--- This file has been generated from --- --- cpm/src/CPM/Repository/IndexDB_ERD.curry --- --- and contains definitions for all entities and relations --- specified in this model. module CPM.Repository.RepositoryDB where import qualified Data.Time as Time import qualified Database.CDBI.ER import qualified Database.CDBI.Criteria import qualified Database.CDBI.Connection import qualified Database.CDBI.Description data IndexEntry = IndexEntry IndexEntryID String String String String String String String String String deriving (Eq,Show,Read) data IndexEntryID = IndexEntryID Int deriving (Eq,Show,Read) --- The name of the SQLite database file. sqliteDBFile :: String sqliteDBFile = "REPOSITORY_CACHE.db" -- not used --- The ER description of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntry_CDBI_Description :: Database.CDBI.Description.EntityDescription IndexEntry indexEntry_CDBI_Description = Database.CDBI.Description.ED "IndexEntry" [Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeInt ,Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeString ,Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeString ,Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeString ,Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeString ,Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeString ,Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeString ,Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeString ,Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeString ,Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeString] (\(IndexEntry (IndexEntryID key) name version dependencies compilerCompatibility synopsis category sourceDirs exportedModules executableSpec) -> [Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLInt key ,Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLString name ,Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLString version ,Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString dependencies ,Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString compilerCompatibility ,Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString synopsis ,Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString category ,Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString sourceDirs ,Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString exportedModules ,Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString executableSpec]) (\(IndexEntry _ name version dependencies compilerCompatibility synopsis category sourceDirs exportedModules executableSpec) -> [Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLNull ,Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLString name ,Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLString version ,Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString dependencies ,Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString compilerCompatibility ,Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString synopsis ,Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString category ,Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString sourceDirs ,Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString exportedModules ,Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString executableSpec]) (\[Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLInt key ,Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLString name ,Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLString version ,dependencies ,compilerCompatibility ,synopsis ,category ,sourceDirs ,exportedModules ,executableSpec] -> IndexEntry (IndexEntryID key) name version (Database.CDBI.Description.fromStringOrNull dependencies) (Database.CDBI.Description.fromStringOrNull compilerCompatibility) (Database.CDBI.Description.fromStringOrNull synopsis) (Database.CDBI.Description.fromStringOrNull category) (Database.CDBI.Description.fromStringOrNull sourceDirs) (Database.CDBI.Description.fromStringOrNull exportedModules) (Database.CDBI.Description.fromStringOrNull executableSpec)) --- The database table of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryTable :: Database.CDBI.Description.Table indexEntryTable = "IndexEntry" --- The database column `Key` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryColumnKey :: Database.CDBI.Description.Column IndexEntryID indexEntryColumnKey = Database.CDBI.Description.Column "\"Key\"" "\"IndexEntry\".\"Key\"" --- The database column `Name` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryColumnName :: Database.CDBI.Description.Column String indexEntryColumnName = Database.CDBI.Description.Column "\"Name\"" "\"IndexEntry\".\"Name\"" --- The database column `Version` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryColumnVersion :: Database.CDBI.Description.Column String indexEntryColumnVersion = Database.CDBI.Description.Column "\"Version\"" "\"IndexEntry\".\"Version\"" --- The database column `Dependencies` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryColumnDependencies :: Database.CDBI.Description.Column String indexEntryColumnDependencies = Database.CDBI.Description.Column "\"Dependencies\"" "\"IndexEntry\".\"Dependencies\"" --- The database column `CompilerCompatibility` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryColumnCompilerCompatibility :: Database.CDBI.Description.Column String indexEntryColumnCompilerCompatibility = Database.CDBI.Description.Column "\"CompilerCompatibility\"" "\"IndexEntry\".