{-# OPTIONS_CYMAKE -F --pgmF=currypp --optF=contracts #-} -- straight selection sort with specification import SetFunctions perm [] = [] perm (x:xs) = insert (perm xs) where insert ys = x:ys insert (y:ys) = y : insert ys sorted [] = True sorted [_] = True sorted (x:y:ys) = x<=y && sorted (y:ys) -- Contract of sort: sort'pre _ = True sort'post xs ys = length xs == length ys -- Specification of sort: sort'spec :: [Int] -> [Int] sort'spec x | y =:= perm x & sorted y = y where y free -- Implementation of sort as minsort: sort :: [Int] -> [Int] sort [] = [] sort (x:xs) = min : sort rest where (min,rest) = minRest (x:xs) -- Contract of minRest: -- Precondition: the argument must be a non-empty list minRest'pre = not . null -- Postcondition: the result is a pair of the minimum and the remaining -- elements that must be some permutation of the input list minRest'post :: [Int] -> (Int,[Int]) -> Bool minRest'post xs (min,rest) = (min:rest) `valueOf` (set1 perm xs) && all (>= min) xs -- Implementations of minRest: minRest :: [Int] -> (Int,[Int]) minRest xs = minRest2 xs -- Implementation 1: Find the minimum and then delete it in the list: minRest1 (x:xs) = let m = min x xs in (m, del m (x:xs)) where min z [] = z min z (y:ys) = if z <= y then min z ys else min y ys del z (y:ys) = if z == y then ys else y : del z ys -- Implementation 2: Find minimum and delete it in one pass: minRest2 (x:xs) = mr x [] xs where mr m r [] = (m,r) mr m r (y:ys) = if m <= y then mr m (y:r) ys else mr y (m:r) ys main = sort [26,18,5,4,16,8,22,17]