TPLP special issue call for papers

From: Maria Garcia de la Banda <>
Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2005 21:09:40 +1100

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Subject: TPLP special issue call for papers
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Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2005 21:09:40 +1100
From: Maria Garcia de la Banda <>

[Apologies for multiple copies]

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Special Issue of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming on
Implementation of Logic Programming Systems.

Guest Editors: Bart Demoen and Maria Garcia de la Banda

Logic programming saw the light more than 30 years ago, with the first
implementation of Prolog appearing in 1972 by Philippe Roussel and Alain
Colmerauer. Since then, implementation has been one of the driving forces
of the field and has generated a significant amount of both theoretical
research and running systems. While a certain maturity has been reached for
some of the more traditional aspects of Logic Programming, new areas have
also emerged and are currently being explored. Work in these new areas has
resulted in many different languages and systems such as OZ, Mercury, CIAO,
Erlang, XSB, SModels, DLV, ECLiPSe, B-Prolog, HAL, SICStus, etc.
Therefore, the journal on Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP)
is planning a special issue on the implementation of logic programming
systems to appear in 2007.

The aim of this special issue of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
is to attract high-quality research papers on the implementation of logic
programming systems. The focus of this issue is on implementation itself,
therefore we expect papers whose main contribution resides in presenting
implementation issues per se. The emphasis is on system design,
implementation techniques, and integration, rather than on topics such as
performance, new paradigms, analysis domains or applications.

In-depth surveys introducing newcomers into the field and comparisons of
different implementation techniques are also solicited.


Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

    * Answer set programming
    * Compilation
    * Concurrency
    * Constraint Support
    * Databases
    * Debugging
    * Distributed Programming
    * Memoization
    * Memory management
    * Model generation
    * Parallelism
    * Programming environments
    * System integration


Revised and enhanced versions of papers published at conferences that have
not appeared in archival journals are eligible for submission. Papers
describing important past research in this area which have not been
published in archival journal papers are also solicited. Surveys and
comparison of state of the art techniques are also solicited.

For any doubt regarding the appropriateness of the topic of a paper
for this special issue please email either to Bart Demoen
( or to Maria Garcia de la Banda

Papers should be written in English, and formatted using the LaTeX style
files developed by Cambridge University Press for TPLP and which can be
downloaded from

To submit please send an e-mail version to both Bart Demoen
( and Maria Garcia de la Banda
( For further information, please look at:

Important Dates
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First call for papers
        December 2005
        June 15, 2006
        February 15, 2006
Final version due:
        May 1, 2007

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