Hello everybody,
can anybody start the simple AddServer example
of Socket communciation using PAKCS based
on SWI-Prolog? I get the following errors:
AddServer> addServer
{ERROR: error(existence_error(procedure, prologbasics:tcp_socket/1),
context(prologbasics:listenOnNewSocket/3, _G5133))}
AddServer> :fork addServer
ERROR: prologbasics:forkProcessForGoal/1: Undefined procedure:
Exception: (6) pakcsMain ? creep
Or is the sockets stuff only intended to run with
Sicstus? I have not tried this for license reasons, but I
have tried with MCC where this works like a charm.
Thanks a lot!
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Received on Di Apr 08 2008 - 09:45:45 CEST