--- Library for inductive graphs (port of a Haskell library by Martin Erwig).
--- In this library, graphs are composed and decomposed in an inductive way.
--- The key idea is as follows:
--- A graph is either _empty_ or it consists of _node context_
--- and a _graph_ `g'` which
--- are put together by a constructor `(:&)`.
--- This constructor `(:&)`, however, is not a constructor in
--- the sense of abstract
--- data type, but more basically a defined constructing funtion.
--- A _context_ is a node together withe the edges to and from this node
--- into the nodes in the graph `g'`.
--- For examples of how to use this library, cf. the module `GraphAlgorithms`.
--- @author Bernd Brassel
--- @version July 2021
module Data.GraphInductive (
insNode, insNodes,
insEdge, insEdges,
delNode, delNodes,
delEdge, delEdges,
UGr) where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List ( sortBy )
import Data.Map
infixr 5 .:
--- Graph composition
infixr 5 :&
--- (:&) takes a node-context and a Graph and yields a new graph.
--- The according key idea is detailed at the beginning.
--- nl is the type of the node labels and el the edge labels.
--- Note that it is an error to induce a context for
--- a node already contained in the graph.
(:&) :: Show nl => Context nl el -> Graph nl el -> Graph nl el
(p,v,l,s) :& (Gr g)
| member v g = error ("Node Exception, Node: "++show v++": "++show l)
| otherwise = Gr g3
where g1 = insert v (p,l,s) g
g2 = updAdj g1 p (addSucc v)
g3 = updAdj g2 s (addPred v)
--- The type variables of Graph are nodeLabel and edgeLabel.
--- The internal representation of Graph is hidden.
data Graph nodeLabel edgeLabel = Gr (GraphRep nodeLabel edgeLabel)
--- Nodes and edges themselves (in contrast to their labels) are coded as integers.
--- For both of them, there are variants as labeled, unlabelwd and quasi unlabeled
--- (labeled with ()).
-- Nodes and their labels
--- Unlabeled node
type Node = Int
--- Labeled node
type LNode a = (Node,a)
--- Quasi-unlabeled node
type UNode = LNode ()
-- Edges and their labels
--- Unlabeled edge
type Edge = (Node,Node)
--- Labeled edge
type LEdge b = (Node,Node,b)
--- Quasi-unlabeled edge
type UEdge = LEdge ()
--- The context of a node is the node itself (along with label) and its adjacent nodes.
--- Thus, a context is a quadrupel, for node n it is of the form
--- (edges to n,node n,n's label,edges from n)
type Context a b = (Adj b,Node,a,Adj b) -- Context a b "=" Context' a b "+" Node
--- Labeled links to or from a 'Node'.
type Adj b = [(b,Node)]
-- there are some useful variants of the context type
--- maybe context
type MContext a b = Maybe (Context a b)
--- context with edges and node label only, without the node identifier itself
type Context' a b = (Adj b,a,Adj b)
--- Unlabeled context.
type UContext = ([Node],Node,[Node])
-- graph decomposition
--- decompose a graph into the 'Context' for an arbitrarily-chosen 'Node'
--- and the remaining 'Graph'.
--- In order to use graphs as abstract data structures, we also need means to
--- decompose a graph. This decompostion should work as much like pattern matching
--- as possible. The normal matching is done by the function matchAny, which takes
--- a graph and yields a graph decompostion.
--- According to the main idea, matchAny . (:&) should be an identity.
matchAny :: Graph a b -> GDecomp a b
matchAny (Gr g)
| Data.Map.null g = error "Match Exception, Empty Graph"
| otherwise = case head (toPreOrderList g) of
(v,_) -> case match v (Gr g) of
(Just c,g') -> (c,g')
--- A graph decompostion is a context for a node n and the remaining graph without
--- that node.
type GDecomp a b = (Context a b,Graph a b)
--- a decomposition with a maybe context
type Decomp a b = (MContext a b,Graph a b)
--- Unlabeled decomposition.
type UDecomp g = (Maybe UContext,g)
-- basic graph operations
-- creating graphs
--- An empty 'Graph'.
