------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- This library provides a pretty-printer for Curry interfaces. --- --- @version September 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module CurryInterface.Pretty where import Prelude hiding ( empty ) import Data.List ( intersperse ) import Data.Maybe ( isNothing ) import Text.Pretty import CurryInterface.Types --- Options to influence the pretty printing of Curry interfaces. data Options = Options { optModule :: String -- name of current module , optInstances :: [IDecl] -- locally defined class instances , optQualify :: Bool -- show identifiers with module qualifier? , optWithString :: Bool -- show type `[Char]` as `String`? , optWithArity :: Bool -- show arity of operations? , optWithHiding :: Bool -- show `hiding` information? , optWithInstance :: Bool -- show detailed `instance` information? , optWithImports :: Bool -- show information about imported entities? , optWithKinds :: Bool -- show kind expressions? , optIndent :: Int -- the number of columns for indention , optHelp :: Bool -- show help (used in main tool) } --- The default options for pretty printing: show everything defaultOptions :: Options defaultOptions = Options "" [] True True True True True True True 2 False --- pretty-print a Curry interface ppInterface :: Options -> Interface -> Doc ppInterface options (Interface mident decls1 decls2) = text "interface" <+> ppModuleIdent options mident <+> text "where" <+> lbrace <> linebreak <> ((vsep . punctuate semi) (pdecls1 ++ pdecls2)) <$$> rbrace where pdecls1 = filter (not . isEmpty) (map (ppImportDecl options) decls1) pdecls2 = filter (not . isEmpty) (map (ppDecl options) decls2) --- pretty-print a ModuleIdent ppModuleIdent :: Options -> ModuleIdent -> Doc ppModuleIdent _ (ModuleIdent ids) = hcat (punctuate dot (map text ids)) --- pretty-print an import declaration ppImportDecl :: Options -> IImportDecl -> Doc ppImportDecl options (IImportDecl mident) = text "import" <+> ppModuleIdent options mident --- pretty-print a declaration ppDecl :: Options -> IDecl -> Doc ppDecl opts (IInfixDecl inf prec qualId) = let ppid = ppQualIdent opts 0 qualId in ppInfix opts inf <+> ppPrecedence opts prec <+> if isOperator (idName (qidIdent qualId)) then ppid else bquotes ppid ppDecl opts (HidingDataDecl qualId mkind tvars) | optWithHiding opts = text "hiding data" <+> ppWithOptionalKind opts qualId mkind <+> ppTypeVariables opts tvars | otherwise = empty ppDecl opts (IDataDecl qualId mkind tvars constrs pragmas) = (if optWithInstance opts then ppdata else ppdata <$$> ppDeriving (filter (isInstanceOf qualId) (optInstances opts))) where ppdatalhs = text "data" <+> ppWithOptionalKind opts qualId mkind <+> ppTypeVariables opts tvars ppdata = nest (optIndent opts) (case constrs of [] -> ppdatalhs c:cs -> if optWithHiding opts -- show all details --> with line breaks then ppdatalhs <$$> equals <+> ppConstructors opts constrs else fillSep (ppdatalhs : (equals <+> ppConstructor opts c) : map (bar <+>) (map (ppConstructor opts) cs))) <> ppHiddenPragma opts pragmas ppDeriving [] = empty ppDeriving insts@(_:_) = hang 11 $ text " deriving" <+> parensIf (length insts > 1) ((fillSep . punctuate (text ", ")) (map classOf insts)) where classOf idecl = case idecl of IInstanceDecl _ qid _ _ _ -> ppQualIdent opts 0 qid _ -> empty -- should not occur ppDecl opts (INewtypeDecl qualId mkind tvars newconstr