-- This module has been generated by the tool `curry-rw-data`. -- It contains instances of class `ReadWrite` for all types -- defined in module `Peano.Peano`. module Peano.PeanoRW where import Peano.Peano import RW.Base import System.IO instance ReadWrite Nat where readRW strs ('0' : r0) = (Zero,r0) readRW strs ('1' : r0) = (Successor a',r1) where (a',r1) = readRW strs r0 showRW params strs0 Zero = (strs0,showChar '0') showRW params strs0 (Successor a') = (strs1,showChar '1' . show1) where (strs1,show1) = showRW params strs0 a' writeRW params h Zero strs = hPutChar h '0' >> return strs writeRW params h (Successor a') strs = hPutChar h '1' >> writeRW params h a' strs typeOf _ = monoRWType "Nat"