Module HTML.Parser

This module contains a very simple parser for HTML documents.

Author: Michael Hanus

Version: October 2017

Summary of exported operations:

readHtmlFile :: String -> IO [HtmlExp]   
Reads a file with HTML text and returns the corresponding HTML expressions.
parseHtmlString :: String -> [HtmlExp]   
Transforms an HTML string into a list of HTML expressions.

Exported operations:

readHtmlFile :: String -> IO [HtmlExp]   

Reads a file with HTML text and returns the corresponding HTML expressions.

Example call:
(readHtmlFile file)
  • file : the name of a file containing HTML text
a list of HTML expressions (if the file contains exactly one HTML document, this list should contain exactly one element)

parseHtmlString :: String -> [HtmlExp]   

Transforms an HTML string into a list of HTML expressions. If the HTML string is a well structured document, the list of HTML expressions should contain exactly one element.