----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Some operations to translate FlatCurry operations into SMT assertions. --- --- @author Michael Hanus --- @version January 2025 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Verify.WithSMT where import Control.Monad ( unless, when ) import Data.Either ( partitionEithers, rights ) import Data.IORef import Data.List ( (\\), find, init, isPrefixOf, last, maximum, nub , partition, union ) import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust ) import Numeric ( readHex ) import System.CPUTime ( getCPUTime ) import System.Directory ( doesFileExist ) import Debug.Trace import Control.Monad.Trans.State import Data.Tuple.Extra ( both ) import FlatCurry.AddTypes import FlatCurry.Build import FlatCurry.Goodies import FlatCurry.Names import FlatCurry.Print import FlatCurry.Simplify import FlatCurry.Types as FC import System.FilePath ( () ) import System.IOExts ( evalCmd ) import Text.Pretty ( pPrint, pretty, text ) import Verify.ESMT as SMT import Verify.Helpers import Verify.Options import Verify.ProgInfo import PackageConfig ( getPackagePath ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Calls the SMT solver to check whether an assertion implies some -- property (represented as FlatCurry expressions). -- If the implication is `False`, the unsatisfiability of the assertion -- is checked. -- `Nothing` is returned if there is some error w.r.t. SMT solving. checkUnsatisfiabilityWithSMT :: Options -> QName -> String -> IORef ProgInfo -> [(QName,ConsInfo)] -> [(Int,TypeExpr)] -> Expr -> IO (Maybe Bool) checkUnsatisfiabilityWithSMT opts qf scripttitle pistore consinfos vartypes assertionexp0 = do let assertionexp = wrapCaseWithId assertionexp0 (cnames,fnames) = both nub (partitionEithers (allQNamesInExp assertionexp)) cnamesreq = filter (`notElem` [pre "False", pre "True", anonCons]) cnames --printInfoLine $ "ASSERTION EXPRESSION: " ++ showExp assertionexp --printInfoLine $ "NAMES IN ASSERTION: " ++ show (cnamesreq ++ fnames) loadModulesForQNames opts pistore (cnamesreq ++ fnames) pinfos <- fmap progInfos $ readIORef pistore let typedassertion = addTypes2VarExp pinfos vartypes assertionexp fcBool --printInfoLine $ "TYPED ASSERTION EXPRESSION: " ++ showExp typedassertion let foassertexp = replaceHigherOrderInExp (simpExpr typedassertion) foassertfuncs = rights (allQNamesInExp foassertexp) --printInfoLine $ "SIMPLE TYPED ASSERTION EXPRESSION: " ++ showExp foassertexp maybe (transExpError typedassertion) (\ (assertion,varsorts) -> catch (checkUnsatWithSMT opts qf scripttitle pistore consinfos vartypes varsorts assertion cnamesreq foassertfuncs) (\e -> print e >> return Nothing)) (exp2SMTWithVars (maximum (0 : map fst vartypes)) Nothing foassertexp) where transExpError e = do printInfoLine $ "Cannot translate expression:\n" ++ showExp e return Nothing -- Wrap all case arguments with the identity operation. -- This is a work-around to fix a problem with pattern matching -- w.r.t. algebraic data types occurring in Z3 version 4.13.0 -- (see example Z3BUG/match-error.smt). wrapCaseWithId = updCases (\ct e brs -> Case ct (Comb FuncCall (pre "id") [e]) brs) checkUnsatWithSMT :: Options -> QName -> String -> IORef ProgInfo -> [(QName,ConsInfo)] -> [(Int,TypeExpr)] -> [(Int,Sort)] -> Term -> [QName] -> [QName] -> IO (Maybe Bool) checkUnsatWithSMT opts qf title pistore consinfos vartypes extravars -- variables representing h.o. subexps assertion -- assertion to be checked assertioncons -- constructors occurring in the assertion assertfuncs = -- defined functions occurring in assertion flip catch (\e -> print e >> return