------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- This library defines a type class and instances for standard types --- to convert Curry values to JSON values and vice versa. --- --- @author Michael Hanus --- @version February 2025 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module JSON.Convert where import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes, isJust ) import JSON.Data --- Type class with two conversion operations between values and their --- JSON representation. Since a JSON value might not contain --- a correct representation of a standard value, the operation --- `fromJSON` returns a `Maybe` value. --- The additional operations on value lists are used for a better --- JSON conversion of strings. class ConvertJSON a where toJSON :: a -> JValue fromJSON :: JValue -> Maybe a toJSONList :: [a] -> JValue fromJSONList :: JValue -> Maybe [a] toJSONList = JArray . map toJSON fromJSONList jv = case jv of JArray xs -> let ys = map fromJSON xs in if all isJust ys then Just (catMaybes ys) else Nothing _ -> Nothing --- Instance for Booleans. instance ConvertJSON Bool where toJSON b = JBool b fromJSON jv = case jv of JBool b -> Just b _ -> Nothing --- Instance for characters and strings. instance ConvertJSON Char where toJSON c = JString [c] fromJSON jv = case jv of JString [c] -> Just c _ -> Nothing toJSONList s = JString s fromJSONList jv = case jv of JString s -> Just s _ -> Nothing --- Instance for floats. instance ConvertJSON Float where toJSON x = JNumber x fromJSON jv = case jv of JNumber n -> Just n _ -> Nothing --- Instance for integers. instance ConvertJSON Int where toJSON n = JInt n fromJSON jv = case jv of JInt n -> Just n _ -> Nothing --- Instance for lists. instance ConvertJSON a => ConvertJSON [a] where toJSON = toJSONList fromJSON = fromJSONList --- Instance for `Maybe` values. instance ConvertJSON a => ConvertJSON (Maybe a) where toJSON Nothing = JNull toJSON (Just x) = toJSON x fromJSON jv = case jv of JNull -> Just Nothing _ -> fmap Just (fromJSON jv) --- Instance for `Either` values. instance (ConvertJSON a, ConvertJSON b) => ConvertJSON (Either a b) where toJSON (Left x) = JObject $ toJObject [("Left", toJSON x)] toJSON (Right y) = JObject $ toJObject [("Right", toJSON y)] fromJSON jv = case jv of JObject jo -> case fromJObject jo of [("Left", v)] -> fmap Left (fromJSON v) [("Right",v)] -> fmap Right (fromJSON v) _ -> Nothing _ -> Nothing --- Instance for `Ordering` values. instance ConvertJSON Ordering where toJSON x = JString (show x) fromJSON jv = case jv of JString s -> case reads s of [(x,"")] -> Just x _ -> Nothing _ -> Nothing --- Instance for pairs of values. instance (ConvertJSON a, ConvertJSON b) => ConvertJSON (a,b) where toJSON (x,y) = JObject $ toJObject [("1", toJSON x), ("2", toJSON y)] fromJSON jv = case jv of JObject jo -> case fromJObject jo of [("1",v1), ("2",v2)] -> do x <- fromJSON v1 y <- fromJSON v2 return (x,y) _ -> Nothing _ -> Nothing