flatcurry ========= This package contains libraries to deal with FlatCurry programs. Currently, it contains the following modules: * `FlatCurry.Compact`: This module contains operations to reduce the size of FlatCurry programs by combining the main module and all imports into a single program that contains only the functions directly or indirectly called from a set of main functions. * `FlatCurry.Files`: This module defines operations to read and write FlatCurry programs. * `FlatCurry.FlexRigid`: provides a function to compute the rigid/flex status of a FlatCurry expression (right-hand side of a function definition). * `FlatCurry.Goodies`: This library provides selector functions, test and update operations as well as some useful auxiliary functions for FlatCurry data terms. * `FlatCurry.Pretty`: This library provides pretty-printers for FlatCurry modules and all substructures (e.g., expressions). * `FlatCurry.Read`: This library defines operations to read FlatCurry programs or interfaces together with all its imported modules in the current load path. * `FlatCurry.Show`: This library contains operations to transform FlatCurry programs into string representations, either in a FlatCurry format or in a Curry-like syntax. * `FlatCurry.Types`: This module defines the data types to represent FlatCurry programs in Curry. * `FlatCurry.XML`: This module contains operations to convert FlatCurry programs into corresponding XML expressions and vice versa. This can be used to store Curry programs in a way independent of a Curry system or to use a Curry system, like PAKCS, as back end by other functional logic programming systems.