-- internal representation by finite maps
empty :: Graph _ _
empty = Gr Data.Map.empty
--- Create a 'Graph' from the list of 'LNode's and 'LEdge's.
mkGraph :: Show a => [LNode a] -> [LEdge b] -> Graph a b
mkGraph vs es = (insEdges es . insNodes vs) empty
--- Build a 'Graph' from a list of 'Context's.
buildGr :: Show a => [Context a b] -> Graph a b
buildGr = foldr (:&) empty
--- Build a quasi-unlabeled 'Graph' from the list of 'Node's and 'Edge's.
mkUGraph :: [Node] -> [Edge] -> Graph () ()
mkUGraph vs es = mkGraph (labUNodes vs) (labUEdges es)
-- adding to and deleting from graphs
--- Insert a 'LNode' into the 'Graph'.
insNode :: Show a => LNode a -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
insNode (v,l) = (([],v,l,[]):&)
--- Insert a 'LEdge' into the 'Graph'.
insEdge :: Show a => LEdge b -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
insEdge (v,w,l) g = (pr,v,la,(l,w):su) :& g'
where (Just (pr,_,la,su),g') = match v g
--- Remove a 'Node' from the 'Graph'.
delNode :: Node -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
delNode v = delNodes [v]
--- Remove an 'Edge' from the 'Graph'.
delEdge :: Show a => Edge -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
delEdge (v,w) g = case match v g of
(Nothing,_) -> g
(Just (p,v',l,s),g') -> (p,v',l,filter ((/=w).snd) s) :& g'
--- Insert multiple 'LNode's into the 'Graph'.
insNodes :: Show a => [LNode a] -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
insNodes vs g = foldr insNode g vs
--- Insert multiple 'LEdge's into the 'Graph'.
insEdges :: Show a => [LEdge b] -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
insEdges es g = foldr insEdge g es
--- Remove multiple 'Node's from the 'Graph'.
delNodes :: [Node] -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
delNodes [] g = g
delNodes (v:vs) g = delNodes vs (snd (match v g))
--- Remove multiple 'Edge's from the 'Graph'.
delEdges :: Show a => [Edge] -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
delEdges es g = foldr delEdge g es
-- retrieving information about graphs
--- test if the given 'Graph' is empty.
isEmpty :: Graph _ _ -> Bool
isEmpty (Gr g) = Data.Map.null g
--- match is the complement side of (:&), decomposing a 'Graph' into the
--- 'MContext' found for the given node and the remaining 'Graph'.
match :: Node -> Graph a b -> Decomp a b
match v (Gr g) =
(Nothing,Gr g)
(\ (g',(_,(p,l,s))) ->
let s' = filter ((/=v) . snd) s
p' = filter ((/=v) . snd) p
g1 = updAdj g' s' (clearPred v)
g2 = updAdj g1 p' (clearSucc v)
in (Just (p',v,l,s),Gr g2))
(maybe Nothing (\x -> Just (delete v g, (v,x))) (Data.Map.lookup v g))
--- The number of 'Node's in a 'Graph'.
noNodes :: Graph _ _ -> Int
noNodes (Gr g) = size g
--- The minimum and maximum 'Node' in a 'Graph'.
nodeRange :: Graph _ _ -> (Node,Node)
nodeRange (Gr g)
| Data.Map.null g = (0,0)
| otherwise = (ix (lookupMin g),ix (lookupMax g)) where ix = fst . fromJust
--- Find the context for the given 'Node'. In contrast to "match",
--- "context" causes an error if the 'Node' is
--- not present in the 'Graph'.
context :: Graph a b -> Node -> Context a b
context g v = case match v g of
(Nothing,_) -> error ("Match Exception, Node: "++show v)
(Just c,_) -> c
--- Find the label for a 'Node'.
lab :: Graph a _ -> Node -> Maybe a
lab g v = fst (match v g) >>= Just . lab'
--- Find the neighbors for a 'Node'.
neighbors :: Graph _ _ -> Node -> [Node]
neighbors = (\(p,_,_,s) -> map snd (p++s)) .: context
--- Find all 'Node's that have a link from the given 'Node'.
suc :: Graph _ _ -> Node -> [Node]
suc = map snd .: context4
--- Find all 'Node's that link to to the given 'Node'.
pre :: Graph _ _ -> Node -> [Node]
pre = map snd .: context1
--- Find all Nodes and their labels, which are linked from the given 'Node'.
