-- --------------------------------------------------------- --- This module translates the abstract syntax tree --- into a curry programm using the AbstractCurry libraries. --- Errors are thrown for limitations caused by CDBI. --- The translation is provided as a single line string as --- required by currypp. --- --- @author Julia Krone --- @version June 2023 -- --------------------------------------------------------- module CPP.ICode.Parser.SQL.Translator(translate) where import AbstractCurry.Types import AbstractCurry.Pretty import AbstractCurry.Build import Data.Char ( toLower, toUpper ) import Data.List ( intercalate, splitOn ) import Text.Pretty ( pPrint ) import CPP.ICode.ParseTypes import CPP.ICode.Parser.SQL.AST -- module name needed for qualified names mCDBI :: String mCDBI = "Database.CDBI.ER" --- Invokes the translation of the AST into a string of curry code --- in case a valid AST is given, does nothing otherwise. translate :: PM [Statement] -> Bool -> String -> Pos -> PM String translate (PM (WM (Errors err) ws)) _ _ _ = PM $ WM (throwPR err) ws translate (PM (WM (OK stats) ws)) withrundb mModel pos = let (PM (WM resPR warns)) = sequencePM (map (transStatement pos mModel) stats ) in liftPM showFunction (PM $ WM resPR (warns++ws)) where -- The list of CExpr representing the statements is concatenated and pretty -- printed. To obtain a single-line translation, line feeds are replaced by -- space characters and indentation is removed showFunction stats = let finExpr = if withrundb then applyF (mCDBI, "runWithDB") [constF (mModel, "sqliteDBFile"), concatStatements stats] else concatStatements stats finStr = (pPrint (ppCExpr defaultOptions finExpr)) newLines = splitOn ['\n'] finStr in '(' : removeIndents (intercalate [' '] newLines) ++ ")" removeIndents :: String -> String removeIndents [] = [] removeIndents (s:str) = case s of ' ' -> let (_, rest) = span (\c -> c == ' ') str in s : removeIndents rest _ -> s : removeIndents str concatStatements :: [CExpr] -> CExpr concatStatements [] = CLambda [cpvar "conn"] (applyF (pre "return") [applyE (CSymbol (pre "Right")) [(CSymbol (pre "()"))]]) concatStatements [stat] = stat concatStatements (s1:s2:stats) = applyF (mCDBI, ">+") [s1, (concatStatements (s2:stats))] -- -----------------------------------translation ----------------------------- -- Call corresponding translation for each kind of statement transStatement :: Pos -> String -> Statement -> PM CExpr transStatement p mModel (Select selhead order lim) = bindPM (transLimit lim) (transSelHead p mModel selhead order ) transStatement p mModel (Update tab assigns cond) = combinePMs (\table valCond -> applyF (mCDBI, "updateEntries")(table:valCond)) (transTableName mModel tab) (transUpdate p mModel assigns cond) transStatement _ mModel (UpdateEntity tab val) = liftPM (\table -> applyF (mCDBI, "updateEntry") [table, transValue mModel val False]) (transTableName mModel tab) transStatement p mModel (Delete tab cond) = transDelete p mModel tab cond transStatement _ mModel (Insert tab cols valss) = combinePMs (\func args -> applyF func args) (getInsertFunction valss) (combinePMs (\d t -> [d,t]) (transTableName mModel tab) (transInsertData mModel tab cols valss) ) transStatement p mModel (InTransaction sts) = transTransaction p mModel sts transStatement _ _ Transaction = cleanPM (CLambda [cpvar "c"] (applyF (pre "(>>)") [(applyF (mCDBI, "begin") [cvar "c"]), (applyF (pre "return") [applyE (CSymbol (pre "Right")) [(CSymbol (pre "()"))]])])) transStatement _ _ Commit = cleanPM (CLambda [cpvar "c"] (applyF (pre "(>>)") [(applyF (mCDBI, "commit") [cvar "c"]), (applyF (pre "return") [applyE (CSymbol (pre "Right")) [(CSymbol (pre "()"))]])])) transStatement _ _ Rollback = cleanPM (CLambda [cpvar "c"] (applyF (pre "(>>)") [(applyF (mCDBI, "rollback") [cvar "c"]), (applyF (pre "return") [applyE (CSymbol (pre "Right")) [(CSymbol (pre "()"))]])])) -- ---------------------transaction ------------------------- -- The translation of a transactional statement requires the concatenation -- of staements with a monadic operator after the translation of -- each single statement transTransaction :: Pos -> String -> [Statement] -> PM CExpr transTransaction p _ [] = throwPM p ("Transaction