Nothing) $ do --let allsyms = nub (catMaybes -- (map (\n -> maybe Nothing Just (untransOpName n)) -- (map qidName (allQIdsOfTerm assertion)))) unless (null assertfuncs) $ printWhenDetails opts $ "Translating operations into SMT: " ++ unwords (map showQName assertfuncs) fdecls0 <- getAllFunctions opts pistore assertfuncs pinfos <- fmap progInfos $ readIORef pistore let fdecls1 = addTypes2FuncDecls pinfos (map (completeBranchesInFunc consinfos True) fdecls0) -- reduce to functions reachable from assertion after eliminating h.o.: fdecls = usedFunctions assertfuncs (map (updFuncBody replaceHigherOrderInExp) fdecls1) --printInfoLine $ "OPERATIONS TO BE TRANSLATED:\n" ++ unlines (map showFuncDecl fdecls) let smtfuncs = maybe (Comment $ "ERROR translating " ++ show (map funcName fdecls)) (\fds -> DefineSigsRec fds) (mapM fun2SMT fdecls) fdecltvars = nub (concatMap allTVarsInFuncDecl fdecls) --printInfoLine $ "TRANSLATED FUNCTIONS:\n" ++ pPrint (pretty smtfuncs) --let title1 = title ++ "\nTRANSLATED FUNCTIONS:\n" ++ pPrint (pretty smtfuncs) let vartypestcons = foldr union [] (map (tconsOfTypeExpr . snd) vartypes) funcstcons = foldr union [] (map (tconsOfTypeExpr . funcType) fdecls) asserttcons = map (\(ConsType _ tc _) -> tc) (map (snd3 . infoOfCons consinfos) assertioncons) (primtypes,usertypes) = partition ((== "Prelude") . fst) (union funcstcons (union vartypestcons asserttcons)) decls <- mapM (getTypeDeclOf pistore) usertypes -- collect all type parameters in order to declare them as sorts: let tvarsInVars = foldr union [] (map (typeParamsOfSort . type2sort) (map snd vartypes ++ map TVar fdecltvars)) varsorts = map (\(i,te) -> (i, type2sort te)) vartypes ++ extravars --printInfoLine $ "Assertion: " ++ pPrint (pretty assertion) let smt = concatMap preludeType2SMT (map snd primtypes) ++ [ EmptyLine ] ++ (if null decls then [] else [ Comment "User-defined datatypes:" ] ++ map tdecl2SMT decls) ++ (if null tvarsInVars then [] else [ EmptyLine, Comment "Polymorphic sorts:" ] ++ map (\tv -> DeclareSort tv 0) tvarsInVars) ++ [ EmptyLine, smtfuncs, EmptyLine , Comment "Free variables:" ] ++ map (\(i,s) -> DeclareVar (SV i s)) varsorts ++ [ EmptyLine , Comment "Boolean formula of assertion (known properties):" , sAssert assertion, EmptyLine , Comment "check satisfiability:" , CheckSat ] --printInfoLine $ "SMT commands as Curry term:\n" ++ show smt let preludesmt = if all ((`elem` defaultSMTTypes) . snd) primtypes then "Prelude_min.smt" else "Prelude.smt" smtprelude <- readIncludeFile preludesmt let scripttitle = unlines (map ("; "++) (lines title)) printWhenAll opts $ "RAW SMT SCRIPT:\n" ++ scripttitle ++ "\n\n" ++ showSMTRaw smt let smtinput = scripttitle ++ "\n" ++ smtprelude ++ showSMT smt printWhenDetails opts $ "SMT SCRIPT:\n" ++ showWithLineNums smtinput let z3opts = ["-smt2", "-T:2"] when (optStoreSMT opts) (storeSMT "SMT-" z3opts smtinput >> return ()) printWhenDetails opts $ "CALLING Z3 (with options: " ++ unwords z3opts ++ ")..." (ecode,out,err) <- evalCmd "z3" ("-in" : z3opts) smtinput when (ecode > 0) $ do printWhenStatus opts $ "EXIT CODE: " ++ show ecode outfile <- storeSMT "smterror-" z3opts smtinput when (optVerb opts < 3) $ printWhenStatus opts $ "ERROR in SMT script (saved in '" ++ outfile ++ "'):\n" ++ out ++ "\n" ++ err printWhenDetails opts $ "RESULT:\n" ++ out unless (null err) $ printWhenDetails opts $ "ERROR:\n" ++ err let pcvalid = let ls = lines out in not (null ls) && head ls == "unsat" return (if ecode>0 then Nothing else Just pcvalid) where defaultSMTTypes = ["Int","Float","Bool", "Char", "[]"] storeSMT fileprefix z3opts script = do ctime <- getCPUTime let