lsuc :: Graph _ b -> Node -> [(Node,b)]
lsuc = map flip2 .: context4
--- Find all 'Node's that link to the given 'Node' and the label of each link.
lpre :: Graph _ b -> Node -> [(Node,b)]
lpre = map flip2 .: context1
--- Find all outward-bound 'LEdge's for the given 'Node'.
out :: Graph _ b -> Node -> [LEdge b]
out g v = map (\(l,w)->(v,w,l)) (context4 g v)
--- Find all inward-bound 'LEdge's for the given 'Node'.
inn :: Graph _ b -> Node -> [LEdge b]
inn g v = map (\(l,w)->(w,v,l)) (context1 g v)
--- The outward-bound degree of the 'Node'.
outdeg :: Graph _ _ -> Node -> Int
outdeg = length .: context4
--- The inward-bound degree of the 'Node'.
indeg :: Graph _ _ -> Node -> Int
indeg = length .: context1
--- The degree of the 'Node'.
deg :: Graph _ _ -> Node -> Int
deg = (\(p,_,_,s) -> length p+length s) .: context
--- 'True' if the 'Node' is present in the 'Graph'.
gelem :: Node -> Graph _ _ -> Bool
gelem v g = isJust (fst (match v g))
--- graph equality
equal :: (Eq a, Eq b) => Graph a b -> Graph a b -> Bool
equal g g' = slabNodes g == slabNodes g' && slabEdges g == slabEdges g'
-- comparing nodes
nodeComp :: Eq b => LNode b -> LNode b -> Ordering
nodeComp n n' | n == n' = EQ
| fst n Graph a _ -> [LNode a]
slabNodes = gsortBy nodeComp . labNodes
-- comparing edges
edgeComp :: Eq b => LEdge b -> LEdge b -> Ordering
edgeComp e e' | e == e' = EQ
| v Graph _ b -> [LEdge b]
slabEdges = gsortBy edgeComp . labEdges
-- retrieving information from contexts
--- The 'Node' in a 'Context'.
node' :: Context _ _ -> Node
node' (_,v,_,_) = v
--- The label in a 'Context'.
lab' :: Context a _ -> a
lab' (_,_,l,_) = l
--- The 'LNode' from a 'Context'.
labNode' :: Context a _ -> LNode a
labNode' (_,v,l,_) = (v,l)
--- All 'Node's linked to or from in a 'Context'.
neighbors' :: Context _ _ -> [Node]
neighbors' (p,_,_,s) = map snd p++map snd s
--- All 'Node's linked to in a 'Context'.
suc' :: Context _ _ -> [Node]
suc' (_,_,_,s) = map snd s
--- All 'Node's linked from in a 'Context'.
pre' :: Context _ _ -> [Node]
pre' (p,_,_,_) = map snd p
--- All 'Node's linked from in a 'Context', and the label of the links.
lpre' :: Context _ b -> [(Node,b)]
lpre' (p,_,_,_) = map flip2 p
--- All 'Node's linked from in a 'Context', and the label of the links.
lsuc' :: Context _ b -> [(Node,b)]
lsuc' (_,_,_,s) = map flip2 s
--- All outward-directed 'LEdge's in a 'Context'.
out' :: Context _ b -> [LEdge b]
out' (_,v,_,s) = map (\(l,w)->(v,w,l)) s
--- All inward-directed 'LEdge's in a 'Context'.
inn' :: Context _ b -> [LEdge b]
inn' (p,v,_,_) = map (\(l,w)->(w,v,l)) p
--- The outward degree of a 'Context'.
outdeg' :: Context _ _ -> Int
outdeg' (_,_,_,s) = length s
--- The inward degree of a 'Context'.
indeg' :: Context _ _ -> Int
indeg' (p,_,_,_) = length p
--- The degree of a 'Context'.
deg' :: Context _ _ -> Int
deg' (p,_,_,s) = length p+length s
-- listifying graphs
--- A list of all 'LNode's in the 'Graph'.
labNodes :: Graph a b -> [(Int, a)]
labNodes (Gr g) = map (\(v,(_,l,_))->(v,l)) (toList g)
--- A list of all 'LEdge's in the 'Graph'.
labEdges :: Graph _ b -> [LEdge b]
labEdges (Gr g) = concatMap (\(v,(_,_,s))->map (\(l,w)->(v,w,l)) s) (toList g)
--- List all 'Node's in the 'Graph'.
