CfP: 2nd Workshop on Actors and Active Objects (WAO 2017); Satellite event of iFM17 [Extended]

From: Salvador Tamarit <>
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2017 13:25:27 +0200

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.]


      WAO 2017
     2nd Workshop on Actors and Active Objects

  A Satellite workshop of iFM 2017
   Torino, Italy
 18 September 2017

Description of the workshop

Distribution and concurrency are currently mainstream. The Internet
and the broad availability of multi-processors radically influence
software. This brings renewed interest in developing both new
concurrency models and associated programming languages techniques
that help in understanding, analyzing, and verifying the behavior of
concurrent and distributed programs. The actors or active objects
concurrency model has emerged as an alternative to the usual
thread-based concurrency model, providing programmers with high-level
concurrency constructs that help in producing concurrent applications
more modularly and in a less error-prone way. It is gaining a lot of
popularity mainly because of the success of languages like Scala and
Erlang. Also, most mainstream languages are nowadays providing actors
or active-objects libraries.

The objective of the workshop is to discuss about current evolution of
actors and active objects and related languages, technology and
tools. The goal is to make the workshop an active discussion forum for
all work related to actor languages and active-objects in order to
have a better view on the current and future trends in this field and
perhaps build longer term collaborations. The workshop will be a
mixture of invited presentations and short tutorials on
state-of-the-art languages/techniques/tools by experts in the field,
presentations of recently published high-quality papers, prototype
demonstrations, and presentations of proofs-of-concept and promising

Invited speaker

Lars Ake Fredlund, Technical University of Madrid

Important dates

  Abstract submission: June 7, 2017 (extended)
  Paper submission: June 9, 2017 (extended)
  Notification: July 10, 2017

Submission information

We solicit papers in the following categories:

(1) Regular research papers of at most 12 pages (excluding references)
    describing original scientific research results or its relevance
    to real applications. Case studies and tool demonstrations are
    also welcome, in these cases with a maximum length of 8 pages. The
    paper should explain why the technique/case-study/tool is relevant
    for the community, and, in particular, for
    practitioners. Submissions will be judged on the basis of
    significance, relevance, correctness, originality, and clarity.

(2) Position papers of at most 4 pages describing exciting but not
    fully polished research (proofs-of-concept, promising ideas,

(3) High-quality already published papers. Authors will send an
    extended abstract of at most 2 pages describing the work and a
    link to the publication.

Revised versions of accepted papers of category (1), taking into
account the feedback received at the workshop, will be published in a
volume of the Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science
(EPTCS) series after the workshop. For submissions in categories (2)
and (3) there will be a light-weight reviewing process where
submissions will be judged on their interest to the workshop audience.

Papers will be submitted (in PDF format) through Easychair at


Miguel Gomez-Zamalloa, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Guillermo Roman-Diez, Technical University of Madrid, Spain

All questions about the workshop can be addressed to them via mail:

Program Committee

Gul Agha University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Nikolaos Bezirgiannis Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI)
Richard Bubel Technische Universitat Darmstadt
Stijn De Gouw Open University (OU), The Netherlands
Enrique Martin-Martin Complutense University of Madrid
Ludovic Henrio CNRS, Sophia Antipolis, France
Ka I Pun University of Oslo
Rudolf Schlatte University of Oslo
Kostis Sagonas Uppsala University
Salvador Tamarit Technical University of Madrid

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Received on Fr Jun 02 2017 - 13:27:53 CEST

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