--- Library for distributed programming with ports.
--- [This paper](https://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~mh/papers/PPDP99.html)
--- contains a description of the basic ideas behind this library.
--- @author Michael Hanus
--- @version March 2021
module Network.Ports
( Port, openPort, send, doSend, openNamedPort
, connectPort, connectPortRepeat, connectPortWait
, ping, timeoutOnStream
, openProcessPort, SP_Msg(..), choiceSPEP
, newObject, newNamedObject, runNamedServer
, hWaitForInputOrMsg, hWaitForInputsOrMsg
) where
import System.Process ( sleep )
import Network.CPNS ( cpnsAlive, getPortInfo, registerPort )
--- The internal constructor for the port datatype is not visible to the user.
data Port a = InternalPort String Int Int a
--- Opens an internal port for communication.
--- @param p - a free variable which will be constrained
--- with the port messages
--- @param s - a free variable which will be instantiated
--- to the stream of incoming messages
openPort :: Port a -> [a] -> Bool
openPort p ms = (prim_openPort $! p) $!! ms
prim_openPort :: Port a -> [a] -> Bool
prim_openPort external
--- Sends a message to a port.
send :: a -> Port a -> Bool
send msg p = (prim_send $!! ensureNotFree msg) $# p
prim_send :: a -> Port a -> Bool
prim_send external
--- I/O action that sends a message to a port.
doSend :: a -> Port a -> IO ()
doSend msg p = doSolve (send msg p)
--- A constrained which is satisfied after some amount of time
--- (currently only supported in TasteCurry).
--- @param n - the satisfaction time in milliseconds
after :: Int -> Bool
after external
--- Checks whether port p is still reachable.
--- @param n - the time to wait for reachability in milliseconds
--- @param p - a port to be checked for reachability
--- @return Nothing if port p is unreachable within n milliseconds,
--- or (Just m) if port p could be contacted within m milliseconds
ping :: Int -> Port _ -> IO (Maybe Int)
ping n p = (prim_ping $# n) $# p
prim_ping :: Int -> Port _ -> IO (Maybe Int)
prim_ping external
--- Checks for instantiation of a stream within some amount of time.
--- @param n - the time to wait for instantiation in milliseconds
--- @param str - the stream to be checked for instantiation
--- (usually the stream of incoming messages at some port)
--- @return (Just str) if str is instantiated within n milliseconds,
--- or Nothing otherwise
timeoutOnStream :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
timeoutOnStream n str = (prim_timeoutOnStream $# n) str
prim_timeoutOnStream :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
prim_timeoutOnStream external
--- A "stream port" is an adaption of the port concept to model the
--- communication with bidirectional streams, i.e., a stream port is
--- a port connection to a bidirectional stream (e.g., opened by
--- openProcessPort) where the communication
--- is performed via the following stream port messages.
--- @cons SP_Put s - write the argument s on the output stream
--- @cons SP_GetLine s - unify the argument s with the next text line of the
--- input stream
--- @cons SP_GetChar c - unify the argument c with the next character of the
--- input stream
--- @cons SP_EOF b - unify the argument b with True if we are at the end
--- of the input stream, otherwise with False
--- @cons SP_Close - close the input/output streams
data SP_Msg =
SP_Put String -- write the argument on the output stream
| SP_GetLine String -- unify the argument with the next text line of the
-- input stream
| SP_GetChar Char -- unify the argument with the next character of the
-- input stream
| SP_EOF Bool -- unify the argument with True if we are at the end
-- of the input stream, otherwise with False
| SP_Close -- close the input/output streams
--- Opens a new connection to a process that executes a shell command.
--- @param cmd - the shell command to be executed
--- @return the output/input stream (represented as a stream port)
--- that is connected to the standard input/output of the process
--- performing the execution of cmd.
openProcessPort :: String -> IO (Port SP_Msg)
openProcessPort cmd = prim_openProcessPort $## cmd
prim_openProcessPort :: String -> IO (Port SP_Msg)
prim_openProcessPort external
--- Opens an external port with a symbolic name.
