------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- This module implements the management of sessions. --- In particular, it defines a cookie that must be sent to the client --- in order to enable the handling of sessions. --- Based on sessions, this module also defines a session store --- that can be used by various parts of the application in order --- to hold some session-specific data. --- --- @author Michael Hanus --- @version August 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module HTML.Session ( sessionDataDir, inSessionDataDir , sessionCookie, doesSessionExist, withSessionCookie, withSessionCookieInfo , SessionStore, emptySessionStore , getSessionMaybeData, getSessionData, putSessionData, removeSessionData , updateSessionData ) where import Directory ( createDirectory, doesDirectoryExist ) import FilePath ( () ) import Global import List ( findIndex, init, intercalate, replace, split ) import Maybe ( fromMaybe ) import System ( getEnviron ) import Time ( ClockTime, addMinutes, clockTimeToInt, getClockTime ) import HTML.Base import Crypto.Hash ( randomString ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- The name of the local directory where the session data, --- e.g., cookie information, is stored. --- For security reasons, the directory should be non-public readable. sessionDataDir :: String sessionDataDir = "sessiondata" --- Prefix a file name with the directory where session data, --- e.g., cookie information, is stored. inSessionDataDir :: String -> String inSessionDataDir filename = sessionDataDir filename --- Ensures that the `sessionDataDir` directory exists. --- If it does not exist, it will be created. ensureSessionDataDir :: IO () ensureSessionDataDir = do exsdd <- doesDirectoryExist sessionDataDir unless exsdd $ createDirectory sessionDataDir ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- The life span in minutes to store data in sessions. --- Thus, older data is deleted by a clean up that is initiated --- whenever new data is stored in a session. sessionLifespan :: Int sessionLifespan = 60 --- The name of the persistent global where the last session id is stored. sessionCookieName :: String sessionCookieName = "currySessionId" --- This global value saves time and last session id. lastId :: Global (Int, Int) lastId = global (0, 0) (Persistent (inSessionDataDir sessionCookieName)) --- The abstract type to represent session identifiers. data SessionId = SessionId String deriving Eq getId :: SessionId -> String getId (SessionId i) = i --- Creates a new unused session id. getUnusedId :: IO SessionId getUnusedId = do ensureSessionDataDir (ltime,lsid) <- safeReadGlobal lastId (0,0) clockTime <- getClockTime if clockTimeToInt clockTime /= ltime then writeGlobal lastId (clockTimeToInt clockTime, 0) else writeGlobal lastId (clockTimeToInt clockTime, lsid+1) rans <- randomString 30 return (SessionId (show (clockTimeToInt clockTime) ++ show (lsid+1) ++ rans)) --- Checks whether the current user session is initialized, --- i.e., whether a session cookie has been already set. doesSessionExist :: IO Bool doesSessionExist = do cookies <- getCookies return $ maybe False (const True) (lookup sessionCookieName cookies) --- Gets the id of the current user session. --- If this is a new session, a new id is created and returned. getSessionId :: IO SessionId getSessionId = do cookies <- getCookies case (lookup sessionCookieName cookies) of Just sessionCookieValue -> return (SessionId sessionCookieValue) Nothing -> getUnusedId --- Creates a cookie to hold the current session id. --- This cookie should be sent to the client together with every HTML page. sessionCookie :: IO PageParam sessionCookie = do sessionId <- getSessionId clockTime <- getClockTime dirpath <- getScriptDirPath return $ PageCookie sessionCookieName (getId (sessionId)) [CookiePath (if null dirpath then "/" else dirpath), CookieExpire (addMinutes sessionLifespan clockTime)] --- Gets the directory path of the current CGI script via the --- environment variable `SCRIPT_NAME`. --- For instance, if the script is called with URL --- `http://example.com/cgi/test/script.cgi?parameter`, --- then `/cgi/test` is returned. --- If `SCRIPT_NAME` is