{-# OPTIONS_CYMAKE -F --pgmF=currypp --optF=defaultrules #-} {-# OPTIONS_CYMAKE -Wnone #-} import Test.EasyCheck -- A simple implementation of a two-person game (here: Nim) with default rules -- -- Example taken from (where the same example was implemented with "fails"): -- F.J. Lopez-Fraguas, J. Sanchez-Hernandez: -- A Proof Theoretic Approach to Failure in Functional Logic Programming -- TPLP 4(1), 2004 -- A winning move is some move of the game to a state -- where the other person can *not* win: winMove state | next == move state = proceed state next where next free -- We proceed with a next state only if the next state does not allow -- a winning move: proceed state next | winMove next == _ = failed proceed'default _ next = next -- Here are the moves of the Nim game: pick some number of sticks -- from *one* row, where the rows are presented as a list of (Peano) -- numbers (representing the number of sticks): move (x:xs) = (pick x : xs) ? (x : move xs) pick (S n) = n ? pick n data Nat = Z | S Nat main = winMove [S (S Z), S Z] testNim = winMove [S (S Z), S Z] -=- [S Z, S Z]