outfile = fileprefix ++ transOpName qf ++ "-" ++ show ctime ++ ".smt" execcmt = unwords $ ["; Run with: z3"] ++ z3opts ++ [outfile] writeFile outfile (execcmt ++ "\n\n" ++ script) return outfile --- Try to read a file in the `include` directory of the package -- or, if this does not exists, in a local `include` directory. readIncludeFile :: String -> IO String readIncludeFile incfile = do ppinclude <- fmap ( "include" incfile) getPackagePath exppinclude <- doesFileExist ppinclude if exppinclude then readFile ppinclude else do let localinclude = "include" incfile exlocalinclude <- doesFileExist localinclude if exlocalinclude then readFile localinclude else do printInfoLine $ "Warning: " ++ localinclude ++ " not found!\n" ++ "SMT script might be incomplete!" return "" -- Translate a typed variable into an SMT declaration: typedVar2SMT :: (Int,TypeExpr) -> Command typedVar2SMT (i,te) = DeclareVar (SV i (type2sort te)) -- Gets all type constructors occurring in a type expression. tconsOfTypeExpr :: TypeExpr -> [QName] tconsOfTypeExpr (TVar _) = [] tconsOfTypeExpr (FuncType a b) = union (tconsOfTypeExpr a) (tconsOfTypeExpr b) tconsOfTypeExpr (TCons qName texps) = foldr union [qName] (map tconsOfTypeExpr texps) tconsOfTypeExpr (ForallType _ te) = tconsOfTypeExpr te ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Get all qualified names occurring in an expression which are either -- constructor or defined function names. allQNamesInExp :: Expr -> [Either QName QName] allQNamesInExp e = trExpr (const id) (const id) comb lt fr (.) cas branch const e [] where comb ct qn exp = ((classifyName ct) qn:) . foldr (.) id exp where classifyName FuncCall = Right classifyName (FuncPartCall _) = Right classifyName ConsCall = Left classifyName (ConsPartCall _) = Left lt bs exp = exp . foldr (.) id (map snd bs) fr _ exp = exp cas _ exp bs = exp . foldr (.) id bs branch pat exp = ((args pat)++) . exp args (Pattern qc _) = [Left qc] args (LPattern _) = [] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Shows a text with line numbers prefixed: showWithLineNums :: String -> String showWithLineNums txt = let txtlines = lines txt maxlog = ilog (length txtlines + 1) showNum n = (take (maxlog - ilog n) (repeat ' ')) ++ show n ++ ": " in unlines . map (uncurry (++)) . zip (map showNum [1..]) $ txtlines --- The value of `ilog n` is the floor of the logarithm --- in the base 10 of `n`. --- Fails if `n <= 0`. --- For positive integers, the returned value is --- 1 less the number of digits in the decimal representation of `n`. --- --- @param n - The argument. --- @return the floor of the logarithm in the base 10 of `n`. ilog :: Int -> Int ilog n | n>0 = if n<10 then 0 else 1 + ilog (n `div` 10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Translates a type declaration into an SMT datatype declaration. tdecl2SMT :: TypeDecl -> Command tdecl2SMT (TypeSyn tc _ _ _) = error $ "Cannot translate type synonym '" ++ showQName tc ++ "' into SMT!" tdecl2SMT (TypeNew tc _ _ _) = error $ "Cannot translate newtype '" ++ showQName tc ++ "' into SMT!" tdecl2SMT (Type tc _ tvars consdecls) = DeclareDatatypes [(tcons2SMT tc, length tvars, DT (map (\ (v,_) -> 'T' : show v) tvars) (map tconsdecl consdecls))] where tconsdecl (Cons qn _ _ texps) = let cname = transOpName qn in DCons cname (map (texp2sel qn) (zip [1..] texps)) texp2sel cname (i,texp) = (genSelName cname i, type2sortD True texp) --- Generates the name of the i-th selector for a given constructor. genSelName :: QName -> Int -> String genSelName qc@(mn,fn) i | mn == "Prelude" && take 3 fn == "(,," = transOpName qc ++ "_" ++ show i | otherwise = "sel" ++ show i ++ '-' : transOpName qc --- Translates a prelude type into an SMT datatype declaration, --- if necessary. preludeType2SMT :: String -> [Command] preludeType2SMT tn | take 3 tn == "(,," = let arity = length tn -1 in [ Comment "Declaration of tuple type:" , DeclareDatatypes [(tcons2SMT (pre tn), arity, DT (map (\v -> 'T' : show v) [1 .. arity]) [DCons (transOpName (pre tn)) (map texp2sel [1 .. arity])])]] | otherwise = [] where texp2sel i = (genSelName (pre tn) i, SComb ('T' : show i) []) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Translates a function declaration into a (possibly polymorphic) -- SMT function declaration. fun2SMT :: FuncDecl -> Maybe ([Ident],FunSig,Term) fun2SMT (Func qn _ _ texp rule) = do let fsig = FunSig (transOpName qn) (map type2sort (argTypes texp)) (type2sort (resultType texp)) srule <- rule2SMT rule let tpars = union (typeParamsOfFunSig fsig) (typeParamsOfTerm srule) return (tpars, fsig, srule) where rule2SMT (External s) = return $ tEqu (tComb (transOpName qn) []) (tComb ("External:" ++ s) []) rule2SMT (Rule vs exp) = do let isnd = ndExpr exp lhs = tComb (transOpName qn) (map TSVar vs) (rhs,varsorts) <- exp2SMTWithVars (maximum (0:vs)) (if isnd then Just lhs else Nothing) (simpExpr exp) return $ Forall (map (\ (v,t) -> SV v (type2sort t)) (funcType2TypedVars vs texp)) (Exists (map (\ (v,s) -> SV v s) varsorts) (if isnd then rhs else tEqu lhs rhs)) --- Returns `True` if the expression is non-deterministic, --- i.e., if `Or` or `Free` occurs in the expression. ndExpr :: Expr -> Bool ndExpr = trExpr (\_ -> False) (\_ -> False) (\_ _ nds -> or nds) (\bs nd -> nd || any snd bs) (\_ _ -> True) (\_ _ -> True) (\_ nd bs -> nd || or bs) (\_ -> id) (\nd _ -> nd) -- Replace higher-order features, like occurrences of `Prelude.apply` and -- partial applications, by `Prelude.failed` in an expression since they -- cannot be handled by SMT. Later, occurrences of `Prelude.failed` in -- SMT terms are replaced by fresh variables so that they are unspecified -- values. replaceHigherOrderInExp :: Expr -> Expr replaceHigherOrderInExp = trExpr Var Lit updComb FC.Let Free Or Case Branch Typed where updComb ct qn args = case ct of FuncPartCall _ -> fcFailed ConsPartCall _ -> fcFailed FuncCall | qn == pre "apply" -> fcFailed _ -> Comb ct qn args -- Translates a (Boolean) FlatCurry expression into an SMT expression. -- If the second argument is an SMT expression, an equation between -- this expression and the translated result expression is generated. -- This is useful to axiomatize non-deterministic operations. -- If successful, the translated SMT expression together with new variables -- (which are replacements for higher-order applications) are returned. -- The first argument is the maximum index of already used variables. exp2SMTWithVars :: Int -> Maybe Term -> Expr -> Maybe (Term, [(Int,Sort)]) exp2SMTWithVars maxusedvar lhs exp = maybe Nothing (\t -> Just $ elimFailed maxusedvar t) (exp2SMT lhs (replaceHigherOrderInExp exp)) -- Translates a (Boolean) FlatCurry expression into an SMT expression. -- If the first argument is an SMT expression, an equation between -- this expression and the translated result expression is generated. -- This is useful to axiomatize non-deterministic operations. exp2SMT :: Maybe Term -> Expr -> Maybe Term exp2SMT lhs exp = case exp of Var i -> Just $ makeRHS (TSVar i) Lit l -> Just $ makeRHS (lit2SMT l) Comb _ qf args -> mapM (exp2SMT Nothing) args >>= comb2SMT qf Case _ e bs -> do t <- exp2SMT Nothing e bts <- mapM branch2SMT bs return $ makeRHS (Match t bts) FC.Let bs e -> do tbs <- mapM (\(v,be) -> do t <- exp2SMT