\"CompilerCompatibility\"" --- The database column `Synopsis` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryColumnSynopsis :: Database.CDBI.Description.Column String indexEntryColumnSynopsis = Database.CDBI.Description.Column "\"Synopsis\"" "\"IndexEntry\".\"Synopsis\"" --- The database column `Category` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryColumnCategory :: Database.CDBI.Description.Column String indexEntryColumnCategory = Database.CDBI.Description.Column "\"Category\"" "\"IndexEntry\".\"Category\"" --- The database column `SourceDirs` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryColumnSourceDirs :: Database.CDBI.Description.Column String indexEntryColumnSourceDirs = Database.CDBI.Description.Column "\"SourceDirs\"" "\"IndexEntry\".\"SourceDirs\"" --- The database column `ExportedModules` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryColumnExportedModules :: Database.CDBI.Description.Column String indexEntryColumnExportedModules = Database.CDBI.Description.Column "\"ExportedModules\"" "\"IndexEntry\".\"ExportedModules\"" --- The database column `ExecutableSpec` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryColumnExecutableSpec :: Database.CDBI.Description.Column String indexEntryColumnExecutableSpec = Database.CDBI.Description.Column "\"ExecutableSpec\"" "\"IndexEntry\".\"ExecutableSpec\"" --- The description of the database column `Key` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryKeyColDesc :: Database.CDBI.Description.ColumnDescription IndexEntryID indexEntryKeyColDesc = Database.CDBI.Description.ColDesc "\"IndexEntry\".\"Key\"" Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeInt (\(IndexEntryID key) -> Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLInt key) (\(Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLInt key) -> IndexEntryID key) --- The description of the database column `Name` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryNameColDesc :: Database.CDBI.Description.ColumnDescription String indexEntryNameColDesc = Database.CDBI.Description.ColDesc "\"IndexEntry\".\"Name\"" Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeString (\name -> Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLString name) (\(Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLString name) -> name) --- The description of the database column `Version` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryVersionColDesc :: Database.CDBI.Description.ColumnDescription String indexEntryVersionColDesc = Database.CDBI.Description.ColDesc "\"IndexEntry\".\"Version\"" Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeString (\version -> Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLString version) (\(Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLString version) -> version) --- The description of the database column `Dependencies` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryDependenciesColDesc :: Database.CDBI.Description.ColumnDescription String indexEntryDependenciesColDesc = Database.CDBI.Description.ColDesc "\"IndexEntry\".\"Dependencies\"" Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeString (\dependencies -> Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString dependencies) (\dependencies -> Database.CDBI.Description.fromStringOrNull dependencies) --- The description of the database column `CompilerCompatibility` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryCompilerCompatibilityColDesc :: Database.CDBI.Description.ColumnDescription String indexEntryCompilerCompatibilityColDesc = Database.CDBI.Description.ColDesc "\"IndexEntry\".\"CompilerCompatibility\"" Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeString (\compilerCompatibility -> Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString compilerCompatibility) (\compilerCompatibility -> Database.CDBI.Description.fromStringOrNull compilerCompatibility) --- The description of the database column `Synopsis` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntrySynopsisColDesc :: Database.CDBI.Description.ColumnDescription String indexEntrySynopsisColDesc = Database.CDBI.Description.ColDesc "\"IndexEntry\".\"Synopsis\"" Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeString (\synopsis -> Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString synopsis) (\synopsis -> Database.CDBI.Description.fromStringOrNull synopsis) --- The description of the database column `Category` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryCategoryColDesc :: Database.CDBI.Description.ColumnDescription String indexEntryCategoryColDesc = Database.CDBI.Description.ColDesc "\"IndexEntry\".\"Category\"" Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeString (\category -> Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString category) (\category -> Database.CDBI.Description.fromStringOrNull category) --- The description of the database column `SourceDirs` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntrySourceDirsColDesc :: Database.CDBI.Description.ColumnDescription String indexEntrySourceDirsColDesc = Database.CDBI.Description.ColDesc "\"IndexEntry\".