------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- A printf-like format expression parser --- ====================================== --- A format expression is of the form --- --- "(Specifier|NonSpecifier)*"(,Var)* --- --- where `Var` can be any string without a comma. --- --- A specifier is in the form --- --- %[flags] [width] [.precision] type --- --- Allowed Flags: '-' '+' '0' ' ' '#' --- --- Width and Precision are either integers or '*'. --- --- Types: 'c' 'd' 'i' 'o' 'x' 'X' 'e' 'E' 'f' 's' --- --- For explanation on semantics see --- --- --- __For further informations see the Format library. --- Not all parsable expressions are usable.__ --- --- @author Jasper Sikorra (with changes by Michael Hanus) --- @version November 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module FormatParser(parse) where import Parser import Char import ReadNumeric import AllSolutions import ParseTypes type Expression = ([Either String Specifier],[Variable]) data Specifier = Spec (Maybe Flags) (Maybe Width) (Maybe Precision) Type data SpecifierWVar = SpecV (Maybe Flags) (Maybe WidthV) (Maybe PrecisionV) Type Variable type Flags = String type Width = Either Int Char type WidthV = Int type Precision = Either Int Char type PrecisionV = Int type Type = Char type Variable = String --- Possible flags flags :: String flags = ['-','+','0',' ','#'] --- Possible types types :: String types = ['c','d','i','o','x','X','e','E','f','s'] --- Escapable characters escapable :: String escapable = ['a','b','f','n','r','t','v','\"','\'','?','\\','0','x'] --- Possible starting letters for variables isVarStartLetter :: Char -> Bool isVarStartLetter c = c /= ',' --- Possible inner letters for variables isVarInnerLetter :: Char -> Bool isVarInnerLetter c = c /= ',' --- Map each type on a function in the Format library mapTypes :: Char -> String mapTypes c = "Format." ++ case c of 'c' -> "showChar" 'd' -> "showInt" 'i' -> "showInt" 'o' -> "showInt" 'x' -> "showInt" 'X' -> "showInt" 'e' -> "showFloat" 'E' -> "showFloat" 'f' -> "showFloat" 'g' -> "showFloat" 'G' -> "showFloat" 's' -> "showString" _ -> error "mapTypes: unknown character" --- The function parses and converts a String that is in the format of a C-like --- printf expression into a Curry Expression that makes use of the Format --- library. --- @param showfun - The operation to be applied to the formatted string result --- @param pos - The position of the expression in the original file --- @param exp - The expression which should be converted --- @return A String in Curry Syntax matching exp using the Format --- library parse :: String -> LangParser parse showfun p s = do x <- addVarsToSpecs p $ readExpression p s return (bindPM (liftPM genString x) (\y -> cleanPM ((++) (showfun++" (") y))) --- Generate the target code genString :: [Either String SpecifierWVar] -> String genString [] = [] genString [x] = case x of (Left stri) -> "\"" ++ stri ++ "\")" (Right sp) -> specToString sp ++ ")" genString (x1:x2:xs) = case x1 of (Left stri) -> "\"" ++ stri ++ "\" ++ " ++ genString (x2:xs) (Right sp) -> specToString sp ++ " ++ " ++ genString (x2:xs) specToString :: SpecifierWVar -> String specToString (SpecV f w p t v) = "(" ++ mapTypes t ++ " " ++ showBr t ++ " " ++ showBr f ++ " " ++ showBr w ++ " " ++ showBr p ++ " " ++ (if all isAlphaNum v then v else '(':v++")") ++ ")" where showBr x = '(' : show x ++ ")" --- Assign variables to the specifiers addVarsToSpecs :: Pos -> IO (PM Expression) -> IO (PM [Either String SpecifierWVar]) addVarsToSpecs p ioprexp = do prexp <- ioprexp let prfs = fstPM prexp prsn = sndPM prexp in do return $ bindPM prfs $ \fs -> bindPM prsn $ \sn -> addVarsToSpecifiers p fs sn addVarsToSpecifiers :: Pos -> [Either String Specifier] -> [Variable] -> PM [Either String SpecifierWVar] addVarsToSpecifiers _ [] [] = cleanPM [] addVarsToSpecifiers po [] (_:_) = throwPM po "Too many variables in format expression" addVarsToSpecifiers po ((Right _):_) [] = throwPM po "Too few variables in format expression" addVarsToSpecifiers po ((Left x):xs) [] = liftPM ((:) (Left x)) (addVarsToSpecifiers po xs []) addVarsToSpecifiers po (q:qs) varis@(v:vs) = case q of (Left stri) -> liftPM ((:) (Left stri)) (addVarsToSpecifiers po qs varis) (Right (Spec