without statements found.") transTransaction p mModel [s] = transStatement p mModel s transTransaction p mModel (s1:s2:sts) = combinePMs (\trS1 trSts -> applyF (mCDBI, ">+") [trS1, trSts]) (transStatement p mModel s1) (transTransaction p mModel (s2:sts)) -- ----------------------select statement -------------------- -- The translation of select statements requires a distinction between -- simple or compound statements and subsequently between single column -- selection or complete table rows (entities). transSelHead :: Pos -> String -> SelectHead -> Order -> CExpr -> PM CExpr transSelHead p mModel q@(Query selClause tab cond gr) order lim = case selClause of (SelAll sp) -> transToGetEnt p mModel sp tab cond gr order lim (SelColumns _ _) -> (combinePMs (\(fun, select) trOrd -> applyF fun ([(list2ac []), (list2ac [select]), trOrd, lim])) (combinePMs (,) (getColFunc p q) (transToGetCol p mModel q)) (transOrder p mModel order)) transSelHead p mModel (Set op head1 head2) order lim = let setops = list2ac (getSetOpList op head2) in combinePMs (\fun (trHeads, trOrd) -> applyF fun ([setops, (list2ac trHeads), trOrd, lim])) (getColFunc p head1) (combinePMs (,) (transSetParts p mModel head1 head2) (transOrder p mModel order)) getSetOpList :: ASetOp -> SelectHead -> [CExpr] getSetOpList op (Query _ _ _ _) = [(transSetOp op)] getSetOpList op (Set nextOp _ head2) = ((transSetOp op):(getSetOpList nextOp head2)) transSetOp :: ASetOp -> CExpr transSetOp AUnion = (CSymbol (mCDBI, "Union")) transSetOp AExcept = (CSymbol (mCDBI, "Except")) transSetOp AIntersect = (CSymbol (mCDBI, "Intersect")) -- Further set operations can just appear in the second selectHead. transSetParts :: Pos -> String -> SelectHead -> SelectHead -> PM [CExpr] transSetParts p mModel head1 head2@(Query _ _ _ _) = combinePMs (\h1 h2 -> [h1, h2]) (transToGetCol p mModel head1) (transToGetCol p mModel head2) transSetParts p mModel head1 (Set _ h1 h2) = combinePMs (:) (transToGetCol p mModel head1) (transSetParts p mModel h1 h2) transSp :: ASpecifier -> CExpr transSp AAll = CSymbol (mCDBI, "All") transSp ADistinct = CSymbol (mCDBI, "Distinct") -- tranlsation function for selection of one or more complete entities. transToGetEnt :: Pos -> String -> ASpecifier -> TableRef -> Condition -> (Maybe Group) -> Order -> CExpr -> PM CExpr transToGetEnt p mModel sp tab cond gr order lim = case tab of (TableRef t Nothing) -> combinePMs (\table condOrd -> (applyF (mCDBI, "getEntries") ([(transSp sp), table]++condOrd++[lim]))) (transTableName mModel t) (combinePMs (\trCond trOrd -> trCond++[trOrd]) (transSelCond p mModel cond gr) (transOrder p mModel order)) (TableRef _ (Just _)) -> combinePMs (\cdsNJoin trCond -> (applyF (mCDBI, "getEntriesCombined") ([(transSp sp)]++cdsNJoin++trCond++[lim]))) (getCDJoin p mModel tab) (combinePMs (\trCond trOrd -> trCond ++[trOrd]) (transSelCond p mModel cond gr) (transOrder p mModel order)) getCDJoin :: Pos -> String -> TableRef -> PM [CExpr] getCDJoin p mModel (TableRef tab join) = combinePMs (\ trJoin trCD -> trCD++[trJoin]) (getJoins p mModel join) (getCombDesc p mModel tab join) -- Throws error in case more than three entities are combined which -- is not supported yet, but can easily be added according to the translation -- of two and three entities given below. getCombDesc :: Pos -> String -> Table -> (Maybe JoinClause) -> PM [CExpr] getCombDesc _ _ _ Nothing = cleanPM [] getCombDesc p mModel tab (Just join) = let tabs = tab:(countTabs (Just join)) in case length tabs of 2 -> getTwoEntStr mModel tabs 3 -> getThreeEntStr mModel tabs _ -> throwPM p ("This number of joined tables is not supported. " ++"Reduce number of tables or select up to " ++"5 columns and join an arbitrary number of " ++"tables.") countTabs :: (Maybe JoinClause) -> [Table] countTabs Nothing = [] countTabs (Just (CrossJoin tab join)) = tab:(countTabs join) countTabs (Just (InnerJoin tab _ join)) = tab:(countTabs join) -- Translation of the combination of two entity types. getTwoEntStr :: String -> [Table] -> PM [CExpr] getTwoEntStr mModel ((Table name1 _ al1):(Table name2 _ al2):_)= (cleanPM [(applyF (mCDBI, "combineDescriptions") [(constF (mModel, entity2Description name1)), (cvar(show al1)), (constF (mModel, entity2Description