WCFLP 2005: Call for Participation

From: Michael Hanus <mh_at_informatik.uni-kiel.de>
Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2005 14:46:09 -0700

                           CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                              WCFLP 2005
   International Workshop on Curry and Functional Logic Programming

           An ACM SIGPLAN sponsored workshop at ICFP 2005

           Tallinn, Estonia September 29, 2005
        WWW: http://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~mh/wcflp2005

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested
in Curry, related functional logic languages, and general aspects of
integrating declarative programming paradigms. It promotes the
cross-fertilizing exchange of ideas and experiences among researches
and students from the different communities interested in the
foundations, applications, and combinations of high-level, declarative
programming languages and related areas.


Registration for the workshop is through the TFP/ICFP/GPCE site:


9.15: Opening

9.30: Claudio Ochoa, Josep Silva and German Vidal:
      Lightweight Program Specialization via Dynamic Slicing

10.00: Rafael Caballero:
       A Declarative Debugger of Incorrect Answers for Constraint Functional-Logic Programs

11.00: Julio Marino and Jose Maria Rey:
       Adding Constraints to Curry via Flat Guards

11.30: Sonia Estevez Martin and Rafael del Vado Virseda:
       Designing an Efficient Computation Strategy in CFLP(FD) Using Definitional Trees

12.00: Jesus M. Almendros-Jimenez:
       Constraint Logic Programming over Sets of Spatial Objects

14.30: Michael Hanus:
       A Generic Analysis Environment for Declarative Programs

15.00: J. Guadalupe Ramos, Josep Silva and German Vidal:
       An Offline Partial Evaluator for Curry Programs

15.30: Sebastian Fischer:
       A Functional Logic Database Library

16.30: Bernd Braßel and Frank Huch:
       Translating Curry To Haskell

17.00: Emilio Gallego and Julio Marino:
       An Overview of the Sloth2005 Curry System

17:30: Individual system demonstrations, closing


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