--- @param portname - the symbolic name under which the port is accessible
--- (any string without occurrences of '@')
--- @return the stream of incoming messages at this port
openNamedPort :: String -> IO [_]
openNamedPort name = do
stream <- openPortOnSocket socketnr portnr -- open new port
registerPort name socketnr portnr
return stream
where socketnr,portnr free
--- Waits for connection to an external port.
--- In contrast to connectPort
, this action waits until
--- the external port has been registered with its symbolic name.
--- @param waittime - the time to wait before retrying (in milliseconds)
--- @param action - I/O action to be executed before each wait cycle
--- @param retries - number of retries before giving up (-1 = retry forever)
--- @param portname - the symbolic name of the external port
--- (must be either of the form "name@machine" or "name"
--- where the latter is a shorthand for "name@localhost")
--- @return Nothing (if connection is not possible within the given limits)
--- or (Just p) where p is a port with the symbolic name portname
connectPortRepeat :: Int -> IO _ -> Int -> String -> IO (Maybe (Port _))
connectPortRepeat waittime action retries nameAtHost = do
let (name,atHost) = break (=='@') nameAtHost
host = if atHost=="" then "localhost" else tail atHost
-- check whether remote CPNS demon is alive:
alive <- cpnsAlive host
if not alive
then tryAgain
else do -- get remote socket/port numbers:
(snr,pnr) <- getPortInfo name host
if snr==0
then tryAgain
else connectPortAtSocket snr pnr host >>= return . Just
tryAgain = if retries==0 then return Nothing else do
sleep (ms2s waittime)
connectPortRepeat waittime action (decr retries) nameAtHost
ms2s n = let mn = n `div` 1000 in if mn==0 then 1 else mn
decr n = if n<0 then n else n-1
--- Waits for connection to an external port and return the connected port.
--- This action waits (possibly forever) until the external port is
--- registered.
--- @param portname - the symbolic name of the external port
--- (must be either of the form "name@host" or "name"
--- where the latter is a shorthand for "name@localhost")
--- @return a port with the symbolic name portname
connectPortWait :: String -> IO (Port _)
connectPortWait nameAtHost = do
Just port <- connectPortRepeat 1000 (return ()) (-1) nameAtHost
return port
--- Connects to an external port. The external port must be already
--- registered, otherwise an error is reported.
--- @param portname - the symbolic name of the external port
--- (must be either of the form "name@host" or "name"
--- where the latter is a shorthand for "name@localhost")
--- @return a port with the symbolic name portname
connectPort :: String -> IO (Port _)
connectPort nameAtHost = do
let (name,atHost) = break (=='@') nameAtHost
host = if atHost=="" then "localhost" else tail atHost
-- get remote socket/port numbers:
(snr,pnr) <- getPortInfo name host
if snr==0
then error ("connectPort: Port \""++name++"@"++host++
"\" is not registered!")
else return ()
connectPortAtSocket snr pnr host
--- This function implements a committed choice over the receiving
--- of messages via a stream port and an external port.
--- Note that the implementation of choiceSPEP works only with
--- Sicstus-Prolog 3.8.5 or higher (due to a bug in previous versions
--- of Sicstus-Prolog).
--- @param sp - a stream port sp
--- @param ms - a stream of messages received via an external port
--- @return (Left s) if s is an input line received
--- at the stream port (via SP_GetLine) or
--- (Right ms) if the stream ms is instantiated
--- with at least one new message at the head
choiceSPEP :: Port SP_Msg -> [msg] -> Either String [msg]
choiceSPEP p ms = (prim_choiceSPEP $# p) ms
prim_choiceSPEP :: Port SP_Msg -> [msg] -> Either String [msg]
prim_choiceSPEP external
--- Creates a new object (of type State -> [msg] -> Bool
--- with an initial state and a port to which messages for this object
--- can be sent.
--- @param object - an object template
--- @param state - the initial state of the object
--- @param port - a free variable which will be constrained to the port
--- for sending messages to the object
newObject :: Data msg => (state -> [msg] -> Bool) -> state -> Port msg -> Bool
newObject object state port = let msgs free in
openPort port msgs &> object state (map ensureNotFree (ensureSpine msgs))
--- Creates a new object (of type State -> [msg] -> Bool
--- with a symbolic port name to which messages for this object can be sent.
