{-# OPTIONS_CYMAKE -F --pgmF=currypp --optF=foreigncode #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- This program contains some tests for integrated code to support --- regular expression matching. --- The syntax of regular expressions is similar to --- POSIX extended regular expressions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import RegExp -- required in the pre-processed program import Test.EasyCheck test_abc = (match ``regex abc'' "abc") -=- True test_abastarc = (match ````regex aba*c'''' "abaaaaaaaaaaaaac") -=- True test_a_bcstar_plus = (match ``regex (a|(bc*))+'' "aabcccaba") -=- True test_alpha_1 = (match ``regex [:alpha:]'' "a") -=- True test_alpha_2 = (not (match ``regex [:alpha:]'' "4")) -=- True test_alpha_star_1 = (match ``regex [:alpha:]*'' "Abc") -=- True test_alpha_star_2 = (match ``regex [:alpha:]*'' "ab9c") -=- False test_a_z_plus_1 = (match ``regex [a-z]+'' "abc") -=- True test_a_z_plus_2 = (match ``regex [a-z]+'' "Abc") -=- False -- Examples with parameterized regular expressions: pregexp1 :: a -> a -> [a] -> Bool pregexp1 v1 v2 = match ``regex [-]*'' test_para_a_c_1 = pregexp1 'a' 'c' "abccba" -=- True test_para_a_c_2 = pregexp1 'a' 'c' "abcdcba" -=- False pregexp2 :: a -> a -> [a] -> Bool pregexp2 v1 v2 = match ``regex (|)*'' test_para_0_1_star_1 = pregexp2 0 1 [0,1,1,0,0] -=- True test_para_0_1_star_2 = pregexp2 0 1 [0,1,2,0,0] -=- False -- A regular expression containing a complex Curry expression: test_complexexp = (match ``regex <((\x -\> x) 'a')>'' "a") -=- True -- Email address matching: isEmail :: String -> Bool isEmail = match ``regex [a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9\._])* @ [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*\. ([:alnum:][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*\.)* [a-zA-Z]{2,4}'' test_Email1 = isEmail "pakcs@curry-language.org" -=- True test_Email2 = isEmail "pa%kcs@curry-language.org" -=- False isID :: String -> Bool isID = match ``regex [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_']*'' test_ID1 = isID "ab_4'aux" -=- True test_ID2 = isID "4ab" -=- False