     have the same length).

     The page limit for papers in both category (A) and (B)
     is 15 pages in ENTCS-style. The necessary style files and
     instructions can be found at

     We also explicitly solicit survey and tutorial submissions
     (of either category) which may be longer.

     The submission page for WRS 2007 is


     Juergen Giesl,

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