--- Library for representation and computation of definitional trees and
--- representation of the reduction strategy phi.
--- @author Jan-Hendrik Matthes
--- @version February 2020
--- @category algorithm
module Rewriting.DefinitionalTree
( DefTree (..)
, dtRoot, dtPattern, hasDefTree, selectDefTrees, fromDefTrees, idtPositions
, defTrees, defTreesL, loDefTrees, phiRStrategy, dotifyDefTree, writeDefTree
) where
import Function (both, on)
import List
import Maybe (catMaybes, listToMaybe, mapMaybe)
import State
import Rewriting.Position (Pos, eps, positions, replaceTerm, (.>), (|>))
import Rewriting.Rules
import Rewriting.Strategy (RStrategy)
import Rewriting.Substitution (applySubst)
import Rewriting.Term
import Rewriting.Unification (unifiable, unify)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Representation of definitional trees
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Representation of a definitional tree, parameterized over the kind of
--- function symbols, e.g., strings.
--- @cons Leaf r - The leaf with rule `r`.
--- @cons Branch pat p dts - The branch with pattern `pat`, inductive position
--- `p` and definitional subtrees `dts`.
--- @cons Or pat dts - The or node with pattern `pat` and definitional
--- subtrees `dts`.
data DefTree f = Leaf (Rule f)
| Branch (Term f) Pos [DefTree f]
| Or (Term f) [DefTree f]
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Functions for definitional trees
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Returns the root symbol (variable or constructor) of a definitional tree.
dtRoot :: DefTree f -> Either VarIdx f
dtRoot (Leaf r) = rRoot r
dtRoot (Branch pat _ _) = tRoot pat
dtRoot (Or pat _) = tRoot pat
--- Returns the pattern of a definitional tree.
dtPattern :: DefTree f -> Term f
dtPattern (Leaf (l, _)) = l
dtPattern (Branch pat _ _) = pat
dtPattern (Or pat _) = pat
--- Checks whether a term has a definitional tree with the same constructor
--- pattern in the given list of definitional trees.
hasDefTree :: Eq f => [DefTree f] -> Term f -> Bool
hasDefTree dts t = any (eqConsPattern t . dtPattern) dts
--- Returns a list of definitional trees with the same constructor pattern for a
--- term from the given list of definitional trees.
selectDefTrees :: Eq f => [DefTree f] -> Term f -> [DefTree f]
selectDefTrees dts t = filter (eqConsPattern t . dtPattern) dts
--- Returns the definitional tree with the given index from the given list of
--- definitional trees or the provided default definitional tree if the given
--- index is not in the given list of definitional trees.
fromDefTrees :: DefTree f -> Int -> [DefTree f] -> DefTree f
fromDefTrees dt _ [] = dt
fromDefTrees dt n dts@(_:_) | n >= 0 && n < length dts = dts !! n
| otherwise = dt
--- Returns a list of all inductive positions in a term rewriting system.
idtPositions :: TRS _ -> [Pos]
idtPositions [] = []
idtPositions trs@((l, _):_) = case l of
TermVar _ -> []
TermCons _ ts -> [[i] | i <- [1 .. length ts], all (isDemandedAt i) trs]
--- Returns a list of definitional trees for a term rewriting system.
defTrees :: Eq f => TRS f -> [DefTree f]
defTrees = concatMap defTreesS . groupBy eqCons . sortBy eqCons
eqCons = on eqConsPattern fst
--- Returns a list of definitional trees for a list of term rewriting systems.
defTreesL :: Eq f => [TRS f] -> [DefTree f]
defTreesL = defTrees . concat
--- Returns a list of definitional trees for a term rewriting system, whose
--- rules have the same constructor pattern.
defTreesS :: Eq f => TRS f -> [DefTree f]
defTreesS [] = []
defTreesS trs@((l, _):_) = case l of
TermVar _ -> []
TermCons c ts -> let arity = length ts
pat = TermCons c (map TermVar [0 .. arity - 1])
pss = permutations (idtPositions trs)
in catMaybes [defTreesS' arity trs ps pat | ps <- pss]
--- Returns a definitional tree for a term rewriting system, whose rules have
--- the same constructor pattern, with the given list of inductive positions,
--- the given pattern and the given next possible variable or `Nothing` if no
--- such definitional tree exists.
