--- This module scans an SQL-Statement, which is passed as a string. ---@author Julia Krone ---@version 0.1 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- module SQLScanner(scan) where import Char (isDigit, isAlpha, isAlphaNum, toLower) import FiniteMap import List (splitOn) import Read (readInt) import ReadShowTerm (readsQTerm) import Time import SQLToken ---Scans an SQL-statement - returning it as list of Token. ---@param chs - the statement as string ---@return the statement as list of token scan :: String -> [Token] scan chs = case chs of "" -> [] ('*':cs) -> Asterix : scan cs ('(':cs) -> LParen : scan cs (')':cs) -> RParen : scan cs (',':cs) -> Comma : scan cs (';':cs) -> Semi : scan cs ('.':cs) -> Stop : scan cs ('!':'=': cs) -> (BinOp Uneq) : scan cs ('=':cs) -> (BinOp Equal) : scan cs ('{':cs) -> readEmbedExp cs ('<':cs) -> readLessOp cs ('>':cs) -> readGreaterOp cs ('\"':cs) -> readVarString cs ('\'':cs) -> readVarChar cs (' ':cs) -> scan cs ('\n':cs) -> scan cs _ -> if (isDigit (head chs) || (head chs) == '-') then (getNumberOrDate nStr) : scan nRs else if (isAlpha (head chs)) then (specialOrIdent s) : scan rs else (Unexpected (head chs)) : scan (tail chs) where (nStr, nRs) = span isDigitOrNChar chs (s,rs) = span isAlphaNumUnderScore chs -- auxiliary function to check if a character is digit or one of the --following: '-', '.', ':' isDigitOrNChar :: Char -> Bool isDigitOrNChar c = isDigit c || (c == '-') || (c == '.') || (c == ':') --auxiliary function which checks if a given character is alphanumerical -- or '_' (used in relation names) isAlphaNumUnderScore :: Char -> Bool isAlphaNumUnderScore c = isAlphaNum c || (c == '_') -- auxiliary function to determine whether a given string is a keyword -- or an identifier specialOrIdent:: String -> Token specialOrIdent str = case lookupFM keywords lstr of (Just tk) -> tk Nothing -> case lookupFM (plusFM constants operators) lstr of (Just tk) -> tk Nothing -> Ident str where lstr = map (toLower) str -- auxiliary function to determine whether a given string is a number -- or a date and to sample the date getNumberOrDate :: String -> Token getNumberOrDate str = if (':' `elem` str) then (Constant (Date (CalendarTime (readInt y) (readInt m) (readInt d) (readInt h) (readInt mi) (readInt s) 0))) else getNumber str where dateLs = splitOn [':'] str (y, dLs1) = getNext dateLs (m, dLs2) = getNext dLs1 (d, dLs3) = getNext dLs2 (h, dLs4) = getNext dLs3 (mi, dLs5) = getNext dLs4 (s, _) = getNext dLs5 getNext [] = ("0" , []) getNext (num:ls) = (num, ls) -- auxiliary function to read float and int values getNumber :: String -> Token getNumber str = if ('.' `elem` str) then Constant (NumFloat f) else Constant (NumInt (readInt str)) where ((f,_):_) = readsQTerm str -- reader for embedded curry expression surrounded by {} readEmbedExp :: String -> [Token] readEmbedExp str = (EmbedExp embed):(scan rrest) where (embed,rest) = break (\c -> c == '}') str rrest = if (null rest) then rest else tail rest -- reader for string values surrounded by "" readVarString :: String -> [Token] readVarString str = (Constant (VarStr var)):(scan rrest) where (var,rest) = break (\c -> c == '\"') str rrest = if (null rest) then rest else (tail rest) -- reader for char values or string values surrounded by ' ' readVarChar :: String -> [Token] readVarChar str = (Constant var):(scan rrest) where (svar,rest) = break (\c -> c== '\'') str var = if (length svar) == 1 then (VarChar (head svar)) else if (length svar) == 0 then (VarChar ' ') else (VarStr svar) rrest = if (null rest) then rest else (tail rest) -- reader for operations < and <= readLessOp :: String -> [Token] readLessOp [] = [(BinOp Lth)] readLessOp (c:cs) = if ( c == '=') then (BinOp Lte) : scan cs else (BinOp Lth) : scan (c:cs) -- reader for operations > and >= readGreaterOp :: String -> [Token] readGreaterOp [] = [(BinOp Gth)] readGreaterOp (c:cs) = if (c == '=') then (BinOp Gte) : scan cs else (BinOp Gth) : scan (c:cs) -- constructor of a finite map containing all keywords keywords:: FM String Token keywords = addListToFM (emptyFM (>)) [("select", KW_Select), ("from", KW_From), ("where", KW_Where), ("order", KW_Order), ("group", KW_Group), ("by", KW_By), ("having", KW_Having), ("insert", KW_Insert), ("into", KW_Into), ("values", KW_Values), ("update", KW_Update), ("set", KW_Set), ("delete", KW_Delete), ("transaction", KW_Transaction), ("commit", KW_Commit), ("rollback", KW_Rollback), ("begin",KW_Begin), ("inner", KW_Inner), ("cross", KW_Cross), ("join", KW_Join), ("on", KW_On), ("as", KW_As), ("satisfies", KW_Satisfies), ("distinct", KW_Distinct), ("all", KW_All), ("case", KW_Case), ("when", KW_When), ("then", KW_Then), ("else", KW_Else), ("end", KW_End), ("asc", KW_Asc), ("desc", KW_Desc), ("limit", KW_Limit), ("exists", KW_Exists), ("not", KW_Not), ("table", KW_Table)] -- constructor of a finite map containing all constants constants :: FM String Token constants = addListToFM (emptyFM (>)) [("true", Constant (Boolean True)), ("false", Constant (Boolean False)), ("null",Constant Null) ] -- constructor of a finite map containing all (literal) operators and functions operators :: FM String Token operators = addListToFM (emptyFM (>)) [("like", BinOp Like), ("between", Between), ( "and", LogOp And ), ( "or", LogOp Or), ( "in", In), ( "is", Is), ("count", Fun Count), ("avg", Fun Avg), ("min", Fun Min), ("max", Fun Max), ("sum", Fun Sum), ("union", SetOp Union), ("intersect", SetOp Intersect), ("except", SetOp Except) ]