--- @param object - an object template
--- @param state - the initial state of the object
--- @param portname - the symbolic name under which the object's port is
--- accessible (any string without occurrences of '@')
newNamedObject :: (state -> [_] -> Bool) -> state -> String -> IO ()
newNamedObject object state portname = do
msgs <- openNamedPort portname
doSolve (object state msgs)
--- Runs a new server (of type [msg] -> IO a
) on a named port
--- to which messages can be sent.
--- @param server - a server function that processes incoming messages
--- @param portname - the symbolic name under which the server's port is
--- accessible (any string without occurrences of '@')
runNamedServer :: ([_] -> IO a) -> String -> IO a
runNamedServer server portname = do
msgs <- openNamedPort portname
server msgs
-- The following predefined actions are not intended for application programs.
-- They are the basis to implement ports with symbolic names
-- via a name server (see library CPNS).
-- (openPortOnSocket snr pnr) is an action which opens an external port
-- on socket number snr with internal port number pnr and returns
-- the stream of incoming messages.
-- snr and pnr are allowed to be unbound: in this case they will be bound to the
-- numbers associated to a free port
openPortOnSocket :: Int -> Int -> IO [_]
openPortOnSocket snr pnr = (prim_openPortOnSocket $! snr) $! pnr
prim_openPortOnSocket :: Int -> Int -> IO [_]
prim_openPortOnSocket external
-- The internal function that reads a port stream lazily.
basicServerLoop :: Port a -> [a]
basicServerLoop external
-- (connectPortAtSocket snr pnr host) is an action which returns a port that
-- has been opened at with socket number and port number
connectPortAtSocket :: Int -> Int -> String -> IO (Port _)
connectPortAtSocket snr pnr host =
((prim_connectPortAtSocket $# snr) $# pnr) $## host
prim_connectPortAtSocket :: Int -> Int -> String -> IO (Port _)
prim_connectPortAtSocket external
--- Waits until input is available on a given handles or a message
--- in the message stream.
--- Usually, the message stream comes from an external port.
--- Thus, this operation implements a committed choice over receiving input
--- from an IO handle or an external port.
--- _Note that the implementation of this operation works only with
--- Sicstus-Prolog 3.8.5 or higher (due to a bug in previous versions
--- of Sicstus-Prolog)._
--- @param handle - a handle for an input stream
--- @param msgs - a stream of messages received via an external port
--- @return (Left handle) if the handle has some data available
--- (Right msgs) if the stream msgs is instantiated
--- with at least one new message at the head
hWaitForInputOrMsg :: Handle -> [msg] -> IO (Either Handle [msg])
hWaitForInputOrMsg handle msgs = do
input <- hWaitForInputsOrMsg [handle] msgs
return $ either (\_ -> Left handle) Right input
--- Waits until input is available on some of the given handles or a message
--- in the message stream.
--- Usually, the message stream comes from an external port.
--- Thus, this operation implements a committed choice over receiving input
--- from IO handles or an external port.
--- _Note that the implementation of this operation works only with
--- Sicstus-Prolog 3.8.5 or higher (due to a bug in previous versions
--- of Sicstus-Prolog)._
--- @param handles - a list of handles for input streams
--- @param msgs - a stream of messages received via an external port
--- @return (Left i) if (handles!!i) has some data available
--- (Right msgs) if the stream msgs is instantiated
--- with at least one new message at the head
hWaitForInputsOrMsg :: [Handle] -> [msg] -> IO (Either Int [msg])
hWaitForInputsOrMsg handles msgs =
seq (normalForm (map ensureNotFree (ensureSpine handles)))
(prim_hWaitForInputsOrMsg handles msgs)
prim_hWaitForInputsOrMsg :: [Handle] -> [msg] -> IO (Either Int [msg])
prim_hWaitForInputsOrMsg external
-- end of module Network.Ports