not set, the returned string is empty. getScriptDirPath :: IO String getScriptDirPath = do scriptname <- getEnviron "SCRIPT_NAME" let scriptpath = if null scriptname then [] else split (=='/') (tail scriptname) if null scriptpath then return "" else return $ "/" ++ intercalate "/" (init scriptpath) --- Decorates an HTML page with session cookie. withSessionCookie :: HtmlPage -> IO HtmlPage withSessionCookie p = do cookie <- sessionCookie return $ (p `addPageParam` cookie) --- Decorates an HTML page with session cookie and shows an information --- page when the session cookie is not set. withSessionCookieInfo :: HtmlPage -> IO HtmlPage withSessionCookieInfo p = do hassession <- doesSessionExist if hassession then withSessionCookie p else cookieInfoPage -- Returns HTML page with information about the use of cookies. cookieInfoPage :: IO HtmlPage cookieInfoPage = do urlparam <- getUrlParameter withSessionCookie $ standardPage "Cookie Info" [ par [ htxt $ "This web site uses cookies for navigation and user " ++ "inputs and preferences. In order to proceed, " , bold [href ('?' : urlparam) [htxt "please click here."]]]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Implementation of session stores. --- The type of a session store that holds particular data used in a session. --- A session store consists of a list of data items for each session in the --- system together with the clock time of the last access. --- The clock time is used to remove old data in the store. data SessionStore a = SessionStore [(SessionId, Int, a)] --- An initial value for the empty session store. emptySessionStore :: SessionStore _ emptySessionStore = SessionStore [] --- Retrieves data for the current user session stored in a session store. --- Returns `Nothing` if there is no data for the current session. getSessionMaybeData :: Global (SessionStore a) -> IO (Maybe a) getSessionMaybeData sessionData = do ensureSessionDataDir sid <- getSessionId SessionStore sdata <- safeReadGlobal sessionData emptySessionStore return (findInSession sid sdata) where findInSession si ((id, _, storedData):rest) = if getId id == getId si then Just storedData else findInSession si rest findInSession _ [] = Nothing --- Retrieves data for the current user session stored in a session store --- where the second argument is returned if there is no data --- for the current session. getSessionData :: Global (SessionStore a) -> a -> IO a getSessionData sessionData defaultdata = getSessionMaybeData sessionData >>= return . fromMaybe defaultdata --- Stores data related to the current user session in a session store. putSessionData :: Global (SessionStore a) -> a -> IO () putSessionData sessionData newData = do ensureSessionDataDir sid <- getSessionId SessionStore sdata <- safeReadGlobal sessionData emptySessionStore currentTime <- getClockTime case findIndex (\ (id, _, _) -> id == sid) sdata of Just i -> writeGlobal sessionData (SessionStore (replace (sid, clockTimeToInt currentTime, newData) i (cleanup currentTime sdata))) Nothing -> writeGlobal sessionData (SessionStore ((sid, clockTimeToInt currentTime, newData) : cleanup currentTime sdata)) --- Updates the data of the current user session. updateSessionData :: Global (SessionStore a) -> a -> (a -> a) -> IO () updateSessionData sessiondata defaultdata upd = do sd <- getSessionData sessiondata defaultdata putSessionData sessiondata (upd sd) --- Removes data related to the current user session from a session store. removeSessionData :: Global (SessionStore a) -> IO () removeSessionData sessionData = do ensureSessionDataDir sid <- getSessionId SessionStore sdata <- safeReadGlobal sessionData emptySessionStore currentTime <- getClockTime writeGlobal sessionData (SessionStore (filter (\ (id, _, _) -> id /= sid) (cleanup currentTime sdata))) -- expects that clockTimeToInt converts time into ascending integers! -- we should write our own conversion-function cleanup :: ClockTime -> [(SessionId, Int, a)] -> [(SessionId, Int, a)] cleanup currentTime sessionData = filter (\ (_, time, _) -> time > clockTimeToInt (addMinutes (0-sessionLifespan) currentTime)) sessionData ------------------------------------------------------------------------------