\"SourceDirs\"" Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeString (\sourceDirs -> Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString sourceDirs) (\sourceDirs -> Database.CDBI.Description.fromStringOrNull sourceDirs) --- The description of the database column `ExportedModules` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryExportedModulesColDesc :: Database.CDBI.Description.ColumnDescription String indexEntryExportedModulesColDesc = Database.CDBI.Description.ColDesc "\"IndexEntry\".\"ExportedModules\"" Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeString (\exportedModules -> Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString exportedModules) (\exportedModules -> Database.CDBI.Description.fromStringOrNull exportedModules) --- The description of the database column `ExecutableSpec` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryExecutableSpecColDesc :: Database.CDBI.Description.ColumnDescription String indexEntryExecutableSpecColDesc = Database.CDBI.Description.ColDesc "\"IndexEntry\".\"ExecutableSpec\"" Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLTypeString (\executableSpec -> Database.CDBI.Description.sqlString executableSpec) (\executableSpec -> Database.CDBI.Description.fromStringOrNull executableSpec) --- Gets the attribute `Key` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryKey :: IndexEntry -> IndexEntryID indexEntryKey (IndexEntry a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = a --- Gets the attribute `Name` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryName :: IndexEntry -> String indexEntryName (IndexEntry _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = a --- Gets the attribute `Version` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryVersion :: IndexEntry -> String indexEntryVersion (IndexEntry _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = a --- Gets the attribute `Dependencies` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryDependencies :: IndexEntry -> String indexEntryDependencies (IndexEntry _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ _) = a --- Gets the attribute `CompilerCompatibility` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryCompilerCompatibility :: IndexEntry -> String indexEntryCompilerCompatibility (IndexEntry _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ _) = a --- Gets the attribute `Synopsis` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntrySynopsis :: IndexEntry -> String indexEntrySynopsis (IndexEntry _ _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ _) = a --- Gets the attribute `Category` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryCategory :: IndexEntry -> String indexEntryCategory (IndexEntry _ _ _ _ _ _ a _ _ _) = a --- Gets the attribute `SourceDirs` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntrySourceDirs :: IndexEntry -> String indexEntrySourceDirs (IndexEntry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a _ _) = a --- Gets the attribute `ExportedModules` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryExportedModules :: IndexEntry -> String indexEntryExportedModules (IndexEntry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a _) = a --- Gets the attribute `ExecutableSpec` of the `IndexEntry` entity. indexEntryExecutableSpec :: IndexEntry -> String indexEntryExecutableSpec (IndexEntry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a) = a --- Sets the attribute `Key` of the `IndexEntry` entity. setIndexEntryKey :: IndexEntry -> IndexEntryID -> IndexEntry setIndexEntryKey (IndexEntry _ b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1) a = IndexEntry a b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 --- Sets the attribute `Name` of the `IndexEntry` entity. setIndexEntryName :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry setIndexEntryName (IndexEntry a2 _ b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1) a = IndexEntry a2 a b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 --- Sets the attribute `Version` of the `IndexEntry` entity. setIndexEntryVersion :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry setIndexEntryVersion (IndexEntry a3 a2 _ b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1) a = IndexEntry a3 a2 a b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 --- Sets the attribute `Dependencies` of the `IndexEntry` entity. setIndexEntryDependencies :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry setIndexEntryDependencies (IndexEntry a4 a3 a2 _ b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1) a = IndexEntry a4 a3 a2 a b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 --- Sets the attribute `CompilerCompatibility` of the `IndexEntry` entity. setIndexEntryCompilerCompatibility :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry setIndexEntryCompilerCompatibility (IndexEntry a5 a4 a3 a2 _ b5 b4 b3 b2 b1) a = IndexEntry a5 a4 a3 a2 a b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 --- Sets the attribute `Synopsis` of the `IndexEntry` entity. setIndexEntrySynopsis :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry setIndexEntrySynopsis (IndexEntry a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 _ b4 b3 b2 b1) a = IndexEntry a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a b4 b3 b2 b1 --- Sets the attribute `Category` of the `IndexEntry` entity. setIndexEntryCategory :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry setIndexEntryCategory (IndexEntry