module Spicey.RouteGeneration where import AbstractCurry.Types import AbstractCurry.Build import Database.ERD import Database.ERD.Goodies import Spicey.ControllerGeneration import Spicey.GenerationHelper generateRoutesForERD :: ERD -> CurryProg generateRoutesForERD (ERD _ entities _) = let spiceySysCtrl = "Controller.SpiceySystem" in simpleCurryProg mappingModuleName ([spiceyModule, "System.Routes", spiceySysCtrl, dataModuleName] ++ (map (\e -> controllerModuleName (entityName e)) entities)) -- imports [] -- typedecls [ stCmtFunc ("Maps the controllers associated to URLs in module RoutesData\n"++ "into the actual controller operations.") (mappingModuleName, "getController") 1 Public (baseType (mappingModuleName, "ControllerReference") ~> controllerType) [simpleRule [CPVar (1, "fktref")] (CCase CRigid (CVar (1, "fktref")) ( [cBranch (CPComb (dataModuleName, "ProcessListController") []) (constF (spiceySysCtrl, "processListController")), cBranch (CPComb (dataModuleName, "LoginController") []) (constF (spiceySysCtrl, "loginController"))] ++ map branchesForEntity entities ++ [cBranch (CPVar (2,"_")) (applyF (spiceyModule, "displayError") [string2ac "getController: no mapping found"])] ) )] ] -- functions [] -- opdecls -- startpoint controller prefixes controllerPrefixes :: [String] controllerPrefixes = ["List","New"] branchesForEntity :: Entity -> (CPattern, CRhs) branchesForEntity (Entity entityName _) = let controllerReference = entityName ++ "Controller" in cBranch (CPComb ("RoutesData", controllerReference) []) (constF (controllerModuleName entityName, "main" ++ controllerReference)) generateStartpointDataForERD :: ERD -> CurryProg generateStartpointDataForERD (ERD _ entities _) = simpleCurryProg dataModuleName [authenticationModule] -- imports [ CType (dataModuleName, "ControllerReference") Public [] ([simpleCCons (dataModuleName, "ProcessListController") Public [], simpleCCons (dataModuleName, "LoginController") Public []] ++ map controllerReferencesForEntity entities) [], urlMatchType, routeType ] -- typedecls [stCmtFunc ("This constant specifies the association of URLs to controllers.\n"++ "Controllers are identified here by constants of type\n"++ "ControllerReference. The actual mapping of these constants\n"++ "into the controller operations is specified in the module\n"++ "ControllerMapping.") (dataModuleName, "getRoutes") 0 Public (ioType routeMappingType) [simpleRule [] (CDoExpr [CSPat (CPVar (1,"login")) (constF (authenticationModule,"getSessionLogin")), CSExpr $ applyF (pre "return") [list2ac ( [tupleExpr [string2ac "Processes", applyF (dataModuleName, "Exact") [string2ac "spiceyProcesses"], constF (dataModuleName, "ProcessListController")] ] ++ concatMap startpointsForEntity entities ++ [tupleExpr [applyF (pre "maybe") [string2ac "Login", applyF (pre "const") [string2ac "Logout"], CVar (1,"login")], applyF (dataModuleName, "Exact") [string2ac "login"], constF (dataModuleName, "LoginController")], tupleExpr [string2ac "default", constF (dataModuleName, "Always"), constF (dataModuleName, firstEntityName entities ++ "Controller")] ] ) ] ] )] ] -- functions [] -- opdecls where firstEntityName :: [Entity] -> String firstEntityName ((Entity entityName _):_) = entityName firstEntityName [] = error "RouteGeneration.firstEntityName: empty list arg" route :: String -> String -> String -> String -> CExpr route desc url uparam controllerDef = tupleExpr [string2ac desc, applyF (dataModuleName, "Prefix") [string2ac url, string2ac uparam], constF (dataModuleName, controllerDef)] startpointsForEntity :: Entity -> [CExpr] startpointsForEntity (Entity entityName _) = map (\pre -> route (pre ++ " " ++ entityName) entityName (lowerFirst pre) (entityName ++ "Controller")) controllerPrefixes urlMatchType :: CTypeDecl urlMatchType = CType (dataModuleName, "UrlMatch") Public [] [ simpleCCons (dataModuleName, "Exact") Public [stringType], simpleCCons (dataModuleName, "Prefix") Public [stringType,stringType], simpleCCons (dataModuleName, "Matcher") Public [stringType ~> boolType], simpleCCons (dataModuleName, "Always") Public [] ] [] routeMappingType :: CTypeExpr routeMappingType = listType (baseType (dataModuleName,"Route")) routeType :: CTypeDecl routeType = CTypeSyn (dataModuleName, "Route") Public [] (tupleType [stringType, baseType (dataModuleName, "UrlMatch"), baseType (dataModuleName, "ControllerReference")]) controllerReferencesForEntity :: Entity -> CConsDecl controllerReferencesForEntity (Entity entityName _) = simpleCCons (dataModuleName, entityName++"Controller") Public []