module Pretty.ShowOptions where import Pretty.ToString ( renderMessagesToString ) import Pretty.ToJson ( renderMessagesToJson ) import Types -- Returns a String containing the config settings. showOptions :: Config -> String showOptions (Config checks output verbosity hint code mLength) = "--------------------------------" ++ "\nSETTINGS:" ++ "\nverbosity: " ++ (showVerbosity verbosity) ++ "\noutput format: " ++ (show output) ++ "\nshow hint: " ++ (showBool hint) ++ "\nshow code exerpt: " ++ (showBool code) ++ "\nmaximal linelength: " ++ (show mLength) ++ "\nlist of checks: " ++ (showCheckList checks) -- Details verbosity level. showVerbosity :: Int -> String showVerbosity v = case v of 0 -> "quiet, only show check warnings" 1 -> "default, enable showing hints and code part, segment output of each file" 2 -> "verbose, INFO and WARNING messages concerning progress of the tool are shown" 3 -> "debug, show options" _ -> "unknown verbosity level" -- Returns "on" and "off" instead of `True` and `False`. showBool :: Bool -> String showBool True = "on" showBool False = "off" -- Renders checklist. showCheckList :: CheckList -> String showCheckList (CheckList lineLength tab trailingS whiteSpace ifThenElse doIndent letIndent caseIndent guardIndent rhsAlign whereIndent equalstrue topLevelSig blankLines moduleheader imports dataIndent listIndent thenTrueElseFalse notEqual notOrd equalsEmptyList identFunc constFunc andOr printCheck derivingIndent classIndent instanceIndent ) = "\n general" ++ "\n length exceeding lines : " ++ (showBool lineLength) ++ "\n tab characters : " ++ (showBool tab) ++ "\n trailing spaces : " ++ (showBool trailingS) ++ "\n other whitespaces (except linebreaks) : " ++ (showBool whiteSpace) ++ "\n signatures (positioning): " ++ (showBool topLevelSig) ++ "\n blank lines: " ++ (showBool blankLines) ++ "\n formatting" ++ "\n if-then-else : " ++ (showBool ifThenElse) ++ "\n do: " ++ (showBool doIndent) ++ "\n let: " ++ (showBool letIndent) ++ "\n case: " ++ (showBool caseIndent) ++ "\n guards: " ++ (showBool guardIndent) ++ "\n guards and equations in a function: " ++ (showBool rhsAlign) ++ "\n where: " ++ (showBool whereIndent) ++ "\n module header : " ++ (showBool moduleheader) ++ "\n import declarations : " ++ (showBool imports) ++ "\n data (and record) declarations: " ++ (showBool dataIndent) ++ "\n list and tuple declarations: " ++ (showBool listIndent) ++ "\n fold (||), (&&) : " ++ (showBool andOr) ++ "\n deriving : " ++ (showBool derivingIndent) ++ "\n class declarations : " ++ (showBool classIndent) ++ "\n instance declarations : " ++ (showBool instanceIndent) ++ "\n code linting (patterns)" ++ "\n x == True: " ++ (showBool equalstrue) ++ "\n if x then True (False) else False (True): " ++ (showBool thenTrueElseFalse) ++ "\n not (a == b): " ++ (showBool notEqual) ++ "\n not (a orderingOperation b): " ++ (showBool notOrd) ++ "\n a == []: " ++ (showBool equalsEmptyList) ++ "\n \\x -> x: " ++ (showBool identFunc) ++ "\n \\x y -> x: " ++ (showBool constFunc) ++ "\n fold (||), (&&) : " ++ (showBool andOr) ++ "\n putStrLn (show a) : " ++ (showBool printCheck)