PhD position available at the CLIP group, UPM, Spain

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Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 01:47:15 +0100


                            Research Grant
                     To pursue PhD studies in the
                CLIP group (
                Technical University of Madrid (Spain)
        in the context of the S-Cube EU Network of Excellence


The CLIP group at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) invites
applications for a fully-funded 4-year PhD scholarship for qualified
graduate students.

Candidates should have graduated (with a Bachelor level or equivalent)
in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or related fields prior to
the start of their research work at UPM. Candidates close to
fulfilling this requirement can also apply, and every case will be
considered separately. Please include as much relevant information as

The PhD work will focus on the research areas of the Clip group and
the EU-funded S-Cube network, and will be directed by Manuel Carro and
Manuel Hermenegildo. The general research objective of "S-Cube:
Software and Services Systems Network" is to advance in the
consolidation of a unified framework for Software and Services by
studying how to reliably integrate the different requirements for a
service-based application (SBA), including establishing ground work to
define how tools to ensure SBAs can be implemented. Among other
topics, this includes ensuring quality of service, and performing
validation and verification of SBA or parts thereof --tasks in which
UPM is directly involved.

This is also an outstanding opportunity to get involved in tasks which
require international collaboration, as the 15 S-Cube partners come
from 11 different countries. Besides purely research issues, a
significant part of S-Cube deals with integrating existing European
research in the field by, e.g., organizing workshops, striving to
establish a researcher exchange network, and others. The CLIP group
itself has currently around 20 full-time members from 6 different
countries. The working language of the group (and of the project) is
English, and good to excellent command of English is expected from

Experience in / knowledge of (or, at least, interest in) the following
topics, despite not being mandatory, increases the chances of success:

    * Software verification.
    * Software validation.
    * (Constraint) Logic Programming.
    * Technology for and deployment of Web Services.
    * Quality of service in software services.
    * Service-oriented architectures.

Applications and information:

The project starts on March 1, 2008, and will initially run for four
years. The grant will be given in the form of a full-time contract
which includes academic fees, medical care, and a tax-free monthly
payment which can range from 1,100 to 1,600 euros, depending on
experience. Applicants will be ranked according to their value and
only those in the shortlist will be contacted to ask for more details
or to have a personal interview.

The deadline for applications is February 15th, 2008. Applications
received after this deadline may be considered if the scholarships
have not been filled at reception time. Applications and inquiries
should be sent to scube-phd-grants[_a_at_t_] (replace
[_a_at_t_] by the appropriate sign) and include a curriculum vitae (very
preferably in PDF), a listing of grades from previous studies, a brief
description of research interests in relation to those of the CLIP
group and S-Cube, and, if at all possible, letters of recommendation
from faculty or management that the student has worked with

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