smtlib: Implementation of the SMT-LIB standard for Curry ======================================================== SMT-LIB is a common standard for interacting with SMT solvers. This package contains libraries to deal with SMT-LIB scripts, i.e., the input and output language of SMT solvers. The libraries provided by this package implement Version 2.6 of the SMT-LIB Standard ( The package currently includes: * `Language.SMTLIB.Files`: This module provides file operations for SMT-LIB scripts. * `Language.SMTLIB.Goodies`: This module provides smart constructors and some useful auxiliary functions for SMT-LIB data terms. * `Language.SMTLIB.Parser`: This module provides a parser generating SMT-LIB data terms from string representations of SMT-LIB scripts. Currently, there is only support for parsing a subset of SMT-LIB, namely command responses. * `Language.SMTLIB.Pretty`: This module provides a pretty-printers for abstract representations of SMT-LIB scripts and all substructures. * `Language.SMTLIB.Scanner`: This module provides a simple scanner for SMT-LIB scripts. * `Language.SMTLIB.Types`: This module defines data types to represent SMT-LIB scripts in Curry. * `Language.SMTLIB`: This module bundles most of the functionality provided by the specific libraries mentioned above. * `ParserComb`: This module provides some common parser combinators which are used in the implementation of the SMT-LIB parser. In the future, this module should be moved to a separate package.