nodes :: Graph _ _ -> [Node]
nodes = map fst . labNodes
--- List all 'Edge's in the 'Graph'.
edges :: Graph _ _ -> [Edge]
edges = map (\(v,w,_)->(v,w)) . labEdges
--- List N available 'Node's, ie 'Node's that are not used in the 'Graph'.
newNodes :: Int -> Graph _ _ -> [Node]
newNodes i g = [n+1..n+i] where (_,n) = nodeRange g
-- some convenient type synonyms
-- Paths and their labels
--- Unlabeled path
type Path = [Node]
--- Labeled path
type LPath a = [LNode a]
--- Quasi-unlabeled path
type UPath = [UNode]
type GraphRep a b = Map Node (Context' a b)
--- a graph without any labels
type UGr = Graph () ()
-- Functions on Graphs
--- Fold a function over the graph.
ufold :: ((Context a b) -> c -> c) -> c -> Graph a b -> c
ufold f u g | isEmpty g = u
| otherwise = f c (ufold f u g')
where (c,g') = matchAny g
--- Map a function over the graph.
gmap :: Show c => (Context a b -> Context c d) -> Graph a b -> Graph c d
gmap f = ufold (\c->((f c):&)) empty
--- Map a function over the 'Node' labels in a graph.
nmap :: Show c => (a -> c) -> Graph a b -> Graph c b
nmap f = gmap (\(p,v,l,s)->(p,v,f l,s))
--- Map a function over the 'Edge' labels in a graph.
emap :: Show a => (b -> c) -> Graph a b -> Graph a c
emap f = gmap (\(p,v,l,s)->(map1 f p,v,l,map1 f s))
where map1 g = map (\(l,v)->(g l,v))
--- add label () to list of edges (node,node)
labUEdges :: [(a, b)] -> [(a, b, ())]
labUEdges = map (\(v,w)->(v,w,()))
--- add label () to list of nodes
labUNodes :: [a] -> [(a, ())]
labUNodes = map (\v->(v,()))
-- textual Graph representation
--- Represent Graph as String
showGraph :: (Show a, Show b) => Graph a b -> String
showGraph (Gr g) = unlines (map showNode (toList g))
showNode (v,(_,l',s)) = show v ++ ":" ++ show l' ++ "->"++ show s
-- auxiliary functions used in the implementation of the
-- derived class members
(.:) :: (c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b -> d)
-- f .: g = \x y->f (g x y)
-- f .: g = (f .) . g
-- (.:) f = ((f .) .)
-- (.:) = (.) (.) (.)
(.:) = (.) . (.)
fst4 :: (a, b, c, d) -> a
fst4 (x,_,_,_) = x
{- not used
snd4 (_,x,_,_) = x
thd4 (_,_,x,_) = x
fth4 :: (a, b, c, d) -> d
fth4 (_,_,_,x) = x
{- not used
fst3 (x,_,_) = x
snd3 (_,x,_) = x
thd3 (_,_,x) = x
flip2 :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
flip2 (x,y) = (y,x)
-- projecting on context elements
-- context1 g v = fst4 (contextP g v)
context1 :: Graph _ b -> Node -> Adj b
{- not used
context2 :: Graph gr => gr a b -> Node -> Node
context3 :: Graph gr => gr a b -> Node -> a
context4 :: Graph _ b -> Node -> Adj b
context1 = fst4 .: context
{- not used
context2 = snd4 .: context
context3 = thd4 .: context
context4 = fth4 .: context
addSucc v l (p,l',s) = (p,l',(l,v):s)
addPred v l (p,l',s) = ((l,v):p,l',s)
clearSucc v _ (p,l,s) = (p,l,filter ((/=v).snd) s)
clearPred v _ (p,l,s) = (filter ((/=v).snd) p,l,s)
updAdj :: GraphRep a b -> Adj b -> (b -> Context' a b -> Context' a b)
-> GraphRep a b
updAdj g [] _ = g
updAdj g ((l,v):vs) f
| member v g = updAdj (adjust (f l) v g) vs f
| otherwise = error ("Edge Exception, Node: " ++ show v)
gsortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
gsortBy p = sortBy (\x y -> let pxy = p x y in pxy == EQ || pxy == LT)