Re: Curry Report Vers. 0.8.2

From: Bernd Brassel <>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 13:01:13 +0100

Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:

> I don't quite understand your argument. Do you argue against my point or not?

"Brrr also" was meant as "I agree to your `Brrr`." And

> I wanted to say that with type classes we would be able to decide for which
> types we want to define orderings and would be able to check at compile time
> whether comparisons take place only with types which have an ordering defined
> for them.

And the rest of my comment was stating that in case of type classes I
was also not sure if functions should be in class EQ.

Sorry for the misleading mail!

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Received on Do Mär 23 2006 - 14:25:03 CET

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