Prof. Dr. Michael Hanus Institut fuer Informatik eMail:, CAU Kiel Phone: ++49-431-880-7271 D-24098 Kiel Fax: ++49-431-880-7613 Germany WWW: *********************** ** License Agreement ** *********************** concerning the use and distribution of the program system ALF, subsequently called ``the system'', between subsequently called ``the licensee'', and Michael Hanus, subsequently called ``the licenser''. 1. The licenser grants the licensee rights to use the software for its employees, customers, or students on arbitrary computers for evaluation, research and teaching purposes. It has no right to use the system for commercial purposes or for any purposes serving military interests. 2. The licensee has no right to give or sell the system to third parties without written permission from the licenser. 3. The licenser makes no warranty regarding the correctness of the system or its documentation. The licensee accepts the system ``as is''. 4. The licenser has no obligation to maintain the system. Nevertheless the licensee is encouraged to report to the licenser any problems with or suggestions for improvement of the system. 5. The licenser has no obligation to make new releases available to the licensee, but were such updates are supplied they shall be governed by the terms of this agreement. 6. The licensee has the right to adapt the software to its own requirements. In this case, the modified software will become subject of this license agreement. 7. If results and experiences of the work with the system are published by the licensee, it will send copies of these papers to the licenser.