Re: Bug in PAKCS data inspection ¿?

From: Juan Carlos González Moreno <>
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 12:32:20 +0200

Hi again,
I am sorry and i don't want to polemicize. But the question
is: Anyone knows and have use a similar data definition to:

>> data Seq a = a | a :< Seq a

in which use the the type variable name to define a new data
constructor ?

For me in this situation the expected error message must appear just
in the first line because i expect that
the interpreter must consider that "a" is a type variable introduced
in the left side of the definition and then
if it appears with no constructor associated in the right side then
this definition must be considered as a wrong
definition. If not the a renaming is done by the interpreter and it
is not clear for me how works this renaming

1) data Seq a = b | b :< Seq b
2) data Seq a = b | a :< Seq a
3) data Seq a = b | b :< Seq a
4) data Seq a = b | a :< Seq b ...


Juan Carlos González Moreno

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