---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Some auxiliary operations to lookup Curry source files. --- --- @author Michael Hanus --- @version December 2017 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- module CurryDoc.Files ( generateModuleDocMapping ) where import Directory ( doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents ) import Distribution ( stripCurrySuffix ) import FilePath ( (), takeExtension ) --- Constructs a mapping from module names into locations where --- the documentation is stored. The argument is a list of pairs --- (root dir of Curry sources / documentation dir for these sources). generateModuleDocMapping :: [(String,String)] -> IO [(String,String)] generateModuleDocMapping pkglocs = mapIO genPkgMapping pkglocs >>= return . concat where genPkgMapping (srcroot,docroot) = do mods <- curryModulesInDir srcroot return $ map (\m -> (m,docroot)) mods --- Gets the names of all Curry modules contained in a directory. --- Modules in subdirectories are returned as hierarchical modules. curryModulesInDir :: String -> IO [String] curryModulesInDir dir = getModules "" dir where getModules p d = do exdir <- doesDirectoryExist d entries <- if exdir then getDirectoryContents d else return [] let realentries = filter (\f -> length f >= 1 && head f /= '.') entries newprogs = filter (\f -> takeExtension f == ".curry") realentries subdirs <- mapIO (\e -> doesDirectoryExist (d e) >>= \b -> return $ if b then [e] else []) realentries >>= return . concat subdirentries <- mapIO (\s -> getModules (p ++ s ++ ".") (d s)) subdirs return $ map ((p ++) . stripCurrySuffix) newprogs ++ concat subdirentries