f w p t)) -> if (isStar w) then let iv = Just (Left (fst $ maybe failed id $ readNat v)) in addVarsToSpecifiers po (Right (Spec f iv p t):qs) vs else if (isStar p) then let iv = Just (Left (fst $ maybe failed id $ readNat v)) in addVarsToSpecifiers po (Right (Spec f w iv t):qs) vs else liftPM ((:) (Right (SpecV f (eE w) (eE p) t v))) (addVarsToSpecifiers po qs vs) where isStar :: Maybe (Either Int Char) -> Bool isStar = maybe False (\e -> case e of (Right '*') -> True _ -> False) eE :: Maybe (Either Int Char) -> Maybe Int eE = maybe Nothing (\x -> Just (either id failed x)) --- Parse a format string expression readExpression :: Pos -> String -> IO (PM Expression) readExpression p st = do x <- getOneSolution (\a -> expression a st =:= "") return $ maybe (throwPM p "Parse error in format expression.") cleanPM x -- The whole expression expression :: ([Either (String) Specifier],[String]) -> String -> String expression = quoted q <*> vars v >>> (q,v) where q,v free -- The quote part of the expression quoted :: [Either (String) Specifier] -> String -> String quoted = terminal '\"' <*> strsAndSpecs s <*> terminal '\"' >>> s where s free strsAndSpecs :: [Either (String) Specifier] -> String -> String strsAndSpecs = empty >>> [] <||> str st >>> [Left st] <||> spec sp <*> strsAndSpecs stsps >>> (Right sp:stsps) <||> str st <*> spec sp <*> strsAndSpecs stsps >>> (Left st:Right sp:stsps) where st,sp,stsps free -- -- A normal string str :: String -> String -> String str = noescp c <*> eorstr st >>> (c:st) <||> terminal '\\' <*> escp e <*> eorstr st >>> ('\\':e:st) where c,e,st free eorstr :: String -> String -> String eorstr = empty >>> "" <||> str s >>> s where s free noescp :: Char -> String -> String noescp = satisfy (\d -> d /= '\\' && d /= '%' && d /= '\"') c >>> c where c free escp :: Char -> String -> String escp = satisfy (\c -> elem c escapable) e >>> e where e free -- -- A format specification spec :: Specifier -> String -> String spec = terminal '%' <*> flgs f <*> wid w <*> prc p <*> typ t >>> (Spec f w p t) <||> terminal '%' <*> terminal '%' >>> (Spec Nothing Nothing Nothing '%') where f,w,p,t free -- -- -- flags flgs :: Maybe (String) -> String -> String flgs = empty >>> Nothing <||> flag f <*> someflags fl >>> (Just (f:fl)) where f,fl free someflags :: String -> String -> String someflags = empty >>> "" <||> flag f <*> someflags fl >>> (f:fl) where f,fl free flag :: Char -> String -> String flag = satisfy (\x -> elem x flags) c >>> c where c free -- -- -- width wid :: Maybe (Either Int Char) -> String -> String wid = empty >>> Nothing <||> posInt s >>> (Just (Left (extractNat s))) <||> terminal '*' >>> (Just (Right '*')) where s free posInt :: String -> String -> String posInt = nonzerodigit d <*> digits ds >>> (d:ds) where d,ds free nonzerodigit :: Char -> String -> String nonzerodigit = satisfy (\c -> isDigit c && c /= '0') d >>> d where d free digits :: String -> String -> String digits = empty >>> "" <||> digit d <*> digits ds >>> (d:ds) where d,ds free digit :: Char -> String -> String digit = satisfy (\c -> isDigit c) ch >>> ch where ch free -- -- -- precision prc :: Maybe (Either Int Char) -> String -> String prc = empty >>> Nothing <||> terminal '.' <*> posZeroInt p >>> (Just (Left (extractNat p))) <||> terminal '.' >>> (Just (Left 0)) <||> terminal '*' <*> terminal '*' >>> (Just (Right '*')) where p free posZeroInt :: String -> String -> String posZeroInt = digit d <*> digits ds >>> (d:ds) where d,ds free -- -- -- type typ :: Char -> String -> String typ = satisfy (\c -> elem c types) t >>> t where t free -- The variables of the expression vars :: [String] -> String -> String vars = empty >>> [] <||> terminal ',' <*> var v <*> vars vs >>> (v:vs) where v,vs free var :: String -> String -> String var = posInt i >>> i <||> varStart s <*> varInners i >>> (s:i) where s,i free varStart :: Char -> String -> String varStart = satisfy (\c -> isVarStartLetter c) s >>> s where s free varInners :: String -> String -> String varInners = empty >>> "" <||> varInner v <*> varInners i >>> (v:i) where v,i free varInner :: Char -> String -> String varInner = satisfy (\c -> isVarInnerLetter c) i >>> i where i free extractNat :: String -> Int extractNat s = maybe failed (fst . id) (readNat s)