{-# OPTIONS_CYMAKE -F --pgmF=currypp --optF=defaultrules #-} import Test.EasyCheck -- The following task should be solved: -- Break a Curry main expression into an expression and a where...free clause. -- If the where clause is not present, the returned where-part is empty. testExps = ["3+4","xs++ys =:= [1,2] where xs,ys free"] -- FLP solution with default rules: breakWhereFreeFLP (exp++wf@(" where "++_++" free")) = (exp,wf) breakWhereFreeFLP'default exp = (exp,"") main = map breakWhereFreeFLP testExps test_without_where = breakWhereFreeFLP "3+4" -=- ("3+4",[]) test_with_where = breakWhereFreeFLP "xs++ys =:= [1,2] where xs,ys free" -=- ("xs++ys =:= [1,2]"," where xs,ys free")