pragmas) = text "newtype" <+> ppWithOptionalKind opts qualId mkind <+> ppTypeVariables opts tvars <+> equals <+> ppNewConstructor opts newconstr <> ppHiddenPragma opts pragmas ppDecl opts (ITypeDecl qualId mkind tvars texp) = text "type" <+> ppWithOptionalKind opts qualId mkind <+> ppTypeVariables opts tvars <+> equals <+> ppType opts 0 texp ppDecl opts (IFunctionDecl qualId prag ari qualTExp) = nest (optIndent opts) $ fillSep [ ppQualIdent opts 1 qualId , ppMaybe (\x -> space <> ppMethodPragma opts x) prag , if optWithArity opts then ppArity opts ari else empty , doubleColon, ppQualType opts qualTExp ] ppDecl opts (HidingClassDecl ctx qualId mkind ids fdeps) | optWithHiding opts = text "hiding class" <+> ppContext opts ctx <+> ppWithOptionalKind opts qualId mkind <+> hsep (map (ppTypeVariable opts) ids) <+> ppFunDeps opts fdeps | otherwise = empty ppDecl opts (IClassDecl ctx qualId mkind ids fdeps mDecls pragmas) = text "class" <+> ppContext opts ctx <+> ppWithOptionalKind opts qualId mkind <+> hsep (map (ppTypeVariable opts) ids) <+> ppFunDeps opts fdeps <+> ppMethodDecls opts mDecls <> ppHiddenPragma opts pragmas ppDecl opts (IInstanceDecl ctx qualId itype mImpls mIdent) | optWithInstance opts && (optWithImports opts || isNothing mIdent) = text "instance" <+> ppContext opts ctx <+> ppQualIdent opts 0 qualId <+> ppInstance opts itype <+> ppImplementations opts mImpls <> ppMaybe (\x -> space <> ppModulePragma opts x) mIdent | otherwise = empty -- pretty-print the functional dependencies of a class declaration ppFunDeps :: Options -> [FunDep] -> Doc ppFunDeps opts fdeps | null fdeps = empty | otherwise = text "|" <+> sep (punctuate comma (map (ppFunDep opts) fdeps)) where ppFunDep :: Options -> FunDep -> Doc ppFunDep opts' (FunDep lhs rhs) = sep (map (ppIdent opts' 0) lhs) <+> rarrow <+> sep (map (ppIdent opts' 0) rhs) --- pretty-print an arity ppArity :: Options -> Arity -> Doc ppArity _ = int --- pretty-print a precedence ppPrecedence :: Options -> Precedence -> Doc ppPrecedence _ = int --- pretty-print an infix declaration ppInfix :: Options -> Infix -> Doc ppInfix _ InfixL = text "infixl" ppInfix _ InfixR = text "infixr" ppInfix _ Infix = text "infix" --- Pretty-print an Ident. If the second argument is non-zero, --- operators (i.e., strings with special characters) will be --- enclosed in parentheses. ppIdent :: Options -> Int -> Ident -> Doc ppIdent _ p (Ident id) = parensIf (p >= 1 && isOperator id) (text id) --- pretty-print a QualIdent ppQualIdent :: Options -> Int -> QualIdent -> Doc ppQualIdent opts p (QualIdent Nothing id) = ppIdent opts p id ppQualIdent opts p (QualIdent (Just mident) id) | optQualify opts = ppModuleIdent opts mident <> dot <> ppIdent opts p id | otherwise = ppIdent opts p id --- pretty-print a QualIdent with an optional kind expression ppWithOptionalKind :: Options -> QualIdent -> Maybe KindExpr -> Doc ppWithOptionalKind opts qualId Nothing = ppQualIdent opts 0 qualId ppWithOptionalKind opts qualId (Just k) | optWithKinds opts = parens (ppQualIdent opts 0 qualId <+> doubleColon <+> ppKindExpr opts 0 k) | otherwise = ppQualIdent opts 0 qualId --- pretty-print a type variable ppTypeVariable :: Options -> Ident -> Doc ppTypeVariable opts tvar = ppIdent opts 0 tvar --- pretty-print a list of type variables ppTypeVariables :: Options -> [Ident] -> Doc ppTypeVariables opts tvars = hsep (map (ppTypeVariable opts) tvars) --- pretty-print