New PAKCS (Version 1.7.0) available

From: Michael Hanus <>
Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2005 18:42:28 +0100

Dear Colleagues,

I like to announce the availability of a new major release
of PAKCS. The new version 1.7.0 is available for downloading
via the usual web page

This version contains a new front end (adapted from the
Muenster Curry Compiler, thanks to Wolfgang Lux for his
excellent work) which fixes the bugs in previous releases of PAKCS.

Furthermore, the Prolog back end has been changed so that
it is executable with SICStus-Prolog OR SWI-Prolog.
The latter change has been done due to numerous requests
to run PAKCS with a license-free Prolog system.
SWI-Prolog is freely available for various platforms
(see and already contained
in some Linux distributions. Thus, you can run the new PAKCS
release immediately if SWI-Prolog is available on your machine.
After downloading the PAKCS distribution, a simple "make"
should be sufficient (note that Java is no longer required
to run PAKCS). Since everything has its pros and cons,
running PAKCS with SWI-Prolog is less efficient than with
SICStus-Prolog (and the constraint libraries CLPR and CLPFD
are currently not available, but this might change in future
releases of SWI-Prolog).

Have fun and let me know any problems, suggestions etc,


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Received on Mo Dez 05 2005 - 18:46:07 CET

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