module Curry.Files where import System.Directory ( doesFileExist, getFileWithSuffix ) import System.FilePath ( takeFileName, (), (<.>) ) import ReadShowTerm ( readUnqualifiedTerm ) -- for faster reading import System.CurryPath ( lookupModuleSourceInLoadPath, getLoadPathForModule , inCurrySubdir, stripCurrySuffix ) import System.FrontendExec ( FrontendParams, FrontendTarget (..), defaultParams , setQuiet, callFrontend, callFrontendWithParams ) import Curry.Types -- | Reads the short-AST from a specified module readShortAST :: String -> IO (Module ()) readShortAST progname = readShortASTWithParseOptions progname (setQuiet True defaultParams) -- | Reads the AST from a specified module readFullAST :: String -> IO (Module ()) readFullAST progname = readFullASTWithParseOptions progname (setQuiet True defaultParams) -- | Reads the short-AST with further options from a specified module readShortASTWithParseOptions :: String -> FrontendParams -> IO (Module ()) readShortASTWithParseOptions progname options = do mbsrc <- lookupModuleSourceInLoadPath progname case mbsrc of Nothing -> do -- no source file, try to find shortAST file in load path loadpath <- getLoadPathForModule progname filename <- getFileWithSuffix (shortASTFileName (takeFileName progname)) [""] loadpath readASTFile filename Just (dir,_) -> do callFrontendWithParams SAST options progname readASTFile (shortASTFileName (dir takeFileName progname)) -- | Reads the AST with further options from a specified module readFullASTWithParseOptions :: String -> FrontendParams -> IO (Module ()) readFullASTWithParseOptions progname options = do mbsrc <- lookupModuleSourceInLoadPath progname case mbsrc of Nothing -> do -- no source file, try to find AST file in load path loadpath <- getLoadPathForModule progname filename <- getFileWithSuffix (fullASTFileName (takeFileName progname)) [""] loadpath readASTFile filename Just (dir,_) -> do callFrontendWithParams AST options progname readASTFile (fullASTFileName (dir takeFileName progname)) -- | Get the short-AST filename of a Curry programm shortASTFileName :: String -> String shortASTFileName prog = inCurrySubdir (stripCurrySuffix prog) <.> "sast" -- | Get the AST filename of a Curry programm fullASTFileName :: String -> String fullASTFileName prog = inCurrySubdir (stripCurrySuffix prog) <.> "ast" -- | Reads the AST from a specified file readASTFile :: String -> IO (Module ()) readASTFile filename = do filecontents <- readShortASTFileRaw filename -- read AST file... -- ...with generated Read class instances (slow!): --return (read filecontents) -- ...with built-in generic read operation (faster): return (readUnqualifiedTerm ["Curry.Types", "Curry.Ident", "Curry.Position", "Curry.Span", "Curry.SpanInfo", "Prelude"] filecontents) -- | Reads the text from a specified file containing an AST readShortASTFileRaw :: String -> IO String readShortASTFileRaw filename = do extfcy <- doesFileExist filename if extfcy then readFile filename else do let subdirfilename = inCurrySubdir filename exdirtfcy <- doesFileExist subdirfilename if exdirtfcy then readFile subdirfilename else error ("EXISTENCE ERROR: AST file '" ++ filename ++ "' does not exist")