Re: PAKCS no longer builds with current SWI release

From: Michael Hanus <>
Date: Wed, 02 Sep 2015 11:11:16 +0200

On 09/02/2015 10:44 AM, ⁣ ⁣ wrote:
> Just a heads up that PAKCS no longer builds with help of SWI 7.2.x, at
> least on OS X platform.
> Still builds and works when using SWI 6.6.6, though with a lot of
> "Pattern matches are non-exhaustive" warnings.

The warnings are ok (we introduced them for spotting possible errors
but didn't update all existing programs to turn off the warning where
they make sense).

Unfortunately, the problem with SWI 7.* is more serious.
The SWI developers decided to change SWI-Prolog 7 so that it is
no longer compatible with the ISO standard of Prolog.
In particular, they changed the name of the list constructor
from '.' to '[|]', compare

As you can imagine, lists occur everywhere in a Prolog program
so that this change is serious. Although the SWI developers argue
that this change affects only a few programs, this is not the case
for PAKCS since lists and their internal representation are used
to obtain an efficient implementation of Curry's lists.

The challenge is to adapt the implementation of PAKCS so that
it compiles with ISO-conform Prolog systems and SWI-Prolog,
which is not trivial. Hence, for the time being, you have to
use SWI 6.*

I am sorry that this is not mentioned in the installation instructions,
but I detected this problem only recently. Since there is no quick
solution, I'll update the installation instructions.

Best regards,


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