This module contains some operations for processing packages, like installing package sources, cleaning packages, rendering package infos.
:: Package -> PackageSource -> String -> IO ([LogEntry],Either LogEntry ())
Installs the source of the package from the given source location into the subdirectory packageId pkg
of the given directory.
:: LogLevel -> IO ([LogEntry],Either LogEntry ())
Cleans auxiliary files in the local package, i.e., the package containing the current working directory. |
:: Bool -> Bool -> Maybe Bool -> Package -> String
Renders information about a package. |
:: String -> IO ([LogEntry],Either LogEntry String)
Tries to find a package specification in the current directory or one of its ancestors. |
:: String -> IO ([LogEntry],Either LogEntry (Maybe String))
Tries to find a package specification in the current directory or one of its ancestors. |
Installs the source of the package from the given source location
into the subdirectory |
Cleans auxiliary files in the local package, i.e., the package containing the current working directory. |
Renders information about a package. |
Tries to find a package specification in the current directory or one of its ancestors. |
Tries to find a package specification in the current directory or one of its
ancestors. Returns |