defTreesS' :: Eq f => VarIdx -> TRS f -> [Pos] -> Term f -> Maybe (DefTree f)
defTreesS' _ [] [] _ = Nothing
defTreesS' v [r] [] pat = mkLeaf v pat r
defTreesS' v trs@(_:_:_) [] pat =
mkOr v pat (partition (isDemandedAt 1) trs)
defTreesS' v trs (p:ps) pat = Just (Branch pat p dts)
nls = nub [normalizeTerm (l |> p) | (l, _) <- trs]
ts = map (renameTermVars v) nls
pats = [replaceTerm pat p t | t <- ts]
dts = catMaybes [defTreesS' v' (selectRules v' pat') ps pat' |
pat' <- pats,
let v' = max v (maybe 0 (+ 1) (maxVarInTerm pat'))]
selectRules v' t = [r | r@(l, _) <- renameTRSVars v' trs,
unifiable [(l, t)]]
--- Returns a definitional tree for the given pattern, the given rule and the
--- given next possible variable or `Nothing` if no such definitional tree
--- exists.
mkLeaf :: Eq f => VarIdx -> Term f -> Rule f -> Maybe (DefTree f)
mkLeaf v pat r = case unify [(l, pat)] of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right sub | pat == applySubst sub l -> Just (Leaf (both (applySubst sub) r'))
| otherwise ->
let (ip:ips) = [p | p <- positions pat, isVarTerm (pat |> p)]
pat' = replaceTerm pat ip (l |> ip)
v' = max v (maybe 0 (+ 1) (maxVarInTerm pat'))
in Just (Branch pat ip (catMaybes [defTreesS' v' [r] ips pat']))
r'@(l, _) = renameRuleVars v (normalizeRule r)
--- Returns a definitional tree for the given pattern, the given pair of term
--- rewriting systems and the given next possible variable or `Nothing` if no
--- such definitional tree exists. Only the rules in the first term rewriting
--- system of the pair have a demanded first argument position.
mkOr :: Eq f => VarIdx -> Term f -> (TRS f, TRS f) -> Maybe (DefTree f)
mkOr _ _ ([], []) = Nothing
mkOr v pat ([], rs2@(_:_)) = Just (Or pat (mapMaybe (mkLeaf v pat) rs2))
mkOr v pat (rs1@(_:_), []) =
case intersect (idtPositions rs1) (varPositions pat) of
[] -> Just (Or pat (mapMaybe (mkLeaf v pat) rs1))
ps -> defTreesS' v rs1 ps pat
mkOr v pat (rs1@(_:_), rs2@(_:_)) =
let vps = varPositions pat
mdts = [defTreesS' v rs (intersect (idtPositions rs) vps) pat |
rs <- [rs1, rs2]]
in Just (Or pat (catMaybes mdts))
--- Returns a list of all variable argument positions in a term.
varPositions :: Term _ -> [Pos]
varPositions (TermVar _) = []
varPositions (TermCons _ ts) = [[i] | i <- [1 .. length ts],
isVarTerm (ts !! (i - 1))]
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Functions for the reduction strategy phi
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Returns the position and the definitional trees from the given list of
--- definitional trees for the leftmost outermost defined constructor in a term
--- or `Nothing` if no such pair exists.
loDefTrees :: Eq f => [DefTree f] -> Term f -> Maybe (Pos, [DefTree f])
loDefTrees [] _ = Nothing
loDefTrees dts@(_:_) t = listToMaybe (loDefTrees' eps t)
loDefTrees' _ (TermVar _) = []
loDefTrees' p c@(TermCons _ ts)
| hasDefTree dts c = [(p, selectDefTrees dts c)]
| otherwise = [lp | (p', t') <- zip [1..] ts,
lp <- loDefTrees' (p .> [p']) t']
--- The reduction strategy phi. It uses the definitional tree with the given
--- index for all constructor terms if possible or at least the first one.
phiRStrategy :: Eq f => Int -> RStrategy f
phiRStrategy n trs t =
let dts = defTrees trs
in case loDefTrees dts t of
Nothing -> []
Just (_, []) -> []
Just (p, dts'@(dt:_)) ->
case phiRStrategy' n dts (t |> p) (fromDefTrees dt n dts') of
Nothing -> []
Just p' -> [p .> p']
--- Returns the position for the reduction strategy phi where a term should be
--- reduced according to the given definitional tree or `Nothing` if no such
--- position exists. It uses the definitional tree with the given index for all
--- constructor terms if possible or at least the first one.
phiRStrategy' :: Eq f => Int -> [DefTree f] -> Term f -> DefTree f -> Maybe Pos
phiRStrategy' _ _ t (Leaf (l, _))
| unifiable [(l', t)] = Just eps
| otherwise = Nothing
l' = maybe l (\v -> renameTermVars (v + 1) l) (maxVarInTerm t)
phiRStrategy' _ _ (TermVar _) (Branch _ _ _) = Nothing
phiRStrategy' n dts t@(TermCons _ _) (Branch _ p dts') =
case t |> p of
TermVar _ -> Nothing
tp@(TermCons _ _) -> case selectDefTrees dts tp of
[] ->
case find (\dt -> eqConsPattern tp (dtPattern dt |> p)) dts' of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just dt -> phiRStrategy' n dts t dt
x@(dt:_) -> case phiRStrategy' n dts tp (fromDefTrees dt n x) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just p' -> Just (p .> p')
phiRStrategy' _ _ _ (Or _ _) = Nothing
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Graphical representation of definitional trees
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- A node represented as a tuple of an integer, a possible inductive position
--- and a term and parameterized over the kind of function symbols, e.g.,
--- strings.
