Debian/Ubuntu packages for PAKCS

From: Michael Hanus <>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2017 18:41:47 +0200

Dear Curry users,

as I announced a couple of months ago on this mailing list,
PAKCS (Version 1.14.2) is available as a package for
Ubuntu 17.04. Unfortunately, some libraries in this
official package are not pre-compiled so that one might
get compilation errors when one uses these specific libraries.

In the meantime, we started to provide our own packages
for Debian und Ubuntu of various PAKCS releases (also
a nightly build of PAKCS with type classes).
Hence, if you run Debian 9.x or Ubuntu 17.04
(or newer), you can install packages for PAKCS
from our server. Instructions can be found at

For instance, if you want to install the latest version of PAKCS
on your Ubuntu 17.04 system, do the following steps:

1. Let APT trust our package server by executing

  $ wget -qO - | sudo
apt-key add -

2. Add the line

deb zesty

to your system file /etc/apt/sources.list (look into the web
page above for alternative PAKCS releases).

3. Update your package information and install PAKCS by:

  $ sudo apt-get update
  $ sudo apt-get install pakcs

Have fun!

curry mailing list
Received on Do Okt 26 2017 - 18:42:28 CEST

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