------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- An implementation of term graphs used by the ICurry interpreter. --- --- @author Michael Hanus --- @version January 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module ICurry.Graph where import IO ( hPutStr, hClose ) import IOExts ( connectToCommand ) import List ( intercalate, nub ) import System ( system ) import ShowDotGraph as Dot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Views a dot graph as PDF. --- If the first argument is `(Just c)`, the command `c` --- (e.g., "evince" or "okular --noraise") to view the --- generated PDF is started in background, otherwise the viewer is not invoked. --- The second argument is the step number and used to index the output files --- if it is positive. viewDot :: Maybe String -> Int -> DotGraph -> IO () viewDot withviewer num = view . showDotGraphWithAttrs "ordering=out;\nfontsize=10;" where view dottxt = do let outpdf = "ICURRYDOT" ++ (if num>0 then show num else "") ++ ".pdf" dothdl <- connectToCommand $ "dot -Tpdf -o" ++ outpdf hPutStr dothdl dottxt hClose dothdl maybe done (\c -> do system $ unwords [c, outpdf, "2> /dev/null", "> /dev/null", "&"] done) withviewer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- A simple implementation of graphs representing ICurry expressions -- with sharing. -- This implementation can be made more efficient by using finite maps -- and "pointers" from target to source nodes (for the replacement operation). -- Graph nodes are identified by integers. type NodeID = Int -- Choice identifiers are implemented as integers. type ChoiceID = Int -- Representation of partial function or constructor calls -- where the number of missing arguments is provided. data PartCall = PartFuncCall Int | PartConsCall Int deriving Show -- A graph node is a function, constructor, choice, or free node. -- The latter represents unbound variables. data Node = FuncNode String [NodeID] | ConsNode String [NodeID] | PartNode String PartCall [NodeID] | ChoiceNode ChoiceID NodeID NodeID | FreeNode deriving Show -- The label of a node. nodeLabel :: Node -> String nodeLabel (FuncNode f _) = f nodeLabel (ConsNode f _) = f nodeLabel (PartNode f _ _) = f nodeLabel (ChoiceNode cid _ _) = "?" ++ show cid nodeLabel FreeNode = "free" -- Add an argument node to a node representing a partial call. addPartialArg :: Node -> NodeID -> Node addPartialArg pnode arg = case pnode of PartNode fc (PartFuncCall m) args -> let nargs = args ++ [arg] in if m == 1 then FuncNode fc nargs else PartNode fc (PartFuncCall (m-1)) nargs PartNode fc (PartConsCall m) args -> let nargs = args ++ [arg] in if m == 1 then ConsNode fc nargs else PartNode fc (PartConsCall (m-1)) nargs _ -> error "addPartialArg: node does not contain partial call" -- A graph is implemented as a list of nodes together with a maximum NodeID. data Graph = Graph [(NodeID,Node)] NodeID deriving Show -- An empty graph contains only a "null" node with node id 0. emptyGraph :: Graph emptyGraph = Graph [(0, ConsNode "null" [])] 1 -- Looks up a node in a graph (where redirections are considered). lookupNode :: NodeID -> Graph -> Node lookupNode ni (Graph nodes _) = maybe (error $ "Node with id `" ++ show ni ++ "` not found!") id (lookup ni nodes) -- Returns maximum node id of a graph. maxNodeID :: Graph -> NodeID maxNodeID (Graph _ m) = m -- Adds a new node in a graph. addNode :: Node -> Graph -> (Graph,NodeID) addNode node (Graph nodes mx) = (Graph (nodes ++ [(mx,node)]) (mx + 1), mx) -- Updates a node in a graph with new node information. updateNode :: Graph -> NodeID -> Node -> Graph updateNode (Graph nodes mx) nid newnode = Graph (map update nodes) mx where update (ni, n) | ni == nid = (ni, newnode) | otherwise = (ni, n) -- Replaces a node `n1` in a graph by another node `n2` already contained -- in the graph. -- Thus, all edges with target `n1` are redirected to target `n2`. -- Furthermore, node `n1` is deleted from the graph since it is garbage. replaceNode :: Graph -> NodeID -> NodeID -> Graph replaceNode (Graph nodes mx) oldnid newid = Graph (filter ((/= oldnid) . fst) . map redirect $ nodes) mx where redirect (ni, n) = (ni, redirectTargets n) redirectTargets (FuncNode f ns) = FuncNode f (map redirectTarget ns) redirectTargets (ConsNode f