type Node f = (Int, Maybe Pos, Term f)
--- An edge represented as a tuple of a boolean to distinguish between branch
--- (`False`) and rule (`True`) edges, a start node and an end node and
--- parameterized over the kind of function symbols, e.g., strings.
type Edge f = (Bool, Node f, Node f)
--- A graph represented as a tuple of nodes and edges and parameterized over
--- the kind of function symbols, e.g., strings.
type Graph f = ([Node f], [Edge f])
--- Transforms a definitional tree into a graph representation.
toGraph :: DefTree f -> Graph f
toGraph dt = fst (fst (runState (toGraph' dt) 0))
toGraph' (Leaf (l, r)) = newIdx `bindS`
\i -> let n = (i, Nothing, l)
in mapS (ruleEdge n) [r] `bindS` addNode n
toGraph' (Branch pat p dts) = newIdx `bindS`
\i -> let n = (i, Just p, pat)
in mapS (branchEdge n) dts `bindS` addNode n
toGraph' (Or pat dts) = newIdx `bindS`
\i -> let n = (i, Nothing, pat)
in mapS (branchEdge n) dts `bindS` addNode n
addNode n gs = let (ns, es) = unzip gs
in returnS ((n : concat ns, concat es), n)
branchEdge n1 dt' = toGraph' dt' `bindS`
\((ns, es), n2) -> returnS (ns, (False, n1, n2):es)
ruleEdge n1 t = newIdx `bindS` \i -> let n = (i, Nothing, t)
in returnS ([n], [(True, n1, n)])
newIdx = getS `bindS` \i -> putS (i + 1) `bindS_` returnS i
--- Transforms a term into a string representation and surrounds the subterm at
--- the given position with the html `` and `` tags.
showTermWithPos :: (f -> String) -> (Maybe Pos, Term f) -> String
showTermWithPos s = showTP False
showTerm' _ (TermVar v) = showVarIdx v
showTerm' b (TermCons c ts) = case ts of
[] -> s c
[l, r] -> parensIf b (showTerm' True l ++ " " ++ s c ++ " "
++ showTerm' True r)
_ -> s c ++ "(" ++ intercalate "," (map (showTerm' False) ts) ++ ")"
showTP b (Nothing, t) = showTerm' b t
showTP b (Just [], t) = "" ++ showTerm' b t ++ ""
showTP _ (Just (_:_), TermVar v) = showVarIdx v
showTP b (Just (p:ps), TermCons c ts) =
case [(if i == p then Just ps else Nothing, t) |
(i, t) <- zip [1..] ts] of
[] -> s c
[l, r] -> parensIf b (showTP True l ++ " " ++ s c ++ " "
++ showTP True r)
ts' -> s c ++ "(" ++ intercalate "," (map (showTP False) ts') ++ ")"
--- Transforms a definitional tree into a graphical representation by using the
--- *DOT graph description language*.
dotifyDefTree :: (f -> String) -> DefTree f -> String
dotifyDefTree s dt = "digraph definitional_tree {\n"
++ " graph [margin=0.0];\n"
++ " node [fontname=\"Menlo\",fontsize=10.0,shape=box];\n"
++ unlines (map showNode ns)
++ " edge [fontname=\"Menlo\",fontsize=7.0,arrowhead=none];\n"
++ unlines (map showEdge es)
++ "}"
(ns, es) = toGraph dt
showNode (n, p, t) =
" " ++ showVarIdx n ++ " [label=<" ++ showTermWithPos s (p, t) ++ ">];"
showEdge (b, (n1, _, _), (n2, _, _)) =
let opts = if b then " [arrowhead=normal];" else ";"
in " " ++ showVarIdx n1 ++ " -> " ++ showVarIdx n2 ++ opts
--- Writes the graphical representation of a definitional tree with the
--- *DOT graph description language* to a file with the given filename.
writeDefTree :: (f -> String) -> DefTree f -> String -> IO ()
writeDefTree s dt fn = writeFile fn (dotifyDefTree s dt)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Definition of helper functions
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Encloses a string in parentheses if the given condition is true.
parensIf :: Bool -> String -> String
parensIf b s = if b then "(" ++ s ++ ")" else s