------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Library for specifying the unification on first-order terms. --- --- This library implements a general unification algorithm. Because the --- algorithm is easy to understand, but rather slow, it serves as a --- specification for more elaborate implementations. --- --- @author Michael Hanus, Jan-Hendrik Matthes, Jonas Oberschweiber, --- Bjoern Peemoeller --- @version February 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module Rewriting.UnificationSpec ( UnificationError (..) , showUnificationError, unify, unifiable ) where import Data.Either (isRight) import Data.Tuple.Extra (both) import Rewriting.Substitution (Subst, emptySubst, extendSubst) import Rewriting.Term -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Representation of unification errors -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Representation of a unification error, parameterized over the kind of --- function symbols, e.g., strings. --- --- @cons Clash t1 t2 - The constructor term `t1` is supposed to be equal --- to the constructor term `t2` but has a different --- constructor. --- @cons OccurCheck v t - The variable `v` is supposed to be equal to the --- term `t` in which it occurs as a subterm. data UnificationError f = Clash (Term f) (Term f) | OccurCheck VarIdx (Term f) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pretty-printing of unification errors -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Transforms a unification error into a string representation. showUnificationError :: (f -> String) -> UnificationError f -> String showUnificationError s (Clash t1 t2) = "Clash: " ++ (showTerm s t1) ++ " is not equal to " ++ (showTerm s t2) ++ "." showUnificationError s (OccurCheck v t) = "OccurCheck: " ++ (showVarIdx v) ++ " occurs in " ++ (showTerm s t) ++ "." -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions for unification on first-order terms -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Unifies a list of term equations. Returns either a unification error or a --- substitution. unify :: (Eq f, Show f) => TermEqs f -> Either (UnificationError f) (Subst f) unify = either Left (Right . eqsToSubst) . unify' [] where eqsToSubst [] = emptySubst eqsToSubst (eq@(l, r):eqs) = case l of TermVar v -> extendSubst (eqsToSubst eqs) v r TermCons _ _ -> case r of TermVar v -> extendSubst (eqsToSubst eqs) v l TermCons _ _ -> error ("unify.eqsToSubst: " ++ show eq) --- Checks whether a list of term equations can be unified. unifiable :: (Eq f, Show f) => TermEqs f -> Bool unifiable = isRight . unify --- Unifies a list of term equations. The first argument specifies the current --- substitution represented by term equations. Returns either a unification --- error or a substitution represented by term equations. unify' :: Eq f => TermEqs f -> TermEqs f -> Either (UnificationError f) (TermEqs f) unify' sub [] = Right sub unify' sub ((TermVar v, r@(TermCons _ _)):eqs) = elim sub v r eqs unify' sub ((l@(TermCons _ _), TermVar v):eqs) = elim sub v l eqs unify' sub ((TermVar v, r@(TermVar v')):eqs) | v == v' = unify' sub eqs | otherwise = elim sub v r eqs unify' sub ((l@(TermCons c1 ts1), r@(TermCons c2 ts2)):eqs) | c1 == c2 = unify' sub (zip ts1 ts2 ++ eqs) | otherwise = Left (Clash l r) --- Substitutes a variable by a term inside a substitution and a list of term --- equations that have yet to be unified. Also adds a mapping from that --- variable to that term to the substitution. elim :: Eq f => TermEqs f -> VarIdx -> Term f -> TermEqs f -> Either (UnificationError f) (TermEqs f) elim sub v t eqs | dependsOn (TermVar v) t = Left (OccurCheck v t) | otherwise = unify' sub' (substitute v t eqs) where sub' = (TermVar v, t) : map (\(l, r) -> (l, termSubstitute v t r)) sub --- Substitutes a variable by a term inside another term. termSubstitute :: VarIdx -> Term f -> Term f -> Term f termSubstitute v t x@(TermVar v') | v == v' = t | otherwise = x termSubstitute v t (TermCons c ts) = TermCons c (termsSubstitute v t ts) --- Substitutes a variable by a term inside a list of terms. termsSubstitute :: VarIdx -> Term f -> [Term f] -> [Term f] termsSubstitute v t = map (termSubstitute v t) --- Substitutes a variable by a term inside a list of term equations. substitute :: VarIdx -> Term f -> TermEqs f -> TermEqs f substitute v t = map (substituteSingle v t) --- Substitutes a variable by a term inside a term equation. substituteSingle :: VarIdx -> Term f -> TermEq f -> TermEq f substituteSingle v t = both (termSubstitute v t) --- Checks whether the first term occurs as a subterm of the second term. dependsOn :: Eq f => Term f -> Term f -> Bool dependsOn l r = and [not (l == r), dependsOn' l r] where dependsOn' t v@(TermVar _) = t == v dependsOn' t (TermCons _ ts) = any id (map (dependsOn' t) ts)