--- This module specifies the access authorization to web pages. module Authorization(AccessType(..), AccessResult(..), checkAuthorization) where import Spicey(Controller,displayError) import HTML import SessionInfo --- The various kinds of operations applied to an entity. data AccessType a = NewEntity | ShowEntity a | UpdateEntity a | DeleteEntity a | ListEntities --- The result of checking an authorization. The access is either granted --- or denied with a string explaining the reason. data AccessResult = AccessGranted | AccessDenied String --- Checks the results of an authoriation access. --- If the access is granted, we proceed with the given controller --- to which the current user session information is passed, --- otherwise we display the access error message. checkAuthorization :: (UserSessionInfo -> IO AccessResult) -> (UserSessionInfo -> Controller) -> Controller checkAuthorization getaccess controller = do sinfo <- getUserSessionInfo accresult <- getaccess sinfo case accresult of AccessGranted -> controller sinfo AccessDenied reason -> displayError reason