LADS'007 - Call for Papers - Workshop on Languages, methodologies and Development tools for multi-agent Systems

From: LADS'007 Co-organisers <>
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2007 12:57:51 +0000


                          CALL FOR PAPERS

                 Submission deadline: June 1, 2007

                   Springer LNAI Post-Proceedings

LADS'007 - First Workshop on Languages, methodologies and Development
                    tools for multi-agent Systems


Part of MALLOW'007, a federation of workshops on Multi-Agent Logics,
                    Languages, and Organisations

                        September 3-7, 2007

                       Durham, United Kingdom


Aim and Scope:

This workshop is dedicated to formal approaches, programming
languages, tools and techniques that support the development of
multi-agent systems. LADS'007 aims to address both theoretical and
practical issues related to developing and deploying multi-agent
systems and promotes the discussion and exchange of ideas concerning
concepts, methodologies, techniques and principles that are
important for multi-agent programming technology, and application in
areas such as the electronic institutions, semantic web, web
services, security, grid computing, ambient intelligence, pervasive
computing, and electronic contracting.

This workshop welcomes submissions of original papers concerning all
aspects of multi-agent development and deployment. Topics include
but are not limited to:

- Programming languages for multi-agent systems
- Extensions of traditional languages for multi-agent programming
- Semantics for multi-agent programming languages
- Implementation of social and organisational aspects of MAS
- Modal and epistemic logics for agent modelling
- Model checking agents and multi-agent systems
- Algorithms for multi-agent issues (e.g., coordination, cooperation,
  negotiation, distributed constraint satisfaction)
- Declarative approaches to engineering agent systems
- Declarative models of agent beliefs and capabilities
- Declarative models of bounded rationality
- Declarative paradigms for the combination of heterogeneous agents
- Specification and verification logics
- Logic programming approaches to agent systems
- Methodologies for MAS analysis and design
- Agent-oriented requirements analysis and specification
- Theoretical and practical aspects of multi-agent programming
- Computational complexity of MAS
- High-level executable multi-agent specification languages
- Agent communication in multi-agent programming
- Implementation of social and organisational aspects of MAS
- Agent development tools and platforms
- Generic tools and infrastructures for multi-agent programming
- Interoperability and standards for MAS
- Programming of mobile agents
- Safety and security for mobile MAS deployment
- Fault tolerance and load balancing for mobile MAS
- Formal methods for specification and verification of MAS
- Verification tools for implementations of MAS
- Experimental analysis of declarative agent technologies
- Industrial experiences with (declarative) agent technologies
- Service-oriented multiagent systems
- Protocol specification and conformance checking
- Declarative description of contracts and negotiation policies
- Application areas for multi-agent programming languages
- Applications using legacy systems
- Programming MAS for Grid-based applications
- Programming MAS for the Semantic Web
- Deployed (industrial-strength) MAS
- Benchmarks and testbeds for comparing MAS languages and tools
- Test and debugging tools and techniques for MAS
- Electronic institutions

Paper Submission and Publication:

Papers should be written in English, formatted according to the
Springer LNCS style, and they should not exceed sixteen (16) pages
including title page, figures, references, etc. Print and electronic
post-proceedings of selected and revised LADS'007 papers will be
published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence series.

Important dates:

- Submission: 1 June 2007
- Notification: 6 July 2007
- Camera-ready: 20 July 2007
- Workshop: 4-6 September 2007

Organising Committee:

- Mehdi Dastani
- Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni
- João Leite
- Paolo Torroni

All enquiries should be sent to

curry mailing list
Received on Fr Mär 09 2007 - 09:03:08 CET

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