a newtype constructor declaration ppNewConstructor :: Options -> NewConstrDecl -> Doc ppNewConstructor opts (NewConstrDecl id t) = ppIdent opts 0 id <+> ppType opts 0 t ppNewConstructor opts (NewRecordDecl id1 (id2, t)) = ppIdent opts 0 id1 <+> lbrace <+> (ppIdent opts 0 id2 <+> doubleColon <+> ppType opts 0 t) <+> rbrace --- pretty-print a constructor declaration ppConstructor :: Options -> ConstrDecl -> Doc ppConstructor opts (ConstrDecl id texps) = hsep (ppIdent opts 0 id : map (ppType opts 0) texps) ppConstructor opts (ConOpDecl t1 id t2) = ppType opts 0 t1 <+> ppIdent opts 0 id <+> ppType opts 0 t2 ppConstructor opts (RecordDecl id fields) = ppIdent opts 0 id <+> ppFields opts fields --- pretty-print a list of constructor declarations ppConstructors :: Options -> [ConstrDecl] -> Doc ppConstructors opts constrs = compose (\d1 d2 -> d1 $$ bar <+> d2) (map (ppConstructor opts) constrs) --- pretty-print a field declaration ppField :: Options -> FieldDecl -> Doc ppField opts (FieldDecl ids t) = (hcat . punctuate dot) (map (ppIdent opts 0) ids) <+> doubleColon <+> ppType opts 0 t --- pretty-print a list of field declarations ppFields :: Options -> [FieldDecl] -> Doc ppFields opts fields = lbrace <+> ((hcat . punctuate (text ", ")) (map (ppField opts) fields)) <+> rbrace --- pretty-print a module pragma ppModulePragma :: Options -> ModuleIdent -> Doc ppModulePragma opts mid = lpragma <+> text "MODULE" <+> ppModuleIdent opts mid <+> rpragma --- pretty-print a hidden pragma ppHiddenPragma :: Options -> [Ident] -> Doc ppHiddenPragma opts pragmas = case pragmas of [] -> empty _ -> space <> lpragma <+> text "HIDING" <+> (hsep . punctuate comma) (map (ppIdent opts 0) pragmas) <+> rpragma --- pretty-print a method pragma ppMethodPragma :: Options -> Ident -> Doc ppMethodPragma opts id = lpragma <+> text "METHOD" <+> ppIdent opts 0 id <+> rpragma --- pretty-print a type declaration ppType :: Options -> Int -> TypeExpr -> Doc ppType opts _ (ConstructorType qualId) = ppQualIdent opts 1 qualId ppType opts _ (VariableType i) = ppIdent opts 0 i ppType opts _ (TupleType texps) = parens ((hcat . punctuate (text ", ")) (map (ppType opts 0) texps)) ppType opts _ (ListType texps) | optWithString opts && (optModule opts == "Prelude" && texps == [localCharType] || texps == [preludeCharType]) = text "String" | otherwise = brackets ((hcat . punctuate (text ", ")) (map (ppType opts 0) texps)) ppType opts p (ArrowType texp1 texp2) = parensIf (p >= 1) (ppType opts (if isArrowType texp1 then 1 else 0) texp1 rarrow <+> ppType opts 0 texp2) where isArrowType te = case te of ArrowType _ _ -> True _ -> False ppType opts _ (ParenType texp) = parens (ppType opts 0 texp) ppType _ _ (ForallType _ _) = text "FORALLTYPE" ppType opts p texp@(ApplyType texp1 texp2) = parensIf (p > 0) $ maybe (ppType opts 1 texp1 <+> ppType opts 1 texp2) (\qid -> (ppQualIdent opts 1 qid <+> hsep (map (ppType opts 0) (argsOfApply texp)))) (funOfApply texp) where argsOfApply te = case te of ApplyType (ConstructorType _) ta -> [ta] ApplyType t1 t2 -> argsOfApply t1 ++ [t2] _ -> [] -- should not occur --- pretty-print a QualType ppQualType :: Options -> QualTypeExpr -> Doc ppQualType opts (QualTypeExpr ctx texp) = ppContext opts ctx <+> ppType opts 0 texp --- pretty-print a constraint ppConstraint :: Options -> Constraint -> Doc ppConstraint opts (Constraint qualId ts) = ppQualIdent opts 0 qualId <+> hsep (map (ppType opts 0) ts) --- pretty-print a context ppContext :: Options -> Context -> Doc ppContext opts ctx = case ctx of [] -> empty [constr] -> ppConstraint opts constr <+> text "=>" _ -> parens ((hcat . punctuate (text ", ")) (map (ppConstraint opts) ctx)) <+> doubleArrow --- pretty-print a method declaration ppMethodDecl :: Options -> IMethodDecl -> Doc ppMethodDecl opts (IMethodDecl id mari qualTExp) = nest (optIndent opts) $ fillSep [ ppIdent opts 1 id , if optWithArity opts then ppMaybe (ppArity opts) mari else empty , doubleColon, ppQualType opts qualTExp] --- pretty-print a list of method declarations ppMethodDecls :: Options -> [IMethodDecl] -> Doc ppMethodDecls opts mDecls = case mDecls of [] -> lbrace <$$> rbrace _ -> lbrace <$$> (nest (optIndent opts) . indent (optIndent opts)) ((vsep . punctuate semi) (map (ppMethodDecl opts) mDecls)) <$$> rbrace --- pretty-print an instance ppInstance :: Options -> InstanceType -> Doc ppInstance opts it = hsep $ map (ppType opts 1) it --- pretty-print a method implementation ppImplementation :: Options -> IMethodImpl -> Doc ppImplementation opts (id, ari) = ppIdent opts 1 id <+> (if optWithArity opts then ppArity opts ari else empty) --- pretty-print a list of method implementations ppImplementations :: Options -> [IMethodImpl] -> Doc ppImplementations opts mImpls = case mImpls of [] -> lbrace <$$> rbrace _ -> lbrace <$$> (nest (optIndent opts) . indent (optIndent opts)) ((vsep . punctuate (text "; ")) (map (ppImplementation opts) mImpls)) <$$> rbrace --- pretty-print a kind expression ppKindExpr :: Options -> Int -> KindExpr -> Doc ppKindExpr opts p (ArrowKind k1 k2) = parensIf (p >= 1) (ppKindExpr opts 1 k1 <+> rarrow <+> ppKindExpr opts 0 k2) ppKindExpr _ _ Star = text "*" ppKindExpr _ _ ConstraintKind = text "Constraint" --- HELPER FUNCTIONS --- pretty-print Just as normal, Nothing as empty ppMaybe :: (a -> Doc) -> Maybe a -> Doc ppMaybe _ Nothing = empty ppMaybe p (Just x) = p x --- Check if string is an operator isOperator :: String -> Bool isOperator = all (flip elem allowed) where allowed = "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~:" --- pretty-print "{-#" lpragma :: Doc lpragma = text "{-#" --- pretty-print "#-}" rpragma :: Doc rpragma = text "#-}" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Auxiliaries: --- `Prelude.Char` type. preludeCharType :: TypeExpr preludeCharType = ConstructorType (QualIdent (Just (ModuleIdent ["Prelude"])) (Ident "Char")) --- Local `Char` type. localCharType :: TypeExpr localCharType = ConstructorType (QualIdent Nothing (Ident "Char")) --- Checks if an instance of some type class is defined for a given identifier. --- --- This function is used to determine whether the `deriving` clause of a --- data declaration should be shown. If the instance of the type class --- is defined locally, it is shown; otherwise, it is not shown. --- --- Note that this only makes sense for type classes with a single type parameter. isInstanceOf :: QualIdent -> IDecl -> Bool isInstanceOf qtc idecl = case idecl of IInstanceDecl _ _ [te] _ _ -> case te of ConstructorType qc -> qc == qtc ParenType pt -> funOfApply pt == Just qtc _ -> funOfApply te == Just qtc _ -> False funOfApply :: TypeExpr -> Maybe QualIdent funOfApply te = case te of ApplyType (ConstructorType qc) _ -> Just qc ApplyType t1 _ -> funOfApply t1 _ -> Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------