Nothing be return (v,t)) bs t <- exp2SMT lhs e return $ tLet tbs t Free _ _ -> Nothing --error "exp2SMT: Free" Typed e te -> case e of Comb _ qf args | all isTyped args -> mapM (exp2SMT Nothing) args >>= return . makeRHS . TComb (As (transOpName qf) (type2sort (foldr FuncType te (map exprType args)))) _ -> exp2SMT lhs e Or e1 e2 -> do t1 <- exp2SMT lhs e1 t2 <- exp2SMT lhs e2 return $ tDisj [t1,t2] where comb2SMT qf targs | qf `elem` map pre ["chr", "ord"] && length targs == 1 = return $ makeRHS (head targs) -- chars are integers --> no conversion | otherwise = return $ makeRHS (tComb (transOpName qf) targs) makeRHS rhs = maybe rhs (\l -> tEqu l rhs) lhs branch2SMT (Branch (LPattern _) _) = Nothing -- literal patterns not supported branch2SMT (Branch (Pattern qf vs) e) = do t <- exp2SMT lhs e return (PComb (Id (transOpName qf)) vs, t) --- Is a expression typed? (should go into FlatCurry.Goodies) isTyped :: Expr -> Bool isTyped e = case e of Typed _ _ -> True _ -> False --- Gets the type of a typed expression. (should go into FlatCurry.Goodies) exprType :: Expr -> TypeExpr exprType e = case e of Typed _ te -> te _ -> error "FlatCurry.Goodies.exprType: not a typed expression" --- Translates a literal into an SMT expression. --- We represent character as ints. lit2SMT :: Literal -> Term lit2SMT (Intc i) = TConst (TInt i) lit2SMT (Floatc f) = TConst (TFloat f) lit2SMT (Charc c) = TConst (TInt (ord c)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Implementation of a transformation which replaces occurrences of -- `Prelude_apply` by new fresh variables. -- The state for this transformation. data TransApplyState = TransApplyState { tsFreshVarIndex :: Int -- fresh variable index , tsNewVars :: [(Int,Sort)] -- new typed variables } type TAState a = State TransApplyState a -- Transforms a term by replacing occurrences of -- `Prelude_failed` with new fresh variables. -- The first argument is the maximum index of already used variables. elimFailed :: Int -> Term -> (Term, [(Int,Sort)]) elimFailed maxusedvar trm = let st0 = TransApplyState (maximum (maxusedvar : allVarsInTerm trm) + 1) [] (ntrm,st1) = runState (elimFailedInTerm trm) st0 in (ntrm, reverse (tsNewVars st1)) elimFailedInTerm :: Term -> TAState Term elimFailedInTerm t = case t of TConst _ -> return t TSVar _ -> return t TComb (As n srt) [] | n == "Prelude_failed" -> do st <- get let fv = tsFreshVarIndex st fvt = (fv, srt) -- sort is type of `failed` put st { tsFreshVarIndex = tsFreshVarIndex st + 1 , tsNewVars = fvt : tsNewVars st } return (TSVar fv) TComb qid ts -> mapM elimFailedInTerm ts >>= return . TComb qid SMT.Let bs bt -> do trbs <- mapM (elimFailedInTerm . snd) bs trbt <- elimFailedInTerm bt return $ SMT.Let (zip (map fst bs) trbs) trbt Forall vs te -> elimFailedInTerm te >>= return . Forall vs Exists vs te -> elimFailedInTerm te >>= return . Exists vs Match mt brs -> do trmt <- elimFailedInTerm mt trbs <- mapM (elimFailedInTerm . snd) brs return $ Match trmt (zip (map fst brs) trbs) -- All variables occurring in a SMT term. allVarsInTerm :: Term -> [SVar] allVarsInTerm (TConst _) = [] allVarsInTerm (TSVar v) = [v] allVarsInTerm (TComb _ args) = foldr union [] (map allVarsInTerm args) allVarsInTerm (Forall vs arg) = union (map varOfSV vs) (allVarsInTerm arg) allVarsInTerm (Exists vs arg) = union (map varOfSV vs) (allVarsInTerm arg) allVarsInTerm (SMT.Let bs e) = foldr union (map fst bs) (map allVarsInTerm (e : map snd bs)) allVarsInTerm (Match e ps) = foldr union [] (map allVarsInTerm (e : map snd ps) ++ map (patVars . fst) ps) where patVars (PComb _ vs) = vs varOfSV :: SortedVar -> SVar varOfSV (SV v _) = v ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Translates a FlatCurry type expression into a corresponding SMT sort. --- Type variables are translated into the sort `TVar` where a --- type variable index is appended (`TVari`) in order to generate --- a polymorphic sort (which will later be translated by the --- SMT translator). --- The types `TVar` and `Func` are defined in the SMT prelude --- which is always loaded. type2sort :: TypeExpr -> Sort type2sort = type2sortD False --- Similarly as 'type2sort' but type variables are shown as `Ti` --- if the first argument is true, which is used when generating --- algebraic data tyep declarations. type2sortD :: Bool -> TypeExpr -> Sort type2sortD dt = t2s where t2s texp = case texp of TVar i -> SComb ((if dt then "T" else "TVar") ++ show i) [] TCons qc targs -> SComb (tcons2SMT qc) (map t2s targs) FuncType dom ran -> SComb "Func" (map t2s [dom,ran]) ForallType _ te -> t2s te --error "Veriy.WithSMT.type2SMT: cannot translate ForallType" --- Translates a FlatCurry type constructor name into SMT. tcons2SMT :: QName -> String tcons2SMT (mn,tc) | "_Dict#" `isPrefixOf` tc = "Dict" -- since we do not yet consider class dictionaries... | mn == "Prelude" && take 3 tc == "(,," = "Tuple" ++ show (length tc - 1) | mn == "Prelude" = maybe (encodeSpecialChars tc) id (lookup tc transPrimTCons) | otherwise = mn ++ "_" ++ encodeSpecialChars tc --- Primitive type constructors from the prelude and their SMT names. transPrimTCons :: [(String,String)] transPrimTCons = [("Int","Int") ,("Float","Real") ,("Char","Int") -- Char is represented as Int ,("[]","List") ,("()","Unit") ,("(,)","Pair") ,("Maybe","Maybe") ,("Either","Either") ,("Ordering","Ordering") ] --- Encode special characters in strings encodeSpecialChars :: String -> String encodeSpecialChars = concatMap encChar where encChar c | c `elem` "#$%[]()!," = let oc = ord c in ['%', int2hex (oc `div` 16), int2hex(oc `mod` 16)] | otherwise = [c] int2hex i = if i<10 then chr (ord '0' + i) else chr (ord 'A' + i - 10) --- Translates urlencoded string into equivalent ASCII string. decodeSpecialChars :: String -> String decodeSpecialChars [] = [] decodeSpecialChars (c:cs) | c == '%' = let n = case readHex (take 2 cs) of [(h,"")] -> h _ -> 0 in chr n : decodeSpecialChars (drop 2 cs) | otherwise = c : decodeSpecialChars cs --- Translates a qualified FlatCurry name into an SMT string. transOpName :: QName -> String transOpName (mn,fn) | mn=="Prelude" = fromMaybe tname (lookup fn primNames) | otherwise = tname where tname = mn ++ "_" ++ encodeSpecialChars fn --- Translates a (translated) SMT string back into qualified FlatCurry name. --- Returns Nothing if it was not a qualified name. untransOpName :: String -> Maybe QName untransOpName s = let (mn,ufn) = break (=='_') s in if null ufn then Nothing else Just (mn, decodeSpecialChars (tail ufn)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Some primitive names of the prelude and their SMT names. primNames :: [(String,String)] primNames = [ -- Operations ("&&","and") ,("||","or") ,("not","not") ,("==","=") ,("/=","/=") ,("===","=") ,("/==","/=") ,("=","=") ,("<","<") ,("<=","<=") ,(">",">") ,(">=",">=") ,("+","+") ,("-","-") ,("*","*") -- Constructors: ,("True","true") ,("False","false") ,("[]","nil") ,(":","insert") ,("()","unit") ,("(,)","mk-pair") ,("LT","LT") ,("EQ","EQ") ,("GT","GT") ,("Nothing","Nothing") ,("Just","Just") ,("Left","Left") ,("Right","Right") ,("_","_") -- for anonymous patterns in case expressions ] ++ map (\i -> ('(' : take (i-1) (repeat ',') ++ ")", "Tuple" ++ show i)) [3..15] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Extract