name2)), (cvar (show al2)), (CLambda [(cpvar "e1"), (cpvar "e2")] (applyF (pre "(,)") [(cvar "e1"), (cvar "e2")])), (constF (pre "id"))])]) -- Translation of the combination of three entity types. getThreeEntStr :: String -> [Table] -> PM [CExpr] getThreeEntStr mModel ((Table name1 _ al1):(Table name2 _ al2):(Table name3 _ al3):_)= (cleanPM [(applyF (mCDBI, "addDescription") [(constF (mModel, entity2Description name3)), (cvar(show al3)), (CLambda [(cpvar "e3"), (tuplePattern [(cpvar "e1"), (cpvar "e2"), (cpvar "_")])] (applyF (pre "(,,)") [(cvar "e1"), (cvar "e2"), (cvar "e3")])), (CLambda [(tuplePattern [(cpvar "_"), (cpvar "_"), (cpvar "e3")])] (cvar "e3")), (applyF (mCDBI, "combineDescriptions") [(constF (mModel, entity2Description name1)), (cvar(show al1)), (constF (mModel, entity2Description name2)), (cvar(show al2)), (CLambda [(cpvar "e1"), (cpvar "e2")] (applyF (pre "(,,)") [(cvar "e1"), (cvar "e2"), (cvar "_")])), (CLambda [(tuplePattern [(cpvar "e1"), (cpvar "e2"), (cpvar "_")])] (applyF (pre "(,,)") [(cvar "e1"), (cvar "e2")]))])])]) getJoins :: Pos -> String -> (Maybe JoinClause) -> PM CExpr getJoins p mModel join = liftPM (\joinList -> list2ac joinList) (getNextJoin p mModel join) getNextJoin :: Pos -> String -> (Maybe JoinClause) -> PM [CExpr] getNextJoin _ _ Nothing = cleanPM [] getNextJoin p mModel (Just (CrossJoin _ join)) = combinePMs (:) (cleanPM (constF (mCDBI, "crossJoin"))) (getNextJoin p mModel join) getNextJoin p mModel (Just(InnerJoin _ cond join)) = combinePMs (:) (getInnerJoin p mModel cond) (getNextJoin p mModel join) getInnerJoin :: Pos -> String -> JoinCond -> PM CExpr getInnerJoin p mModel (JC cond) = liftPM (\trCond -> (applyF (mCDBI, "innerJoin") [trCond])) (transCond p mModel cond) -- Returns correct function name according to number of columns. -- Returns an error for more than six columns or compound selects -- for complete entity cause neither is supported by CDBI. getColFunc :: Pos -> SelectHead -> PM (String, String) getColFunc p (Query (SelColumns _ elems) _ _ _) = case length elems of 1 -> cleanPM (mCDBI, "getColumn") 2 -> cleanPM (mCDBI, "getColumnTuple") 3 -> cleanPM (mCDBI, "getColumnTriple") 4 -> cleanPM (mCDBI, "getColumnFourTuple") 5 -> cleanPM (mCDBI, "getColumnFiveTuple") 6 -> cleanPM (mCDBI, "getColumnSixTuple") _ -> throwPM p ("The selection of more than six columns is not " ++ "supported by the CDBI-Interface.") getColFunc p (Query (SelAll _) _ _ _) = throwPM p ("The Combination of '*' and Setoperators is not supported.") getColFunc p (Set _ _ _) = throwPM p ("Internal parsing error: this should not happen") -- Returns construction of datatypes for selection of single columns -- according to number of columns. -- Returns an error for more than six columns or compound selects -- for complete entity cause neither is supported by CDBI. transToGetCol :: Pos -> String -> SelectHead -> PM CExpr transToGetCol p mModel q@(Query (SelColumns _ es) _ _ _) = case (length es) of 1 -> transToSingleCol p mModel q 2 -> transToTupleCol p mModel q 3 -> transToTripleCol p mModel q 4 -> transToFourTCol p mModel q 5 -> transToFiveTCol p mModel q 6 -> transToSixTCol p mModel q _ -> throwPM p ("The selection of more than six columns is not " ++ "supported by the CDBI-Interface.") transToGetCol p _ (Query (SelAll _) _ _ _) = throwPM p ("The combination of '*' and set operators is not supported.") transToGetCol p _ (Set _ _ _ ) = throwPM p ("The combination of '*' "++ "and set operators is "++ "not supported.") -- Translation to SingleColumnSelect. transToSingleCol :: Pos -> String -> SelectHead -> PM CExpr transToSingleCol p mModel (Query (SelColumns sp es) tab cond gr) = combinePMs (\sc (trTabs, trCond) -> (applyE (CSymbol (mCDBI, "SingleCS")) ([(transSp sp), sc, trTabs]++trCond))) (transColSingleCol p mModel (head es)) (combinePMs (,) (transTabsNJoins p mModel tab) (transSelCond p mModel cond gr)) -- Translation to TupleColumnSelect. transToTupleCol :: Pos -> String -> SelectHead -> PM CExpr transToTupleCol p mModel (Query (SelColumns sp es) tab cond gr) = combinePMs (\tupleCol (trTab, trCond) -> applyE (CSymbol (mCDBI, "TupleCS")) ([(transSp sp), tupleCol, trTab]++trCond)) (transColumnCol p mModel "tupleCol" es ) (combinePMs (,) (transTabsNJoins p mModel tab) (transSelCond p mModel cond gr)) -- Translation to TripleColumnSelect. transToTripleCol :: Pos -> String -> SelectHead -> PM CExpr transToTripleCol p mModel (Query (SelColumns sp es) tab cond gr)= combinePMs (\tupleCol (trTab, trCond) -> applyE (CSymbol (mCDBI, "TripleCS")) ([(transSp sp), tupleCol, trTab]++trCond)) (transColumnCol p mModel "tripleCol" es) (combinePMs (,) (transTabsNJoins p mModel tab) (transSelCond p mModel cond gr)) -- Translation to FourColumnSelect. transToFourTCol :: Pos -> String -> SelectHead -> PM CExpr transToFourTCol p mModel (Query (SelColumns sp es) tab cond gr) = combinePMs (\tupleCol (trTab, trCond) -> applyE (CSymbol (mCDBI, "FourCS")) ([(transSp sp), tupleCol, trTab]++trCond)) (transColumnCol p mModel "fourCol" es) (combinePMs (,) (transTabsNJoins p mModel tab) (transSelCond p mModel cond gr)) -- Translation to FiveColumnSelect. transToFiveTCol :: Pos -> String -> SelectHead -> PM CExpr transToFiveTCol p mModel (Query (SelColumns sp es) tab cond gr) = combinePMs (\tupleCol (trTab, trCond) -> applyE (CSymbol (mCDBI, "FiveCS")) ([(transSp sp), tupleCol, trTab]++trCond)) (transColumnCol p mModel "fiveCol" es) (combinePMs (,) (transTabsNJoins p mModel tab) (transSelCond p mModel cond gr)) -- Translation to SixColumnSelect. transToSixTCol :: Pos -> String -> SelectHead -> PM CExpr transToSixTCol p mModel (Query (SelColumns sp es) tab cond gr) = combinePMs (\tupleCol (trTab, trCond) -> applyE (CSymbol (mCDBI, "SixCS")) ([(transSp sp), tupleCol, trTab]++trCond)) (transColumnCol p mModel "sixCol" es) (combinePMs (,) (transTabsNJoins p mModel tab) (transSelCond p mModel cond gr)) -- Translation function for ColumnCollection type for all arities -- based on function for ColumnSingleCollection. transColumnCol :: Pos -> String -> String -> [SelElement] -> PM CExpr transColumnCol p mModel constr es = liftPM (\elems -> applyF (mCDBI, constr) elems) (sequencePM (map (transColSingleCol p mModel) es)) -- Translation to a ColumnSingleCollection. transColSingleCol :: Pos -> String -> SelElement -> PM CExpr transColSingleCol p mModel (Col col) = (transToColDesc p mModel col (constF (mCDBI, "none"))) transColSingleCol p mModel (Aggregation fun sp col) = (transToColDesc p mModel col (transFun fun sp)) transColSingleCol p mModel (Case cond val1 val2) = combinePMs (\c ((tv1,tv2), fun) -> applyF (mCDBI, "caseThen") [(applyF (mCDBI, "condition") [c]), tv1, tv2, fun]) (transCond p mModel cond) (combinePMs (,) (combinePMs (,) (transOperand p mModel val1) (transOperand p mModel val2)) (valTypeNFun p val1 val2)) transToColDesc :: Pos -> String -> ColumnRef -> CExpr -> PM CExpr transToColDesc _ mModel (Column (Unique tab) col _ _ al) fun = cleanPM (applyF (mCDBI, "singleCol") [(constF (mModel, ((firstLow tab)++col++"ColDesc"))), (cvar (show al)), fun]) -- should not happen at this stage anymore transToColDesc p _ (Column (Def _) col _ _ _) _ = throwPM p ("Translator: Column "++col++" could not be related to any table.") transFun :: AFun -> ASpecifier -> CExpr transFun ASum sp = applyF (mCDBI, "sum") [(transSp sp)] transFun AAvg sp = applyF (mCDBI, "avg") [(transSp sp)] transFun ACount sp = applyF (mCDBI, "count") [(transSp sp)] transFun AMin _ = constF (mCDBI, "minV") transFun AMax _ = constF (mCDBI, "maxV") valTypeNFun :: Pos -> Operand -> Operand -> PM CExpr valTypeNFun p (Right (IntExp _ )) v2 = case v2 of (Left (Column _ _ (Key _) _ _)) -> throwPM p ("Key columns are not allowed " ++"in case-expressions due " ++"to restrictions of the CDBI" ++" interface.") _ -> cleanPM (constF (mCDBI, "caseResultInt")) valTypeNFun _ (Right (FloatExp _)) _= cleanPM (constF (mCDBI, "caseResultFloat")) valTypeNFun _ (Right (StringExp _)) _ = cleanPM (constF (mCDBI, "caseResultString")) valTypeNFun _ (Right (DateExp _)) _ = cleanPM (constF (mCDBI,"caseResultDate")) valTypeNFun _ (Right (BoolExp _)) _ = cleanPM (constF (mCDBI,"caseResultBool")) valTypeNFun _ (Right (CharExp _)) _ = cleanPM (constF (mCDBI,"caseResultChar")) valTypeNFun p (Right (KeyExp _ _)) _ = throwPM p ("Key columns are not allowed in case-expressions"++ " due to restrictions of the CDBI interface.") valTypeNFun p (Right (Emb _ typ)) v2 = case v2 of (Left (Column _ _ (Key _) _ _)) -> throwPM p ("Key columns are not allowed " ++"in case-expressions due " ++"to restrictions of the CDBI" ++" interface.") _ -> cleanPM (constF (mCDBI, ("caseResult"++(transTyp typ)))) valTypeNFun p (Right AbsNull) _ = throwPM p ("This should not happen, because" ++" preprocessing was already " ++"stopped.") valTypeNFun p (Left (Column _ _ typ _ _)) _ = case typ of (Key _) -> throwPM p ("Key columns are not allowed in case-expressions"++ " due to restrictions of the CDBI interface.") _ -> cleanPM (constF (mCDBI, ("caseResult"++(transTyp typ)))) -- Translation to TC type. transTabsNJoins :: Pos -> String -> TableRef -> PM CExpr transTabsNJoins p mModel (TableRef tab join)= liftPM (\trTab -> applyE (CSymbol (mCDBI, "TC")) ((transTab mModel tab)++[trTab])) (transTables p mModel join) transTables :: Pos -> String -> (Maybe JoinClause) -> PM CExpr transTables _ _ Nothing = cleanPM (CSymbol (pre "Nothing")) transTables p mModel (Just (CrossJoin tab join)) = liftPM (\trJoin -> applyE (CSymbol (pre "Just")) [applyF (pre "(,)") [(constF (mCDBI, "crossJoin")), (applyE (CSymbol (mCDBI, "TC")) ((transTab mModel tab)++[trJoin]))]]) (transTables p mModel join) transTables p mModel (Just (InnerJoin tab cond join)) = combinePMs (\trCond trJoin -> applyE (CSymbol (pre "Just")) [applyF (pre "(,)") [trCond, (applyE (CSymbol (mCDBI, "TC")) ((transTab mModel tab) ++[trJoin]))]]) (getInnerJoin p mModel cond) (transTables p mModel join ) transTab :: String -> Table -> [CExpr] transTab mModel (Table name _ alias) = [(constF (mModel, ((firstLow name)++"Table"))), (cvar (show alias))] -- Translation to Criteria data type. transSelCond :: Pos -> String -> Condition -> (Maybe Group) -> PM [CExpr] transSelCond p mModel cond gr = combinePMs (\c trGr -> [applyE (CSymbol (mCDBI, "Criteria")) [c, trGr]]) (transCond p mModel cond) (transGroup p mModel gr) -- Translation for Group-by-clause. transGroup :: Pos -> String -> (Maybe Group) -> PM CExpr transGroup _ _ Nothing = cleanPM (CSymbol (pre "Nothing")) transGroup p mModel (Just (GroupBy cols hav)) = (transGroupBy p mModel cols hav) transGroupBy :: Pos -> String -> [ColumnRef] -> Having -> PM CExpr transGroupBy _ _ [] _ = cleanPM (CSymbol (pre "Nothing")) transGroupBy p mModel (c:cs) hav = combinePMs (\col gbt -> (applyE (CSymbol (pre "Just")) [applyF (mCDBI, "groupBy") [col, gbt]])) (transColumn p mModel c) (transGroupByTail p mModel cs hav) transGroupByTail :: Pos -> String -> [ColumnRef] -> Having -> PM CExpr transGroupByTail p mModel [] hav = transHaving p mModel hav transGroupByTail p mModel (c:cs) hav = combinePMs (\col gbt -> (applyF (mCDBI, "groupByCol") [col, gbt])) (transColumn p mModel c) (transGroupByTail p mModel cs hav) -- Translation for having-clause. transHaving :: Pos -> String -> Having -> PM CExpr transHaving p mModel have = case have of NoHave -> cleanPM (constF (mCDBI, "noHave")) _ -> liftPM (\cond -> (applyF (mCDBI, "having") [cond])) (transHavCond p mModel have) transHavCond :: Pos -> String -> Having -> PM CExpr transHavCond p mModel (SimpleHave cond) = liftPM (\c -> (applyF (mCDBI, "condition") [c])) (transCond p mModel cond) transHavCond p mModel (Neg hav) = liftPM (\c -> (applyE (CSymbol (mCDBI, "Neg")) [c])) (transHavCond p mModel hav) transHavCond p mModel (CmpHave op hav1 hav2) = combinePMs (\ trHav1 trHav2 -> (applyE (CSymbol (mCDBI, (transLogForHav op))) [list2ac [trHav1, trHav2 ]])) (transHavCond p mModel hav1) (transHavCond p mModel hav2) transHavCond p mModel (AggrHave fun sp op1 bop op2) = let trfun = case fun of ASum -> getSumFun op1 AAvg -> getAvgFun op1 ACount -> (mCDBI, "countCol") AMin -> (mCDBI, "minCol") AMax -> (mCDBI, "maxCol") in combinePMs (\(col, operand) binOp -> (applyF trfun [(transSp sp), col, operand, (constF binOp)])) (combinePMs (,) (transColumn p mModel op1) (transOperand p mModel op2)) (transBinOp bop) where getSumFun (Column _ _ I _ _) = (mCDBI, "sumIntCol") getSumFun (Column _ _ F _ _) = (mCDBI, "sumFloatCol") getAvgFun (Column _ _ I _ _) = (mCDBI, "avgIntCol") getAvgFun (Column _ _ F _ _) = (mCDBI, "avgFloatCol") transLogForHav :: ALogOp -> String transLogForHav AAnd = "HAnd" transLogForHav AOr = "Or" -- Translation for order-by-clause. transOrder :: Pos -> String -> Order -> PM