PROHA 2016 (_at_ CGO'16): Early Registration Deadline (Feb 3)

From: Salvador Tamarit <>
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 23:23:09 +0100



       First Workshop on Program Transformation
  for Programmability in Heterogeneous Architectures


      Barcelona, 12th March 2016
      In conjunction with the CGO'16 Conference

==== Early Bird Registration: February 3rd, 2016 ====

       For registration information, please see


The PROHA workshop focuses on techniques and foundations to make it
possible to perform source code transformations that preserve the
intended semantics of the original code and improve efficiency,
portability or maintainability. The topics of interest for the
workshop include, non-exclusively: program annotations to capture
algorithmic properties and intended code semantics; programming
paradigms able to express underlying (mathematical) properties of
code; usage of dynamic and static mechanisms to infer relevant code
properties; transformations which preserve intended semantics;
strategies to apply transformations; heuristics to guide program
transformation and techniques to synthesize / learn these heuristics;
tools supporting the aforementioned topics.

Venue: Gran Hotel Princesa Sofia, Barcelona, Spain.

Please consult the workshop website ( for an
up-to-date program.


Received on Mi Feb 03 2016 - 08:26:36 CET

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