------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- This module defines the interface of properties that can be checked --- with the CurryCheck tool, an automatic property-based test tool --- based on the EasyCheck library. --- The ideas behind EasyCheck are described in --- [this paper](http://www-ps.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~sebf/pub/flops08.html). --- CurryCheck automatically tests properties defined with this library. --- CurryCheck supports the definition of unit tests --- (also for I/O operations) and property tests parameterized --- over some arguments. CurryCheck is described in more detail in --- [this paper](http://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~mh/papers/LOPSTR16.html). --- --- Basically, this module is a stub clone of the EasyCheck library --- which contains only the interface of the operations used to specify --- properties. Hence, this library does not import any other library. --- This supports the definition of properties in any other module --- (execept for the prelude). --- --- @author Sebastian Fischer (with extensions by Michael Hanus) --- @version November 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Test.Prop ( -- test specification: PropIO, returns, sameReturns, toError, toIOError, Prop, (==>), for, forAll, is, isAlways, isEventually, uniquely, always, eventually, failing, successful, deterministic, (-=-), (<~>), (~>), (<~), (<~~>), (#), (#<), (#>), (<=>), solutionOf, -- test annotations label, trivial, classify, collect, collectAs, -- enumerating values valuesOf ) where import Test.Prop.Types infix 1 `is`, `isAlways`, `isEventually` infix 1 -=-, <~>, ~>, <~, <~~>, `trivial`, #, #<, #>, <=> infix 1 `returns`, `sameReturns` infixr 0 ==> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Properties involving I/O actions: --- The property `returns a x` is satisfied if the execution of the --- I/O action `a` returns the value `x`. returns :: (Eq a, Show a) => IO a -> a -> PropIO returns _ _ = propUndefinedError "returns" --- The property `sameReturns a1 a2` is satisfied if the execution of the --- I/O actions `a1` and `a2` return identical values. sameReturns :: (Eq a, Show a) => IO a -> IO a -> PropIO sameReturns _ _ = propUndefinedError "sameReturns" --- The property `toError a` is satisfied if the evaluation of the argument --- to normal form yields an exception. toError :: a -> PropIO toError _ = propUndefinedError "toError" --- The property `toIOError a` is satisfied if the execution of the --- I/O action `a` causes an exception. toIOError :: IO a -> PropIO toIOError _ = propUndefinedError "toIOError" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Standard properties to be checked: --- The property `x -=- y` is satisfied if `x` and `y` have deterministic --- values that are equal. (-=-) ::(Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Prop _ -=- _ = propUndefinedError "-=-" --- The property `x <~> y` is satisfied if the sets of the values of --- `x` and `y` are equal. (<~>) :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Prop _ <~> _ = propUndefinedError "<~>" --- The property `x ~> y` is satisfied if `x` evaluates to every value of `y`. --- Thus, the set of values of `y` must be a subset of the set of values of `x`. (~>) :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Prop _ ~> _ = propUndefinedError "~>" --- The property `x <~ y` is satisfied if `y` evaluates to every value of `x`. --- Thus, the set of values of `x` must be a subset of the set of values of `y`. (<~) :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Prop _ <~ _ = propUndefinedError "<~" --- The property `x <~~> y` is satisfied if the multisets of the values of --- `x` and `y` are equal. (<~~>) :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Prop _ <~~> _ = propUndefinedError "<~~>" --- A conditional property is tested if the condition evaluates to `True`. (==>) :: Bool -> Prop -> Prop _ ==> _ = propUndefinedError "==>" --- `solutionOf p` returns (non-deterministically) a solution --- of predicate `p`. This operation is useful to test solutions --- of predicates. solutionOf :: Data a => (a -> Bool) -> a solutionOf pred = pred x &> x where x free --- The property `is x p` is satisfied if `x` has a deterministic value --- which satisfies `p`. is :: Show a => a -> (a -> Bool) -> Prop is _ _ = propUndefinedError "is" --- The property `isAlways x p` is satisfied if all values of `x` satisfy `p`. isAlways :: Show a => a -> (a -> Bool) -> Prop isAlways _ = propUndefinedError "isAlways" --- The property `isEventually x p` is satisfied if some value of `x` --- satisfies `p`. isEventually :: Show a => a -> (a -> Bool) -> Prop isEventually _ = propUndefinedError "isEventually" --- The property `uniquely x` is satisfied if `x` has a deterministic value --- which is true. uniquely :: Bool -> Prop uniquely _ = propUndefinedError "uniquely" --- The property `always x` is satisfied if all values of `x` are true. always :: Bool -> Prop always _ = propUndefinedError "always" --- The property `eventually x` is satisfied if some value of `x` is true. eventually :: Bool -> Prop eventually _ = propUndefinedError "eventually" --- The property `failing x` is satisfied if `x` has no value. failing :: Show a => a -> Prop failing _ = propUndefinedError "failing" --- The property `successful x` is satisfied if `x` has at least one value. successful :: Show a => a -> Prop successful _ = propUndefinedError "successful" --- The property `deterministic x` is satisfied if `x` has exactly one value. deterministic :: Show a => a -> Prop deterministic _ = propUndefinedError "deterministic" --- The property `x # n` is satisfied if `x` has `n` values. (#) :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> Int -> Prop _ # _ = propUndefinedError "#" --- The property `x #< n` is satisfied if `x` has less than `n` values. (#<) :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> Int -> Prop _ #< _ = propUndefinedError "#<" --- The property `x #> n` is satisfied if `x` has more than `n` values. (#>) :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> Int -> Prop _ #> _ = propUndefinedError "#>" --- The property `for x p` is satisfied if all values `y` of `x` --- satisfy property `p y`. for :: Show a => a -> (a -> Prop) -> Prop for _ _ = propUndefinedError "for" --- The property `forAll xs p` is satisfied if all values `x` of the list `xs` --- satisfy property `p x`. forAll :: Show a => [a] -> (a -> Prop) -> Prop forAll _ _ = propUndefinedError "forAll" --- The property `f <=> g` is satisfied if `f` and `g` are equivalent --- operations, i.e., they can be replaced in any context without changing --- the computed results. (<=>) :: a -> a -> Prop _ <=> _ = propUndefinedError "#" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test Annotations --- Assign a label to a property. --- All labeled tests are counted and shown at the end. label :: String -> Prop -> Prop label _ _ = propUndefinedError "label" --- Assign a label to a property if the first argument is `True`. --- All labeled tests are counted and shown at the end. --- Hence, this combinator can be used to classify tests: --- --- multIsComm x y = classify (x<0 || y<0) "Negative" $ x*y -=- y*x --- classify :: Bool -> String -> Prop -> Prop classify _ _ _ = propUndefinedError "classify" --- Assign the label "trivial" to a property if the first argument is `True`. --- All labeled tests are counted and shown at the end. trivial :: Bool -> Prop -> Prop trivial _ _ = propUndefinedError "trivial" --- Assign a label showing the given argument to a property. --- All labeled tests are counted and shown at the end. collect :: Show a => a -> Prop -> Prop collect _ _ = propUndefinedError "collect" --- Assign a label showing a given name and the given argument to a property. --- All labeled tests are counted and shown at the end. collectAs :: Show a => String -> a -> Prop -> Prop collectAs _ _ _ = propUndefinedError "collectAs" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Value generation --- Computes the list of all values of the given argument --- according to a given strategy (here: --- randomized diagonalization of levels with flattening). valuesOf :: a -> [a] valuesOf = error "Test.Prop.valuesOf undefined. Use Test.EasyCheck to actually run it!" propUndefinedError :: String -> _ propUndefinedError op = error $ "Test.Prop." ++ op ++ " undefined. Use Test.EasyCheck to actually run it!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------