CExpr transOrder _ _ (OrderBy []) = cleanPM (list2ac []) transOrder p mModel (OrderBy (cd:colDirs)) = (liftPM (\ords -> list2ac ords) (sequencePM (map (transColDir p mModel) (cd:colDirs)))) transColDir :: Pos -> String -> (ColumnRef, Dir) -> PM CExpr transColDir p mModel (col , Asc) = liftPM (\c -> applyF (mCDBI, "ascOrder") [c]) (transColumn p mModel col) transColDir p mModel (col , Desc) = liftPM (\c -> applyF (mCDBI, "descOrder") [c]) (transColumn p mModel col) --Translation for Limit-clause. transLimit :: (Maybe Int) -> PM CExpr transLimit Nothing = cleanPM (CSymbol (pre "Nothing")) transLimit (Just lim) = cleanPM (applyE (CSymbol (pre "Just")) [(cvar(show lim))]) -- -----------------------update statement ------------------- -- Translation of update statement. transUpdate :: Pos -> String -> [Assign] -> Condition -> PM [CExpr] transUpdate p mModel assigns cond = combinePMs (\ trAss trCond -> [trAss, trCond]) (transAssigns p mModel assigns) (transCond p mModel cond) transAssigns :: Pos -> String -> [Assign] -> PM CExpr transAssigns p mModel assigns = liftPM (\trAss -> list2ac trAss) (sequencePM (map (transAssign p mModel) assigns)) transAssign :: Pos -> String -> Assign -> PM CExpr transAssign p mModel (Assign col val) = combinePMs (\trVal trCol-> applyF (mCDBI, "colVal") [trCol, trVal]) (transCondValue p mModel val ) (transUpdColumn p mModel col) -- Columns have to be translated differently than in conditions or select. transUpdColumn :: Pos -> String -> ColumnRef -> PM CExpr transUpdColumn _ mModel (Column (Unique tab) col _ _ _) = cleanPM (constF (mModel, ((firstLow tab)++"Column"++col))) -- this should not happen at this stage anymore transUpdColumn p _ (Column (Def _) col _ _ _) = throwPM p ("Column "++col++" could not be related " ++"to any table.") -- ------------------------delete statement ------------------- -- Translation of delete statement. transDelete :: Pos -> String -> Table -> Condition -> PM CExpr transDelete p mModel tab cond = combinePMs (\table trCond -> (applyF (mCDBI, "deleteEntries") [table, trCond])) (transTableName mModel tab ) (transMaybeCond p mModel cond) -- In delete statements the condition is a maybe-Value. transMaybeCond :: Pos -> String -> Condition -> PM CExpr transMaybeCond p mModel cond = case cond of NoCond -> cleanPM (CSymbol (pre "Nothing")) _ -> liftPM (\c -> applyE (CSymbol (pre "Just")) [c]) (transCond p mModel cond) -- ----------------------- insert statement ------------------- -- Depending on the number of given lists of values -- there are different CDBI functions to apply. getInsertFunction :: [[Value]] -> PM (String, String) getInsertFunction valss = if length valss > 1 then cleanPM (mCDBI, "insertEntries") else cleanPM (mCDBI, "insertEntry") -- Translation of list of lists of values. transInsertData :: String -> Table -> [ColumnRef] -> [[Value]] -> PM CExpr transInsertData mModel (Table tab _ _) cols valss= let entities = (map (transEntity mModel tab cols) valss) in if length entities == 1 then cleanPM (head entities) else cleanPM (list2ac entities) -- Distinguishes between embedded expression or list with values. -- In latter case apply constructor of entity. transEntity :: String -> String -> [ColumnRef] -> [Value] -> CExpr transEntity mModel tab cols vals = case vals of [(Emb exp _)] -> (cvar exp) _ -> applyE (CSymbol (mModel, (firstUp tab))) (transInsertValues mModel cols vals) -- Translates list of values to insert. transInsertValues :: String -> [ColumnRef] -> [Value] -> [CExpr] transInsertValues _ [] _ = [] transInsertValues _ (_:_) [] = [] transInsertValues mModel (Column _ _ _ nl _ : cs) (v:vs) = transValue mModel v nl : transInsertValues mModel cs vs -- ----------------------- common elements -------------------- -- Traslation of table name as used in update, insert and delete. transTableName :: String -> Table -> PM CExpr transTableName mModel (Table tab _ _) = cleanPM (constF (mModel, entity2Description tab)) -- Translation of values as used in insert statements. transValue :: String -> Value -> Bool -> CExpr transValue _ (Emb exp etype) nullable = -- Note: nullable strings are not represented as Maybe String but as String addJustIfNullable (nullable && etype /= S) (cvar ("(" ++ exp ++ ")")) transValue _ (IntExp int) nullable = addJustIfNullable nullable (cvar (show int)) transValue _ (FloatExp float) nullable = addJustIfNullable nullable (cvar(show float)) transValue _ (StringExp string) nullable = -- Note: nullable strings are not represented as Maybe String but as String string2ac string transValue _ (DateExp date) nullable = addJustIfNullable nullable (applyF ("Time", "toClockTime") [(cvar (show date))]) transValue _ (BoolExp bool) nullable = addJustIfNullable nullable (cvar (show bool)) transValue _ (CharExp char) nullable = addJustIfNullable nullable (cvar (show char)) transValue mModel (KeyExp tab int) nullable = addJustIfNullable nullable (applyE (CSymbol (mModel, firstUp tab ++ "ID")) [cvar (show int)]) transValue _ AbsNull _ = CSymbol (pre "Nothing") addJustIfNullable :: Bool -> CExpr -> CExpr addJustIfNullable nullable exp = if nullable then applyE (CSymbol (pre "Just")) [exp] else exp -- Translation of values as used in conditions, update and case-expressions. transCondValue :: Pos -> String -> Value -> PM CExpr transCondValue _ mModel (Emb exp typ) = let mModule = case typ of (Key _) -> mModel _ -> mCDBI in cleanPM (applyF (mModule, (firstLow (transTyp typ))) [cvar ("("++exp++")")]) transCondValue _ _ (IntExp int) = cleanPM (applyF (mCDBI, "int") [cvar (show int)]) transCondValue _ _ (FloatExp float) = cleanPM (applyF (mCDBI, "float") [cvar (show float)]) transCondValue _ _ (StringExp str) = cleanPM (applyF (mCDBI, "string") [string2ac str]) transCondValue _ _ (DateExp date) = cleanPM (applyF (mCDBI, "date") [applyF ("Time", "toClockTime") [cvar (show date)]]) transCondValue _ _ (BoolExp bool) = cleanPM (applyF (mCDBI, "bool") [cvar (show bool)]) transCondValue _ _ (CharExp char) = cleanPM (applyF (mCDBI, "char") [cvar (show char)]) transCondValue _ mModel (KeyExp tab i) = cleanPM (applyF (mModel, ((firstLow tab)++"ID")) [applyE (CSymbol (mModel, ((firstUp tab)++"ID"))) [(cvar (show i))]]) transCondValue p _ AbsNull = throwPM p ("This should not happen, cause " ++"preprocessing was already"++ " stopped after Consistency Check.") -- Translation of condition-clause, finally used for all statements. transCond :: Pos -> String -> Condition -> PM CExpr transCond p mModel (FK (tab1, al1) rel (tab2, al2)) = getConstraint p mModel rel (firstLow tab1) al1 (firstLow tab2) al2 transCond p mModel (Cmp logop cond1 cond2) = combinePMs (\trLogop conds -> applyE trLogop [list2ac conds]) (transLogOp logop) (combinePMs (\tcond1 tcond2 -> [tcond1,tcond2]) (transCond p mModel cond1) (transCond p mModel cond2)) transCond p mModel (Not cond)= liftPM (\trcond -> applyE (CSymbol (mCDBI, "Not")) [trcond]) (transCond p mModel cond) transCond p mModel (Exists stat) = transSubquery p mModel stat transCond p mModel (IsNull op) = liftPM (\trop -> applyF (mCDBI, "isNull") [trop]) (transOperand p mModel op) transCond p mModel (NotNull op) = liftPM (\trop -> applyF (mCDBI, "isNotNull") [trop]) (transOperand p mModel op) transCond p mModel (AIn op vals) = combinePMs (\ trop trvals -> applyF (mCDBI,"isIn") [trop, trvals] ) (transOperand p mModel op) (transValList p mModel vals) transCond p mModel (ABinOp bop op1 op2) = combinePMs (\trBop (top1, top2) -> applyE (CSymbol trBop) [top1, top2] ) (transBinOp bop) (combinePMs (,) (transOperand p mModel op1) (transOperand p mModel op2)) transCond p mModel (ABetween op1 op2 op3) = combinePMs (\ top1 top23 -> (applyE (CSymbol (mCDBI, "between")) (top1:top23))) (transOperand p mModel op1) (combinePMs (\ o1 o2 -> [o1,o2]) (transOperand p mModel op2) (transOperand p mModel op3)) transCond _ _ NoCond = cleanPM (CSymbol (mCDBI, "None")) -- Translation of subquery for Exists-constraint. transSubquery :: Pos -> String -> Statement -> PM CExpr transSubquery p mModel (Select selHead order limit) = case limit of Nothing -> combinePMs (\headStr _ -> applyE (CSymbol (mCDBI, "Exists")) headStr) (transHeadForSub p mModel selHead) (transOrderForSub p order) (Just _ ) -> throwPM p ("Found limit inside an exists constraint.") transHeadForSub :: Pos -> String -> SelectHead -> PM [CExpr] transHeadForSub p mModel (Query _ tab cond gr) = case gr of (Just _) -> throwPM p ("Group-Statements inside exists-constraints are" ++ " not supported by the CDBI-Interface") Nothing -> combinePMs (\ trTab trCond -> trTab++[trCond]) (transTableForSub p mModel tab) (transCond p mModel cond) transHeadForSub p _ (Set _ _ _) = throwPM p ("Set-operations inside an exists-" ++"constraint are not supported" ++ " by the CDBI-Interface") transOrderForSub :: Pos -> Order -> PM Order transOrderForSub _ (OrderBy []) = cleanPM (OrderBy []) transOrderForSub p (OrderBy (_:_)) = throwPM p ("Found OrderBy inside an " ++"exists-constraint.") transTableForSub :: Pos -> String -> TableRef -> PM [CExpr] transTableForSub _ mModel (TableRef (Table name _ alias) Nothing) = cleanPM [(constF (mModel, (firstLow name)++"Table")), (cvar(show alias))] transTableForSub p _ (TableRef _ (Just _)) = throwPM p ("More than one Table inside exists-" ++"constraint is not supported by " ++"the CDBI-Interface") -- Translation of Satisfies constraint into normal foreign key constraint -- in condition clauses. getConstraint :: Pos -> String -> AbsRel -> String -> Int -> String -> Int -> PM CExpr getConstraint p mModel rel tab1 al1 tab2 al2 = case rel of (AOneToN relName) -> cleanPM (applyF (mCDBI, "equal") [(applyF (mCDBI, "colNum") [(constF (mModel, (tab1++"ColumnKey"))), (cvar (show al1))]), (applyF (mCDBI, "colNum") [(constF (mModel, (tab2++"Column"++(firstUp tab1) ++relName++"Key"))), (cvar(show al2))])]) (ANToOne relName) -> cleanPM (applyF (mCDBI, "equal") [(applyF (mCDBI, "colNum") [(constF (mModel ,(tab2++"ColumnKey"))), (cvar (show al2))]), (applyF (mCDBI, "colNum") [(constF (mModel, (tab1++"Column"++(firstUp tab2) ++relName++"Key"))), (cvar (show al1))])]) (AMToN relName) -> cleanPM (applyE (CSymbol (mCDBI, "Exists")) [(constF (mModel, (firstLow relName)++"Table")), (cvar "0"), (applyE (CSymbol (mCDBI, "And")) [list2ac [(applyF (mCDBI, "equal") [(applyF (mCDBI, "col") [(constF (mModel, ((firstLow relName) ++"Column"++(firstUp tab1) ++relName++"Key")))]), (applyF (mCDBI, "colNum") [(constF (mModel,(tab1++"ColumnKey"))), (cvar (show al1))])]), (applyF (mCDBI, "equal") [(applyF (mCDBI, "col") [(constF (mModel, ((firstLow relName)++ "Column"++(firstUp tab2) ++relName++"Key")))]), (applyF (mCDBI, "colNum") [(constF (mModel,(tab2++"ColumnKey"))), (cvar (show al2))])])]])]) (NotSpec relName) -> throwPM p ("Internal Error: Relation: " ++relName++" could not be resoled.") transLogOp :: ALogOp -> PM CExpr transLogOp AAnd = cleanPM (CSymbol (mCDBI, "And")) transLogOp AOr = cleanPM (CSymbol (mCDBI, "Or")) transOperand :: Pos -> String -> Operand -> PM CExpr transOperand p mModel (Left col) = transColumn p mModel col transOperand p mModel (Right val) = transCondValue p mModel val -- Translation of Columns for all but the update statement. transColumn :: Pos -> String -> ColumnRef -> PM CExpr transColumn _ mModel (Column (Unique tab) col _ _ al) = cleanPM (applyF (mCDBI, "colNum") [(constF (mModel, ((firstLow tab)++"Column"++col))), (cvar (show al))]) -- this should not happen at this stage anymore transColumn p _ (Column (Def _ ) col _ _ _) = throwPM p (" Translator: Column "++col++" could not be related to any table.") -- Translation of value list used in isIn-constraint. transValList :: Pos -> String -> [Value] -> PM CExpr transValList p mModel vals = liftPM (\trVals -> list2ac trVals) (sequencePM (map (transCondValue p mModel) vals)) transBinOp :: AstOp -> PM (String, String) transBinOp ALth = cleanPM (mCDBI, "lessThan") transBinOp ALe = cleanPM (mCDBI, "lessThanEqual") transBinOp AGth = cleanPM (mCDBI, "greaterThan") transBinOp AGe = cleanPM (mCDBI, "greaterThanEqual") transBinOp AEq = cleanPM (mCDBI, "equal") transBinOp AUnEq = cleanPM (mCDBI, "notEqual") transBinOp ALike = cleanPM (mCDBI, "like") transTyp :: Type -> String transTyp I = "Int" transTyp F = "Float" transTyp C = "Char" transTyp B = "Bool" transTyp S = "String" transTyp D = "Date" transTyp (Key name) = name++"ID" transTyp (Entity name) = name transTyp Unknown = "unknown" firstUp :: String -> String firstUp [] = [] firstUp (s:str) = (toUpper s):str firstLow :: String -> String firstLow [] = [] firstLow (s:str) = (toLower s):str -- Translates an entity name into its description operation -- generated by ERD2CDBI. entity2Description :: String -> String entity2Description name = firstLow name ++ "_CDBI_Description"