-- Task: compute all arithmetic expressions containing exactly -- the numbers 2,3,6,8 having the value 24 -- Compute some permutation of an integer list: permute :: [Int] -> [Int] permute [] = [] permute (x:xs) | us ++ vs == permute xs = us ++ [x] ++ vs where us,vs free -- Datatype to represent arithmetic expressions data Exp = Num Int | Add Exp Exp | Sub Exp Exp | Mul Exp Exp | Div Exp Exp deriving Show -- Evaluate some arithmetic expression to a value if -- this arithmetic expression contains a given list of numbers test :: Exp -> [Int] -> Int --test (Num y) [z] | z == y = y test (Num y) [y] = y test (Add e1 e2) zs | split u v zs = test e1 u + test e2 v where u,v free test (Sub e1 e2) zs | split u v zs = test e1 u - test e2 v where u,v free test (Mul e1 e2) zs | split u v zs = test e1 u * test e2 v where u,v free test (Div e1 e2) zs | split u v zs = test e1 u `opdiv` test e2 v where u,v free opdiv a b | b /= 0 && a `mod` b == 0 = a `div` b -- Split is satisfied if the two first non-empty(!) lists concatenates -- to the third list. split :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool split (u:us) (v:vs) zs | (u:us) ++ (v:vs) == zs = True -- Main expression to solve the game: -- > solve $ test exp (permute [2,3,6,8]) == 24 where exp free