all user-defined FlatCurry functions that might be called --- by a given list of function names provided as the last argument. --- The second argument is an `IORef` to the currently loaded modules. --- Its contents will be extended when necessary. getAllFunctions :: Options -> IORef ProgInfo -> [QName] -> IO [FuncDecl] getAllFunctions opts pistore newfuns = do mods <- fmap (map (miProg . snd) . progInfos) $ readIORef pistore getAllFuncs mods preloadedFuncDecls newfuns where getAllFuncs _ currfuncs [] = return (reverse currfuncs) getAllFuncs allmods currfuncs (newfun:newfuncs) | newfun `elem` excludedCurryOperations || newfun `elem` map (pre . fst) primNames || newfun `elem` map funcName currfuncs || isPrimOp newfun = getAllFuncs allmods currfuncs newfuncs | fst newfun `elem` map progName allmods -- module already loaded: = maybe (error $ "getAllFunctions: " ++ show newfun ++ " not found!") (\fdecl -> --print fdecl >> getAllFuncs allmods (fdecl : currfuncs) (newfuncs ++ filter (`notElem` excludedCurryOperations) (funcsOfFuncDecl fdecl))) (find (\fd -> funcName fd == newfun) (maybe [] progFuncs (find (\m -> progName m == fst newfun) allmods))) | otherwise -- we must load a new module = do let mname = fst newfun printWhenStatus opts $ "Loading module '" ++ mname ++ "' for '"++ snd newfun ++"'" addModInfoFor pistore mname newmod <- fmap miProg $ getModInfoFor pistore mname getAllFuncs (newmod : allmods) currfuncs (newfun:newfuncs) --- Removes from a list of function declarations the functions not used --- by an initial list of function names. --- It is assumed that the list of functions is already sorted by --- dependencies (ealier functions might call later ones). usedFunctions :: [QName] -> [FuncDecl] -> [FuncDecl] usedFunctions _ [] = [] usedFunctions usedfns (fdecl : fdecls) | funcName fdecl `elem` usedfns = fdecl : usedFunctions (union (funcsOfFuncDecl fdecl) usedfns) fdecls | otherwise = usedFunctions usedfns fdecls --- Extract all user-defined FlatCurry functions that might be called --- by a given list of function names provided as the last argument. --- The second argument is an `IORef` to the currently loaded modules. --- Its contents will be extended when necessary. loadModulesForQNames :: Options -> IORef ProgInfo -> [QName] -> IO () loadModulesForQNames opts pistore qns = mapM_ loadMod (nub (map fst qns)) where loadMod m = do mloaded <- hasModInfoFor pistore m unless mloaded $ do -- we must load a new module printWhenStatus opts $ "Loading module '" ++ m ++ "'..." addModInfoFor pistore m -- Pre-loaded operations from the prelude to avoid reading the prelude -- for simple operations. preloadedFuncDecls :: [FuncDecl] preloadedFuncDecls = [Func (pre "id") 1 Public (FuncType (TVar 0) (TVar 0)) (Rule [1] (Var 1)), Func (pre "not") 1 Public (FuncType fcBool fcBool) (Rule [1] (Case Flex (Var 1) [Branch (Pattern (pre "True") [] ) fcFalse, Branch (Pattern (pre "False") []) fcTrue])), Func (pre "null") 1 Public (FuncType (fcList (TVar 0)) fcBool) (Rule [1] (Case Flex (Var 1) [Branch (Pattern (pre "[]") []) fcTrue, Branch (Pattern (pre ":") [2,3]) fcFalse])) ] --- Exclude character-related operations since characters are treated as --- integers so that these operations are not required. excludedCurryOperations :: [QName] excludedCurryOperations = map pre ["apply", "failed", "chr", "ord"] --- Returns the names of all functions occurring in the --- body of a function declaration. funcsOfFuncDecl :: FuncDecl -> [QName] funcsOfFuncDecl fd = nub (trRule (\_ e -> funcsInExpr e) (\_ -> []) (funcRule fd)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------