-- This module contains a short Curry program to infer types of -- simple lambda expressions together with some unit tests. import Test.Prop import Control.Search.SearchTree.Unsafe -- Expressions are basically lambda expressions: data Exp = Var Int | Apply Exp Exp | Lambda Int Exp -- Type expressions: type variable and functional types data TExp = TVar Int | TFunc TExp TExp -- A type environment associates to each variable index a type expression: type TEnv = [(Int,TExp)] -- The typing rules defines an operation that, given a type evironment, -- maps an expression to a type expression: typeOf :: TEnv -> Exp -> TExp typeOf tenv (Var i) = maybe unknown id (lookup i tenv) typeOf tenv (Apply e1 e2) = let (TFunc t1 t2) = typeOf tenv e1 t = typeOf tenv e2 in t =:= t1 &> t2 typeOf tenv (Lambda x e) = let xt free rt = typeOf ((x,xt):tenv) e in TFunc xt rt -- In order to use the inferred types, we have to transform -- unbound (type expression) variables into type variables: instTVars :: TExp -> TExp instTVars texp = if isVar texp then TVar (varId texp) else case texp of TVar _ -> texp TFunc t1 t2 -> TFunc (instTVars t1) (instTVars t2) -- Since the indices of the type variables are quite big, we -- number them in a type expression: numberTVars :: TExp -> TExp numberTVars texp = snd (nTV [] texp) where nTV tvs (TVar i) = maybe (let j = length tvs in ((i,j):tvs, TVar j)) (\j -> (tvs, TVar j)) (lookup i tvs) nTV tvs (TFunc t1 t2) = let (tvs1,t1') = nTV tvs t1 (tvs2,t2') = nTV tvs1 t2 in (tvs2, TFunc t1' t2') -- We put all elements together. -- Note the use of `Control.SearchTree.Unsafe.someValue` -- in order to avoid an arbitrary instantiation of unbound variables -- during the type inference process: inferType :: Exp -> TExp inferType = numberTVars . instTVars . someValue . typeOf [] -- Maybe we want to show type expression in a human-readable format: showTExp :: TExp -> String showTExp (TVar i) = [chr (97 + i)] showTExp (TFunc t1 t2) = "(" ++ showTExp t1 ++ " -> " ++ showTExp t2 ++ ")" -- Shows the inferred type of an expression. showType :: Exp -> String showType = showTExp . inferType ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Example expressions: -- identity function: \x -> x idExp :: Exp idExp = Lambda 1 (Var 1) -- twice function: \f x -> f (f x) twiceExp :: Exp twiceExp = Lambda 1 (Lambda 2 (Apply (Var 1) (Apply (Var 1) (Var 2)))) m1 :: TExp m1 = instTVars $ someValue (typeOf [] idExp) m2 :: TExp m2 = instTVars $ someValue (typeOf [] twiceExp) -- Some tests for the type inference: testTypeOfId :: Prop testTypeOfId = (showType idExp) -=- "(a -> a)" testTypeOfTwice :: Prop testTypeOfTwice = (showType twiceExp) -=- "((a -> a) -> (a -> a))" ----------------------------------------------------------------