a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 _ b3 b2 b1) a = IndexEntry a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a b3 b2 b1 --- Sets the attribute `SourceDirs` of the `IndexEntry` entity. setIndexEntrySourceDirs :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry setIndexEntrySourceDirs (IndexEntry a8 a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 _ b2 b1) a = IndexEntry a8 a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a b2 b1 --- Sets the attribute `ExportedModules` of the `IndexEntry` entity. setIndexEntryExportedModules :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry setIndexEntryExportedModules (IndexEntry a9 a8 a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 _ b1) a = IndexEntry a9 a8 a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a b1 --- Sets the attribute `ExecutableSpec` of the `IndexEntry` entity. setIndexEntryExecutableSpec :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry setIndexEntryExecutableSpec (IndexEntry a10 a9 a8 a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 _) a = IndexEntry a10 a9 a8 a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a --- id-to-value function for entity `IndexEntry`. indexEntryID :: IndexEntryID -> Database.CDBI.Criteria.Value IndexEntryID indexEntryID (IndexEntryID key) = Database.CDBI.Criteria.idVal key --- id-to-int function for entity `IndexEntry`. indexEntryKeyToInt :: IndexEntryID -> Int indexEntryKeyToInt (IndexEntryID key) = key --- Shows the key of a `IndexEntry` entity as a string. --- This is useful if a textual representation of the key is necessary --- (e.g., as URL parameters in web pages), but it should no be used --- to store keys in other attributes! showIndexEntryKey :: IndexEntry -> String showIndexEntryKey entry = Database.CDBI.ER.showDatabaseKey "IndexEntry" indexEntryKeyToInt (indexEntryKey entry) --- Transforms a string into a key of a `IndexEntry` entity. --- Nothing is returned if the string does not represent a meaningful key. readIndexEntryKey :: String -> Maybe IndexEntryID readIndexEntryKey = Database.CDBI.ER.readDatabaseKey "IndexEntry" IndexEntryID --- Gets all `IndexEntry` entities. queryAllIndexEntrys :: Database.CDBI.Connection.DBAction [IndexEntry] queryAllIndexEntrys = Database.CDBI.ER.getAllEntries indexEntry_CDBI_Description --- Gets all `IndexEntry` entities satisfying a given predicate. queryCondIndexEntry :: (IndexEntry -> Bool) -> Database.CDBI.Connection.DBAction [IndexEntry] queryCondIndexEntry = Database.CDBI.ER.getCondEntries indexEntry_CDBI_Description --- Gets a `IndexEntry` entry by a given key. getIndexEntry :: IndexEntryID -> Database.CDBI.Connection.DBAction IndexEntry getIndexEntry = Database.CDBI.ER.getEntryWithKey indexEntry_CDBI_Description indexEntryColumnKey indexEntryID --- Inserts a new `IndexEntry` entity. newIndexEntry :: String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> Database.CDBI.Connection.DBAction IndexEntry newIndexEntry name_p version_p dependencies_p compilerCompatibility_p synopsis_p category_p sourceDirs_p exportedModules_p executableSpec_p = Database.CDBI.ER.insertNewEntry indexEntry_CDBI_Description setIndexEntryKey IndexEntryID (IndexEntry (IndexEntryID 0) name_p version_p dependencies_p compilerCompatibility_p synopsis_p category_p sourceDirs_p exportedModules_p executableSpec_p) --- Deletes an existing `IndexEntry` entry by its key. deleteIndexEntry :: IndexEntry -> Database.CDBI.Connection.DBAction () deleteIndexEntry = Database.CDBI.ER.deleteEntry indexEntry_CDBI_Description indexEntryColumnKey (indexEntryID . indexEntryKey) --- Updates an existing `IndexEntry` entry by its key. updateIndexEntry :: IndexEntry -> Database.CDBI.Connection.DBAction () updateIndexEntry = Database.CDBI.ER.updateEntry indexEntry_CDBI_Description --- Generates a new database (name provided as the parameter) and --- creates its schema. createNewDB :: String -> IO () createNewDB dbfile = do conn <- Database.CDBI.Connection.connectSQLite dbfile Database.CDBI.Connection.writeConnection cstr conn Database.CDBI.Connection.disconnect conn where cstr = unlines ["create table 'IndexEntry'('Key' integer primary key ,'Name' string not null ,'Version' string not null ,'Dependencies' string ,'CompilerCompatibility' string ,'Synopsis' string ,'Category' string ,'SourceDirs' string ,'ExportedModules' string ,'ExecutableSpec' string);"] --- Saves complete database as term files into an existing directory --- provided as a parameter. saveDBTo :: String -> IO () saveDBTo dir = do Database.CDBI.ER.saveDBTerms indexEntry_CDBI_Description sqliteDBFile dir --- Restores complete database from term files which are stored --- in a directory provided as a parameter. restoreDBFrom :: String -> IO () restoreDBFrom dir = do Database.CDBI.ER.restoreDBTerms indexEntry_CDBI_Description sqliteDBFile dir --- Runs a DB action (typically a query). runQ :: Database.CDBI.Connection.DBAction a -> IO a runQ = Database.CDBI.ER.runQueryOnDB sqliteDBFile --- Runs a DB action as a transaction. runT :: Database.CDBI.Connection.DBAction a -> IO (Database.CDBI.Connection.SQLResult a) runT = Database.CDBI.ER.runTransactionOnDB sqliteDBFile --- Runs a DB action as a transaction. Emits an error in case of failure. runJustT :: Database.CDBI.Connection.DBAction a -> IO a runJustT = Database.CDBI.ER.runJustTransactionOnDB sqliteDBFile