-- CurryCheck test for the curry-verify tool import Curry.Compiler.Distribution ( installDir ) import Data.List ( splitOn ) import System.Environment ( getEnv ) import Test.Prop import System.Directory ( doesFileExist ) import System.FilePath ( () ) import System.Process ( system ) import VerifyPackageConfig ( packageExecutable ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Definition specific for the Agda system. checkAgda :: IO (Maybe String) -- due to dependencies to a specific Agda version, we remove the testing -- of generated Agda programs. If Agda works in the local environment, -- delete the next line and uncomment the line below. checkAgda = return Nothing --checkAgda = whichFileInPath "agda" agdaImports :: String agdaImports = "-i . -i /net/medoc/home/mh/home/languages_systems/agda/ial -i /usr/share/agda-stdlib" agdaOptions :: String agdaOptions = "--allow-unsolved-metas" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- First we clean the directory from possible old files: cleanBefore :: PropIO cleanBefore = system "/bin/rm -f TO-PROVE-*" `returns` 0 -- Compile an example program with a given scheme and check the result: compileToAgda :: String -> String -> IO Int compileToAgda cvopts progname = do let ccmd = packageExecutable ++ " -t agda " ++ cvopts ++ " " ++ progname cres <- system ccmd system $ installDir "bin" "cleancurry" ++ " " ++ progname if cres > 0 then return cres else checkAgda >>= maybe (putStrLn noAgdaWarn >> return 0) (\agda -> do let acmd = unwords [ agda, agdaImports, agdaOptions , "TO-PROVE-*" ] ares <- system acmd system "/bin/rm -f TO-PROVE-*" return ares) where noAgdaWarn = "WARNING: cannot completely test 'curry-verify' ('agda' not found)" -- Compile an example program with all translation schemes and check the result: compileToAgdaSchemes :: String -> IO Int compileToAgdaSchemes progname = do r1 <- compileToAgda "-s choice" progname r2 <- compileToAgda "-s nondet" progname return (r1 + r2) -- Now we can run the individual test examples: testCompileDouble :: PropIO testCompileDouble = compileToAgdaSchemes "Double" `returns` 0 testCompileEvenOdd :: PropIO testCompileEvenOdd = compileToAgdaSchemes "EvenOdd" `returns` 0 testCompileGame :: PropIO testCompileGame = compileToAgdaSchemes "Game" `returns` 0 testCompileMyList :: PropIO testCompileMyList = compileToAgdaSchemes "MyList" `returns` 0 testCompilePerm :: PropIO testCompilePerm = compileToAgdaSchemes "Perm" `returns` 0 -- At the end we clean the directory: cleanAfter :: PropIO cleanAfter = system "/bin/rm -rf nondet.agda* nondet-thms.agda*" `returns` 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Auxiliaries: --- Checks whether a file exists in one of the directories on the PATH and --- returns its file path. whichFileInPath :: String -> IO (Maybe String) whichFileInPath file = do path <- getEnv "PATH" dirs <- return $ splitOn ":" path inPath dirs where inPath [] = return Nothing inPath (d:ds) = do let fpath = d file ex <- doesFileExist fpath if ex then return (Just fpath) else inPath ds