ns) = ConsNode f (map redirectTarget ns) redirectTargets (PartNode f n ns) = PartNode f n (map redirectTarget ns) redirectTargets (ChoiceNode c n1 n2) = ChoiceNode c (redirectTarget n1) (redirectTarget n2) redirectTargets FreeNode = FreeNode redirectTarget ni = if ni == oldnid then newid else ni -- Shows the expression represented by the graph starting with a given node. -- In order to visualize sharing, shared subexpressions are shown -- as let expressions. showGraphExp :: Graph -> NodeID -> String showGraphExp g nid = showExp [] 10 nid where showExp lets d ni | d == 0 = "..." | otherwise = showNExp (lookupNode ni g) where showNExp FreeNode = "_x" ++ show ni showNExp (ConsNode f args) = showNExp (FuncNode f args) showNExp (PartNode f _ args) = showNExp (FuncNode f args) showNExp (ChoiceNode c n1 n2) = showNExp (FuncNode ('?' : show c) [n1,n2]) showNExp (FuncNode f args) | null args = f | otherwise = "(" ++ (if null arglets then "" else "let {" ++ intercalate " ; " (map showLetDecl arglets) ++ "} in ") ++ showCall (map (\a -> if a `elem` alllets then showVar a else showExp alllets (d-1) a) args) ++ ")" where showCall cargs = if isInfixOp f then case cargs of [a1,a2] -> unwords [a1,f,a2] _ -> unwords (('(' : f ++ ")") : cargs) else unwords (f : cargs) where isInfixOp = all (`elem` "!@#$%^&*+-=<>?./|\\:") arglets = nub (concatMap (\a -> let occs = occursInGraphExp d a ni in if occs < 2 || isConst a then [] else [a]) (filter (`notElem` lets) args)) alllets = arglets ++ lets showLetDecl a = showVar a ++ " = " ++ showExp alllets (d-1) a showVar ni = 'x' : show ni isConst ni = case lookupNode ni g of ConsNode _ [] -> True _ -> False -- count occurrences of a node `ni` in graph rooted by `nr` occursInGraphExp d ni nr | d == 0 = 0 | otherwise = (if ni==nr then 1 else 0) + case lookupNode nr g of FuncNode _ args -> foldr (+) 0 (map (occursInGraphExp (d-1) ni) args) ConsNode _ args -> foldr (+) 0 (map (occursInGraphExp (d-1) ni) args) PartNode _ _ args -> foldr (+) 0 (map (occursInGraphExp (d-1) ni) args) ChoiceNode _ a1 a2 -> occursInGraphExp (d-1) ni a1 + occursInGraphExp (d-1) ni a2 FreeNode -> 0 -- Transforms a graph (w.r.t. given node attributes) into a dot graph. -- If the third argument is True, node ids will be shown in the node labels. -- If the fourth argument is True, all nodes are shown, otherwise -- only nodes reachable from the node list in the second argument are shown. graphToDot :: Graph -> [(NodeID,[(String,String)])] -> Bool -> Bool -> DotGraph graphToDot gr ndattrs withnids showall = let sgraph = if showall then gr else reachableGraph gr (map fst ndattrs) in fullGraphToDot sgraph ndattrs withnids -- Transforms a graph (w.r.t. given node attributes) into a dot graph. -- If the third argument is True, node ids will be shown in the node labels. fullGraphToDot :: Graph -> [(NodeID,[(String,String)])] -> Bool -> DotGraph fullGraphToDot (Graph nodes _) ndattrs withnids = dgraph "Graph" (concatMap toNode nodes) (concatMap toEdges nodes) where toNode (nid,n) = [Dot.Node (show nid) ([("label", ndlabel)] ++ addAttrs)] where ndlabel = nodeLabel n ++ if withnids then " [" ++ show nid ++ "]" else "" addAttrs = maybe [] id (lookup nid ndattrs) toEdges (nid, FuncNode _ ns ) = addEdges nid ns toEdges (nid, ConsNode _ ns ) = addEdges nid ns toEdges (nid, PartNode _ _ ns ) = addEdges nid ns toEdges (nid, ChoiceNode _ n1 n2) = addEdges nid [n1,n2] toEdges (_ , FreeNode ) = [] addEdges src ns = map (\ (i,n) -> Dot.Edge (show src) (show n) [("label",show i)]) (zip [1..] ns) -- "Garbage collection" on a graph: remove all nodes (and their outgoing edges) -- which are not reachable from a given list of nodes. reachableGraph :: Graph -> [NodeID] -> Graph reachableGraph (Graph nodes mx) initnids = let rnodes = reachableNodes initnids in Graph (filter ((`elem` rnodes) . fst) nodes) mx where reachableNodes nids = let newts = nub . filter (`notElem` nids) . concatMap targets $ nids in if null newts then nids else reachableNodes (newts ++ nids) where targets ni = maybe (error $ "Node with id `" ++ show ni ++ "` not found!") (\nd -> case nd of FuncNode _ ns -> ns ConsNode _ ns -> ns PartNode _ _ ns -> ns ChoiceNode _ n1 n2 -> [n1,n2] FreeNode -> []) (lookup ni nodes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------